Crystals for Intuition • Amethyst

A large amethyst crystal.

Crystals for Intuition • Amethyst

If you are familiar with the chakras, you might look at the Amethyst stone and immediately draw a connection to the Third Eye Chakra.

Amethyst for Third Eye Chakra

You would be correct to do so. Amethyst shares a strong resonating bond with the Third Eye Chakra, which is a shade of violet, just like Amethyst.

Ajna, The Realm of the Psychic Mind

Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra, is the realm in which the psychic mind resides. A healthy Third Eye Chakra leads to an empowered intuition and enhanced psychic ability.

Two purple amethyst bracelets from Conscious Items on a wooden slab.
Amethyst Purification Bracelet from Conscious Items.

Amethyst Enhances Intuition

If you tend to lean towards a more psychic persuasion, Amethyst is an excellent companion for your transcendent mind. It can help energize intuition, making it easier to know and understand divinatory information.

Using Amethyst for Psychic Protection

An attack on your psychic mind doesn’t have to constitute someone giving you the evil eye. It can be any force that seeks to corrupt and pervert your spirit. That’s why it’s prudent to be mindful of this and protect yourself psychically with Amethyst.

A Protective Shield with Amethyst

Envision the stone’s energy forming a violet shield around your whole body. This protective shell will keep misaligned spiritual energies from entering your spiritual space and causing you psychic harm.

What is Amethyst Good for Spiritually?

Amethyst seems to glow with divine light. The energy from within the stone seeks to remind us of its heavenly connection to the matters of spirit and the celestial realm.

Amethyst for Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra, which connects us to our higher selves, resonates with the vibration of the Amethyst stone and responds to it. As such, Amethyst can provide a conduit by which divine energy and information can flow.

Empower Your Divinatory Tools with Amethyst

Tarot readers, tea leaf readers, or anyone who uses tools that require tapping into the ley lines of the Divine can benefit from Amethyst. Keeping Amethyst near your divinatory tools will go far to help them vibrate with celestial and psychic energy.

A person with long, manicured nails holding an amethyst cluster in the palm of their hand.

Lucid Dreaming with Amethyst

Often we are passive actors in our dreams. Our dream plays out how it will, without much intervention from the dreamer. If we don’t play an active role in our dreams, recalling them can be difficult.

Remember Your Dreams with Lucid Dreaming

This is unfortunate because our dreams hold many important messages and symbols that can lead to powerful insights. To not miss out on these symbols, you might turn to lucid dreaming to better remember them.

What is Lucid Dreaming?

While lucid dreaming, you are self-aware of the fact that you are dreaming. Consequently, you can become a more active participant in your dream. You may even be able to control how things play out.

Using Amethyst for Lucid Dreaming

A little amethyst tucked away under your pillow can help make your attempts at lucid dreaming more successful. Additionally, if you find yourself frequently having trouble getting to sleep altogether,

How Amethyst Encourages Lucid Dreams

Amethyst can help quiet the mind, making sleep more accessible. In keeping with its power of moderating overindulgence, you can rest assured that Amethyst will also aid you in making sure you don’t oversleep.

Close-up of a purple amethyst crystal.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

Related: Crystal Magic

Amethyst cluster sitting on a wooden counter.

Amethyst: The Sobriety Stone

There is something within the Amethyst’s captivating and regal violet hue that seems to bring peace. She is a sobering stone. The amethyst gem helps us dispel the haze that keeps us in bondage and prey to our many addictions and compulsions. Amethyst provides a soothing, restful vibe when all we seek is …

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A person with long, manicured nails holding an amethyst cluster in the palm of their hand.

Crystals for Success • Amethyst

To create and run a successful business at times requires a sober mind. You will have to make difficult decisions that will impact the company for good or bad. And your business will sink or swim depending on how clear your vision is for the future of the enterprise. Fortunately, Amethyst can help you …

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An amethyst crystal geode against a black background.

Amethyst Mythology: The Story of Amethyste and Bacchus

The most popular myth involving amethyst is a rather recent phenomenon. French poet Remy Belleau’s (1528 – 1577) poem “L’Amethyste, ou Les Amours de Bacchus et de Amethyste” is a story about Amethyste, a maiden, and her unfortunate encounter with the god of wine and revelry, Bacchus. Bacchus was heedlessly pursuing …

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Close-up of a purple amethyst crystal.

Amethyst for Anxiety • Stress Relief with Amethyst

The Amethyst gem is a stone for those who could use a little extra calm in their lives — basically all of us. Hence why it is one of the more popular crystals when it comes to dealing with stress and anxiety. Amethyst can help bring you to a state of balance and calm. It is a tempering stone, bolstering …

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The Crystal Bridge: Kyanite Stone Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings

Kyanite is a proverbial crystal bridge -- a crystal of connection that mends the disconnect in all aspects of our lives. -- Kyanite Stone Meaning and Uses

The Magic of Kyanite Stone

Deep and meaningful, real connections are something quite lacking in this day and age. We pass strangers on the street and feel no compulsion to greet them or even look in their general direction.

We engage in whole conversations online or through text and walk away no closer than if we had never engaged in the conversation at all.

But not just others; connection to ourselves is something we also lose sight of. Our body constantly sends us signals – little status checks to let us know how we’re doing health-wise – and it’s very possible to miss them altogether.

We suffer from things like anxiety and depression, unable to suss out the true cause of these mental disorders because we’ve lost connection to the cause a long time ago.

Connection is important to our mind, body, and soul. We are designed to be connected – not designed to exist in isolation.

That’s what makes Kyanite Stone such a powerful tool. Kyanite is like a proverbial crystal bridge — a powerful crystal of connection that seeks to mend the disconnect in all aspects of our life – social, physical, spiritual…even psychic.

Magical Ways to Use Kyanite Stone

  1. Kyanite Stone can help in connection and communication with others.
    • In our social interactions, Kyanite is a helpful mediator. It can help repair the damage in relationships that comes from being unable to truly communicate with one another, by helping facilitate the means by which true communication and understanding can flow.
  2. Use Kyanite to help settle arguments.
    • In the heat of an argument, where pride and ego can make it difficult to come to common ground, the Kyanite stone provides the bridge to help both parties come to resonance and understanding that makes agreement and resolution possible.
  3. Bring Kyanite Stone to the negotiating table.
    • Negotiating on behalf of yourself can be intimidating. Whether it be to procure a higher pay raise or buy a car, you want to make sure that the terms are fair and adequately represent what you deserve.
    • Kyanite can help with these negotiations, by making sure the best needs of all parties are understood and represented in a way that’s fair and reasonable.
  4. Kyanite Stone can help you remember someone’s name if you’ve forgotten it.
    • We’ve all been in a situation where we’ve been approached by someone whose name we should know but for the life of us can’t remember.
    • If you can discreetly reach for the Kyanite Stone you have wisely tucked away in your pocket for occasions just as this and briefly touch your forehead with it, it can help with recalling their name and save you the embarrassment.
  5. Use Kyanite Stone to gain access to your childhood memories.
    • As we grow older, our childhood memories and the treasures therein can slowly start to slip from our recall as present-day concerns seek to take all the bandwidth our mind has to offer. But remembering our childhood is important as what occurs during childhood explains who we are today.
    • Kyanite provides a bridge to accessing those long-lost memories. Rub Kyanite Stone on the brow and it can help make childhood reminiscence more fruitful, as well as make it easier to unpack, make sense and heal from occurrences – for better or worse – that affected us during our younger years and still do today.
  6. Find your true purpose with Kyanite Stone.
    • What is your Soul’s purpose? What were you put on this planet to do? In pursuing our ambitions and desires, the answer to these questions can oftentimes get lost. Allow Kyanite Stone to reconnect you to your true calling.
    • Through reflection and introspection, Kyanite Stone can help you gather a composite of all the pieces of your identity that represent who you are – your various interests, deepest desires, and most fulfilling dreams and goals – so that you can see how all these elements are connected to express the real you.
  7. Kyanite Stone can help defeat destructive mentalities.
    • If you’re stuck in self-destructive patterns, or can’t escape fatalistic, self-defeating mindsets, allow Kyanite to provide a bridge out of this cycle by helping you shift your energy into a paradigm that is more beneficial to your overall well-being.
  8. Use Kyanite to connect to the telepathic mind.
    • Only 10% of communication is verbal. Part of communication is what we express in physical cues, but some of what we try to express is communicated through our innate ability for telepathy.
    • Telepathy isn’t just for psychics or those gifted with such propensities. To truly express yourself, and be understood by others, it is important to be able to tap into this ability that is part of the basic human toolkit.
    • Kyanite connects us to our telepathic mind, making it easier to tap into this ability to be more effective communicators.

The Magic of Orange Kyanite

Kyanite is a proverbial crystal bridge -- a crystal of connection that mends the disconnect in all aspects of our lives. -- Kyanite Stone Meaning and Uses

Orange Kyanite seems to glow with a beautiful inner fire that warms the soul. Its power ignites the Sacral Chakra – the seat of creation – where our creativity and the essence of our passions and desires stem from.

Also known as the fertility chakra, the Sacral Chakra is where all new things within us are born – from new ideas to new life itself. Orange Kyanite helps encourage a fertile landscape within the Sacral Chakra where the inner child can create and play.

As the Sacral Chakra is “the dwelling place of the self,” Orange Kyanite can work in tandem with this chakra to help you reconnect to your truest self and your innermost feelings. The stone can help with articulating your real identity and emotions for more authentic self-expression.

When the Sacral Chakra is out of balance, it can be easy to become disconnected from your feelings and suppress emotions. The Orange Kyanite stone help empowers and heals this chakra, helping to reinstate a healthy flow of true emotion and feeling and assisting you in reconnecting to your true sentiments.

And while Orange Kyanite stone harmonizes well with the Sacral Chakra, don’t forget it is also capable of clearing all other chakras as well. In addition, Orange Kyanite can help strengthen our intuition as well as awaken our empathic and clairsentient abilities.

Discovered recently in Tanzania, the beautiful Orange Kyanite stone provides a wonderful compliment to the energies housed within the Kyanite family. Its forte is to reconnect us to that which uplifts, inspires, and deeply moves us.

Allow Orange Kyanite to help you rekindle the flames of your deepest passions and desires. Its energy can help stimulate a lethargic imagination, making it easier to access fresh and innovative ways of thought while helping you see outside the box and into new ideas.

If suffering from a lackluster libido and diminished ability to connect and become intimate, Orange Kyanite can help you engage your sensual and sensitive side. Its power can help warm cooled passions and give expression to your deepest desires.

The Magic of Green Kyanite Stone

Kyanite is a proverbial crystal bridge -- a crystal of connection that mends the disconnect in all aspects of our lives. -- Kyanite Stone Meaning and Uses

The soft, comforting seafoam hues of the Green Kyanite Stone harmonize with the Heart Chakra, the hub of our emotional well-being. By conduit of the loving, healing energies of the Heart Chakra, Green Kyanite connects us to our ability to be open with and embrace the world around us.

The Heart Chakra helps us manage the ever-changing nature of our emotional state, aiding us in keeping the flow of our emotions balanced so that we are not overwhelmed by this very normal function of our human nature.

With Green Kyanite, you will find it easier to make peace with the emotional changes that naturally occur in any relationship, helping you accept higher states of understanding, intimacy, and connection.

Green Kyanite provides a portal into the natural world, where we are then able to witness the perfect order and harmony that exists in nature, and connect with nature spirits and devas.

The Magic of Blue Kyanite Stone

At the root of blue kyanite stone’s powerful energy is magic that connects us to the truth of our emotions. Effusing soothing, peaceful energy, the stone helps engender within us renewed patience and restores our ability to trust and believe.

Blue kyanite reminds us to seek to be honest and sincere in all situations, inspiring us to act responsibly and with honor and integrity. It is a stone that breeds the values that bring respect and trustworthiness.

For those suffering from addiction, blue kyanite stone can help provide the endurance needed to free you from your compulsions. When dealing with destructive patterns and habits, allow blue kyanite stone to help you break the vicious cycle.

Allow blue kyanite to wash away feelings of deep grief and heal the sting of painful memories so that you can move on and move forward to healing and peace. Its power can help break the chains of guilt, making it easier to find your way to self-forgiveness.

The lesson of the blue kyanite stone is to strive to show ourselves respect and always err on the side of compassion. Its powerful energy reminds us of our humanity and our need to practice discretion and discipline to live a life of honor.

Blue Kyanite encourages us to give more of ourselves and teaches us that acting selflessly is its own reward. It embodies the spirit of charity and shows us the honor of serving others.

The Magic of Pink Kyanite

Kyanite is a proverbial crystal bridge -- a crystal of connection that mends the disconnect in all aspects of our lives. -- Kyanite Stone Meaning and Uses

Soft, gentle energy emanates from the incredibly rare Pink Kyanite stone. With its soft, kindly power, it helps us connect with our ability to love purely and unconditionally while strengthening our capacity for empathy and compassion.

We are made to feel comfortable and warm by the energy of the Pink Kyanite stone. It helps instill our hope with renewed fortitude, refreshing our positivity and optimism.

Pink Kyanite carries an ability to soothe impassioned emotions quelling and cooling even the most combustible of tempers. It can also provide comfort and a sense of companionship to those suffering from neglect in its many forms.

Allow Pink Kyanite to provide a window by which you can revisit your most cherished childhood memories. Its energy recalls the essence of innocence of youth, as well as gives voice to our inner child.

The Magic of Black Kyanite Stone

Kyanite is a proverbial crystal bridge -- a crystal of connection that mends the disconnect in all aspects of our lives. -- Kyanite Stone Meaning and Uses

Like jagged black arrows directed at the root of our being, Black Kyanite Stone gets right to the base of our chakral system – the Root Chakra – and deals with all the concerns that chakra. It also houses the ability to clear all other chakras.

The Root Chakra is the chakra where all of our basic needs are addressed and fulfilled – our need for food, shelter, and safety. It is the chakra that connects us to Earth’s most primal energies, and from where our survival instinct arises.

Black Kyanite is an immensely protective stone. It offers us a sense of security while we deal with the concerns of the temporal, physical world. Fears that arise from our need to satisfy our worries about food, shelter, and safety are made to be less daunting in the presence of the Black Kyanite stone.

The stone then takes us a step further with its energy providing us a sense of empowerment and inner strength as we tackle the everyday beasts of the real world. Its power helps us find the grounding and foundation we need to withstand the shifting sands of the earthly realm.

With Black Kyanite by our side, we will find it easier to find anchors in the physical plane so that we truly connect to the reality of our world – not lost adrift in the cloud of fears and insecurities that come from having a lack of foundation and grasp of what is real.

Kyanite Stone and the Chakras

Kyanite Stone is connected to the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.

The Throat Chakra is the valve by which our soul expresses itself. It is the communication center of the chakra system, mediating not only how accurately and clearly we express ourselves, but our ability to listen and comprehend what is being expressed to us.

Kyanite conveys the energies of the Throat Chakra vividly, as it is a stone that improves our ability to communicate and assists our efforts to speak truthfully and with clarity.

The Third Eye Chakra is the seat of our consciousness and intuition. Located just behind the brow, the Third Eye Chakra engages our psychic mind, giving us true sight to matters of the world around us and within us.

With Kyanite, we empower the Third Eye Chakra’s ability to manage the communication between our internal psyche and external awareness. The stone connects us to our inner voice and gives us a better propensity to hear it and articulate it more fluidly.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

The Stone of the Moon: Selenite Metaphysical Meaning and Uses

A selenite crystal sphere that almost resembles the moon with a subtle glow, sitting on a darkened surface against a dark background.

The Magic of Selenite

A conduit of powerful, celestial energy, Selenite is often called the “liquid light of spirit” as it houses seraphic forces within its ethereal bonds. Its name is not a coincidence; the stone is named after the Titan Goddess of the Moon, Selene, the goddess who traverses the veiled night with the light of her moon chariot.

Selenite is a stone for divine clarity, giving us a heaven’s eye view of our temporal realm and providing insight into the Grand Scheme and how it influences the seemingly mundane circumstances of our everyday life.

The quintessential “stone of the moon,” Selenite connects us to the celestial realm and our better guides and angels. The stone acts as a medium of communication, helping us receive divine symbols and messages with more ease and lucidity.

Two Selenite crystal towers from Conscious Items.

Use selenite to attune yourself to the mystical energies of the spiritual plane. The stone’s pure, ethereal energy can also help cleanse the aura of disruptions, as well as provide a buffer against maligned or negative energies from people and the environment.

Selenite’s energy is the key to higher levels of consciousness and awareness. It is connected to the Crown Chakra, which is the portal to our higher selves, as well as the lesser-known Etheric Chakras, which contain information of the highest spiritual magnitude.

A colorless, arrow-shaped gypsum selenite specimen.

Selenite Magical Correspondences

  • Energy: Receptive
  • Planet: Moon
  • Element: Water
  • Magical Attributes: Reconciliation, Energy

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham.

Protection with Selenite

Grid your house or workspace with selenite crystals. You can place them in the corners of the room or house to protect the area from undesired outside influences while promoting an energizing and elevating environment. Inundated by people who seem to drain your energy? Wear a selenite pendant, as it can help protect against the negativity of others.

It’s nothing out of the ordinary for a child to be afraid of the dark. Help quell your child’s fears by keeping a selenite egg or cluster nearby your child’s bed. Let them know that the moon’s angelic light is captured within the stone, and will shine on them and keep them safe while they sleep.

Selenite for Divination

Selenite can be used to clear and ready the mind for divine revelation. It promotes purity of thought, making it easier to receive and understand celestial information unclouded by temporal influence. Use selenite to connect and communicate with spirit guides, as well as access and understand spiritual symbols and signs. Laying in the center of a selenite grid is quite a mystical experience, and can help stimulate spiritual ascension.

Accessing Past Lives with Selenite

It is believed that selenite carries all of history within its linear striations. This makes selenite the ideal stone for accessing ancient wisdom and knowledge. Allow the stone to help you access your between-life state, helping you touch base with your soul’s progress throughout your lives as well as understanding more fully the issues of this life and how to overcome them.

A golden yellow Duckbill Selenite specimen.

Selenite as a Magical Tool

You can use Selenite’s cleansing energy to clear your stones and crystals. Consider selenite for your next magical wand, as not only does selenite make magnificent and powerful wands, but they are relatively inexpensive. Keeping selenite nearby your other crystals and magical tools will amplify their power. Selenite records the information of anything that happened in its presence and can be used to scry the truth of a situation if the stone was witnessed.

Improving Communication with Selenite

Selenite is said to hold information within its bounds. It can be used to store telepathic messages, as well as strengthen telepathic communication between people. If there is someone you are looking to reconnect with, send them a piece of selenite, as its energy can help make reconciliation easier.

More Magical Ways to Use Selenite

Consider selenite for all that concerns womanhood. It is perfect for women dealing with the stresses of pregnancy and childbirth, as it can introduce calm.

Consider placing selenite on your yoga mat, as it helps promote mental and physical balance.

Selenite has excellent benefits for those who are business-minded. It can promote harmony and accord in partnerships and help the mind focus to make good business decisions.

A Selenite Harmonious Heart from Conscious Items, sitting in a stream of water.

The Healing Power of Selenite

When trying to understand the healing power of selenite, think “clear”. Selenite crystals can be used to cleanse the aura, as well as clear any blockages and irregularities in your energy field. Use selenite to help clear away negative feelings, such as doubt, jealousy, low confidence, and confusion.

Selenite’s high-frequency energy can be directed into the body to help stimulate healing. By tracing from the back of the neck to the base of the spine with a selenite wand, you can clear blockages. Do this in the opposite direction to smooth the flow of energy.

Selenite has applications for emotional health and well-being as well. It can be used to soothe and stabilize emotions. Those suffering from an attention-deficit disorder or rampant mood swings can also benefit from selenite’s steadying energy. It can also help remove emotional stagnation, which can often be stunting when trying to make progress in life.

Selenite’s energy is excellent for bone health. It is used in crystal healing to align the spinal column and treat deformities in the skeletal system. It can help strengthen and support bones as well as nerves and tendons and is said to promote a flexible and limber muscular system.

A close-up view of a cluster of selenite crystals.

How to Charge and Cleanse Your Selenite Crystals

Selenite has the unique ability to charge and cleanse itself. In fact, selenite is often used to charge other crystals due to its intrinsically pure energy and ability to repel negative energy. However, if you wish to charge your selenite crystal anyway, you can charge it under the light of the moon in any moon phase or with a white candle. Never cleanse selenite with water as it can dissolve your selenite crystal.

Selenite and the Chakras

Selenite is associated with the Crown Chakra, as well as the higher chakras, often referred to as the Etheric Chakras. The Crown Chakra is our connection with divine, spiritual energy, and is the portal to our highest selves. It is the font of our spirituality and houses the knowledge of who we really are and what our place is in the universe.

The Etheric Chakras refer to the series of chakras located above the Crown Chakra. They are deeply entwined with the spiritual world, and provide a doorway to other realms and spiritual planes. They contain information of the highest spiritual magnitude and identify us with The All, oneness, the truest peace, and the deepest wisdom. 

Selenite Interesting Facts

  • The origin of selenite’s name can be sourced to the Ancient Greek word for moon – Selene.
  • Selenite’s name literally translates to “stone of the moon” or “moonstone.” The ancients believed that the energy of certain translucent stones, such as selenite, waxed and waned with the moon.
  • The Salt Plains in northern Oklahoma are the only place in the world to produce the unique “hourglass” selenite. They are named so due to the hourglass pattern that forms within the crystal. These imitable crystal formations occur due to the selenite crystal being formed in wet soil.
  • Selenite can grow to impressively large sizes – more so than most crystals. The largest selenite crystal ever found was found growing in the Naica Mines Cave of Crystals and weighed a staggering 55 tons and was 12 meters long.
  • Selenite does not usually contain imperfections or inclusions. However, there have been instances of water and even fossils found within selenite crystals.
  • Large sheets of selenite crystal comprise all the windows of the Basilica de Saint Sabina, located at Aventine Hill, Rome.
  • Selenite is a very soft crystal. It registers at 2 on the Mohs hardness scale and can be easily scratched using just a fingernail.
  • Selenite will dissolve if left in water over time.
  • Selenite is a variety of gypsum. Other forms of gypsum include desert rose, satin spar and gypsum flower.
  • Selenite, like other gypsum crystals, is generally cold to the touch. This is due to the fact that gypsum crystals have natural thermal insulation properties. 

The Crystal Forge: How Selenite is Formed

Much like table salt, selenite is forged through evaporation. When bodies of water evaporate, it is the chemicals that are left behind that form into selenite, as well as other gypsum crystals.

Through concentration and crystallization, eventually, the selenite crystal emerges. It is important to note that selenite is an evaporative material, meaning that it is water-soluble and will dissolve in water given enough time.

Selenite has a penchant for forming in evaporated seas, salt flats, salt springs, caves, and alkaline lake muds.

Selenite Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does a selenite wand do?
    • Not only are they surprisingly inexpensive, but a selenite wand can also be used to cleanse the aura of negative energy. It can help you “unstuck” stagnant energy, promoting the flow of energy throughout your body, and help with mental clarity.
  • Can you put selenite in water?
    • It is not a good idea to put selenite in water, as it will dissolve.
  • Is selenite good for sleep?
    • Selenite is an ideal stone for sleep as it can help calm and quiet the mind’s chatter, which can oftentimes work contrary to getting a good night’s sleep.
  • What is a selenite tower?
    • Selenite towers are excellent for directing selenite’s protective and calming energies to fill a space. Set them up in the four corners of your workspace or any room and enjoy the pure, cleansing energy it generates. 

Watch the Video: The Magic of Selenite

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content. 

Azurite Crystal • The Speaker’s Stone • Azurite Meaning and Uses

With Azurite, we have a stone that gives power to our voice and awakens our spirit and intuition to deeper things. It is a stone for communicators, and those who channel and communicate with spirits, as well as those with desire to articulate to their inner truth more clearly. -- Azurite Meaning and Uses

The Magic of Azurite Crystal

With Azurite crystal, we have a stone that gives power to our voice and awakens our spirit and intuition to deeper things.

Azurite is a stone for communicators. It expresses its power when used by those who channel and communicate with spirits. Those with a desire to articulate their inner truth more clearly will also find much benefit from the stone.

Azurite crystal is for the intensely psychic — the ones who peer through the veil into mysteries unknown. It is a stone for the deep delvers of truth and spirit.

It is the perfect complement for those who walk unabashedly into mystical realms, allowing them to more easily tune into and communicate what lessons they garner from beyond.

For the dreamers and visionaries whose souls travel onward to planes and worlds unseen, it is the perfect companion.

But on a more pragmatic level, Azurite is for the studious intellectuals and seekers of knowledge. Whether cramming for that final exam or writing complicated theorems on advanced subjects, Azurite provides a clear lens for the mind to analyze and a deep reservoir for the storage of information. This powerful stone lends its energies to improving mental recall, clarity, and function.

Azurite Crystal Magical Correspondences

  • Folk Names: Lapis linguislapis lingua
  • Energy: Receptive
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Water
  • Attributes: Psychic Abilities, Dreams, Divination, Healing

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham.

Magical Ways to Use Azurite Crystal

Gaze deep and reflect on Azurite’s brilliant blue hues the next time you sit down for an in-depth meditation. Azurite’s power is receptive. It empowers us from within, making it the perfect stone for those who are introspective, deep thinkers, and psychics alike. Here are just some of the magical ways you can use the energies within Azurite to your benefit.

Azurite and the Chakras

Azurite engages the Third Eye Chakra,  Throat Chakra, and Heart Chakra.

The Third Eye Chakra empowers our intuition and imagination. By way of the Heart Chakra, Azurite can help with communication issues, as well as being understood, and understanding others more clearly.

As it resonates with the Heart Chakra, Azurite can help you develop your self-love. Likewise, it can strengthen your capacity to understand and love others.

Azurite and the Psychic Mind

Use Azurite to stimulate the mind, awaken psychic powers, and strengthen intuitive abilities.

Keep Azurite nearby while meditating. It can help deepen the meditative experience and open you up to more spiritual insight and understanding.

For those who are keen on divinatory pursuits, such as Tarot readers and psychic mediums, keep Azurite close by. It can help open up the channels needed to access divinatory information. Azurite also makes it easier to communicate the information you have gathered.

Keep Azurite on a nightstand nearby or under the pillow before going to bed to inspire prophetic dreams. It can also encourage visions and spark new spiritual insights and ideas.

Azurite can be of assistance when delving deep into the subconscious and trying to discern past lives. It helps the mind remove the trappings of ego and dispel the illusory world. Once not hindered by these things you can more easily see what’s hidden and the world beyond.

Azurite and Mental Clarity

As an excellent stone for intellect and mental clarity, Azurite can help you keep focus and concentration. Carry it with you when preparing to take an exam for assistance with memory retention.

Azurite can help calm the mind, alleviating mental anxieties, and melancholy. It is an excellent stress reliever and can help with controlling and balancing emotions.*

Use Azurite to uncover the root of your phobias. Its energy can help uncover what lies beneath our deepest fears and unmask them for what they truly are.

For those in their elder years with the concerns that come with age, Azurite is the perfect companion. It can help with keeping mental alertness, making it easier to maintain independence.*

Azurite and Self-Empowerment

Azurite can help lessen feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. It can help dispel fears and nervousness, especially when speaking and communicating with others.

Dealing with bullies or having people walk all over you can leave you feeling less than empowered. In those instances, consider carrying Azurite. It can help you communicate your boundaries more effectively. Azurite can also help you develop the voice you need to stand up for yourself.

Azurite Divination

A simple divination spell involving Azurite: In a darkened room, take two white candles and place an Azurite crystal between the two of them, then light the candles. Pick up the Azurite and hold it in your hand until it starts to feel warm.

During this time, close your eyes and try to clear your mind of thought. Once you start to feel the stone’s energy “touching” you, open your eyes and gaze upon the stone. You will soon receive the answers you seek.

Azurite and the Healing Power of Sound

Amplify azurite’s healing power by coupling it with sound. Calm and soothing sounds such as Gregorian chants, choral music, and drums are intensified while Azurite is nearby.

Watch the Video: The Meaning of Azurite

Interesting Facts About Azurite Crystal

Wherever you might find copper ore or Malachite, note that Azurite may be lurking nearby. Azurite is a form of copper ore and shares very close similarities with Malachite stone, so much so that sometimes it will transform and become Malachite stone itself. (Another peculiar way Malachite is connected to the energy of transformation, but that’s another article.) Here are more interesting facts you may not have known about Azurite.

Azurite also goes by the name of Chessylite, named for the Chessy-Les-Mines near Lyon, France.

Azurite is a soft stone, measuring 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Although not the most useful pigment as it loses stability under exposure to air, Azurite has been commonly used as a pigment in antiquity.

Mixing Azurite pigment with oil turns it green and mixing it with egg yolk turns it green-gray.

Azurite and Malachite are often found banded together, forming what is called Azure-malachite.

“Bluebird” is the name of a rare mixture of Azurite and Cuprite, and forms a dark red stone.

It is possible for Azurite to become Malachite. In some locations, Azurite will undergo a chemical change, losing some of a chemical known as hydroxyl and becoming Malachite.

Some of the best quality and largest Azurite specimens come from Tsumeb, Nambia, although you can find Azurite in other places such as Morocco, France, Germany, Mexico, and the United States.

Azurite’s name comes from the Persian word lazhwardwhich means blue. It shares this in common with Lapis Lazuli — “lazuli” also coming from this root.

Azurite is a form of copper ore and is a common find in copper mines.

The Crystal Forge: The Making of Azurite Crystal

A little water is all it takes.

Just drops really. Slowly…steadily, seeping into the cracks and crevices of the copper ore. Bonding with the copper. Becoming one with the metal.

But alas, we will need a little more ingredients for the magic to unfold. Some carbon. A pinch of oxygen. There. It begins.

The concoction becomes an acid – carbonic acid. It bubbles and fizzles effervescently as it breaks up the copper’s bonds. Yes, even metal can be worn down by the mighty power of water. Just give it time.

An azurite specimen with beautiful, deep rivets.

Copper particles are loosened from their home to become one with the aqueous mix. Watercoppercarbonand oxygen now working in tandem to become something more than the sum of their parts.

But what will this precious alchemy unveil? What glorious transmutation is about to take place?

They say a river always finds the ocean. Water moves. It must move. It moves us all. Some of this precious fluid – the crucible of what will become something purely magical – will travel until it finds a location just right.

It will travel by way of the cracks and crevices of the copper ore. It will seep into the pores of the ore, and travel along its veins infusing it with enchanted blood.

This blood will eventually transform all of the ore itself into something completely different if left to its own devices.

And with a mix of the right conditions, be it the right temperature or the right chemical materials to become a catalyst, you will see water, copper, carbon, and oxygen takes on their new form.

A crystal lattice emerges. It will emerge at first as little flecks of blue spots surfacing on the copper ore. An unaided eye might not even catch it. But those flecks will grow.

It will start to look almost like the spots of mold you might find on an old slice of bread. But this is far from mold. It’s sheer crystalline magic.

The blue spots will grow to become azure nodules, and then the nodules will grow. And if the conditions that gave rise to this phenomenon persist, eventually the copper ore will be no more. It will have completely transformed into something new…something very blue.


A cross-section of an Azurite Malachite stone. • Azurite Meaning and Uses

Azurite Crystal Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Azurite Crystal?

Azurite provides many benefits for psychics, mediums, and mystics. Those focused on their spiritual path and growing closer to their inner truth can also benefit from the Azurite stone.

Hold Azurite in the palm of your hand when engaging in deep meditation. This will allow its energies to guide you to the root of your heart, soul, and mind’s truest will and desire.

Azurite is connected to and equipped to heal the Throat ChakraHeart Chakra, and Third Eye Chakra.  With its connection to the Throat Chakra, it can heal this chakra which facilitates our ability to communicate and understand others.

It’s Azurite’s connection to the Heart Chakra that makes it of benefit to those who seek better connection in their relationships and a higher sense of empathy. Azurite’s link to the Third Eye Chakra helps us open up our intuitive pathways and psychic ability.

A cross-section of an azurite stone, with bands of bronze, light and dark blue.

What is Azurite Malachite?

Azurite Malachite, as the name suggests, is a combination of both Azurite and Malachite. The deep, brilliant blue of Azurite tends to wear during weathering, and the mineral will lose some of its hydroxyls. This causes Azurite to morph into Malachite over time. The process forms a beautifulswirling mixture of Azurite and Malachite.

You can find the best specimens of Azurite Malachite in the United States. Likewise, China also houses an impressive amount of Azurite Malachite stone, as well as other locations where you might find copper ore.

What is the meaning of Azurite Malachite?

Azurite has the ability to help us comb the depths of our soul and psyche, helping us to discover and articulate our inner truth and Malachite is the “stone of transformation.”

The two combined become wonderful and powerful agents for welcoming the change that might come into your life when you’ve engaged in some deep soul searching and are ready to live out your personal truth.

An Azurite Malachite specimen.

What is Azurite Chrysocolla?

Azurite is often found growing in conjunction not only with Malachite but with gem silica called Chrysocolla. Alluring shades of turquoise and cyan intermingle to give it is beautiful, enlivening hue.  In addition, Chrysocolla brings a soft, gentle touch to the compelling blue of Azurite.

Chrysocolla is not a mineral-like Azurite, but gem silica. However much like Azurite, it is soft and less than ideal for jewelry making unless combined with quartz.

You will find Azurite Chrysocolla in Mexico, Peru, the United States, Israel, Chile, and anywhere you can locate copper ore.

What is the Meaning of Azurite Chrysocolla?

Azurite and Chrysocolla combine to become the quintessential stone for communicators. Azurite’s striking blue hue is a reminder of its ability to help us cut through the confusion that can muffle our truest expressions. Chrysocolla is a gentle stone, helping us temper our voice and message with compassion, kindness, and the air of peace.

Azurite Chrysocolla reminds us that it is important to articulate yourself honestly and clearly. It is also a reminder to choose your words with wisdom and compassion. This is a great stone for those who need to have a difficult conversation with a loved one and have a need to choose their words carefully to avoid causing further pain

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The Heaven’s Stone: Sapphire Stone Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings

Sapphire has been used throughout history for its powers over prophecy and its connection to the Divine. -- Sapphire Stone Meaning and Uses

The Meaning of Sapphire

Sapphire has been used throughout history for its powers over prophecy and its connection to the Divine. -- Sapphire Stone Meaning and Uses

Sapphire is the stone of royalty, wisdom, and celestial hope. Like the expanse of the heavenly, blue sky, sapphire represents a heavenly vision and the faith in all that is sacred. It is a stone that lends itself well to the seeking of spiritual truth.

The Buddhists believe sapphire can assist in facilitating spiritual insight and enlightenment. The robes of royalty were often adorned in sapphire as a symbol of status. Clergymen would were sapphire-colored robes to signify their ties to the divine and spiritual matters. 

The Magic of Sapphire

Sapphire has been used throughout history for its powers over prophecy and its connection to the Divine. It is used to bring deep spiritual insight and is also believed to draw in good fortune. They can be used for protection, especially protection against dark magic and ill-intent.

Sapphire can help focus the mind and will to make the manifestation of dreams and goals a reality. It is a stone of learning and can help the mind concentrate while improving mental acuity. In terms of crystal healing, sapphire is used to treat fevers and burns, as well as ailments affecting the eyes and sight.

Sapphire Stone Uses

Consider carrying some tumbled sapphire stone with you before taking a difficult test, or have some around while you are studying to help improve your concentration. When meditating, place a sapphire stone on your palm to help resonate with the energies of intuition and spiritual insight it provides. You can wear a sapphire stone pendant around the neck to help heal the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.

Sapphires are the birthstone of September, so consider giving a friend or loved one the gift of a sapphire stone if their birthday falls in this month. Sapphire is also used to celebrate a 65th anniversary, known as the Sapphire Jubilee, so consider giving the gift of sapphire when celebrating this anniversary.

12 Things You Should Know About Sapphire Stone

  1. Sapphire is connected to wisdom and intuition.
    • It is a good stone for seekers of spiritual truth and can help with meditation and uncovering intuitive and psychic abilities.
  2. Sapphire is used for protection.
    • It can ward against dark magic, ill-intent, and negative energies, and can be used for protection during ritual or psychic workings.
  3. Sapphire can help with learning.
    • It is powerful when it comes to learning and mental acuity. It can help raise concentration and focus and assist with mental clarity.
  4. Sapphire is used for healing.
    • It is used in healing to treat fever, burns, and inflammation. It is also used to treat eye and skin conditions as well as ease symptoms of depression.*
  5. Sapphire is used in stimulating the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.
    • The Throat Chakra governs the ability to communicate, while the Third Eye Chakra is associated with our intuition.
  6. Sapphire is actually the mineral corundum.
    • Corundum can be found in almost any color of the rainbow, such as pink, black, blue, green, and clear.
  7. Sapphires cannot be red.
    • A red sapphire is simply called a Ruby.
  8. Sapphire stone has remarkable hardness.
    • They register at 9 on the Mohs hardness scale. Due to their incredible hardness, they are often used in infrared optical equipment and high-durability windows, among other uses.
  9. Sapphire is the birthstone of September.
    • It is also used to celebrate the 65th anniversary, sometimes called the “Sapphire Jubilee.”
  10. The name Sapphire comes from the Sanskrit word shanipriya.
    • Shanipriya literally means “dear to Saturn,” and Sapphires are astrologically associated with Saturn.
  11. Sapphires symbolized Heaven during the Middle Ages.
    • Clergy would wear sapphire to express their connection to the Divine, and commonfolk believed wearing the stone would attract heavenly blessings.
  12. Sapphire embraces order, structure, and self-discipline.
    • It is believed that a sapphire stone will lose its luster if near an undisciplined, impious person.

Watch the Video: Sapphire — The Heaven’s Stone

Sapphire Stone Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the use of Sapphire?
    • Sapphire stone is used to create beautiful jewelry, such as pendants, necklaces, and earrings. Whether it is set in jewelry alone or coupled with other complimentary gems such as diamond and topaz, sapphire makes a celestial addition to any jewelry piece.
    • Sapphire stone is also used in crystal healing. It is used to align the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, heal ailments that affect the eyes and throat, and soothe fevers and burns.
    • Sapphire is believed to help improve mental acuity and focus. It can deepen wisdom and spiritual insight as well, and is also used for protection.
  2. Where can Sapphire be found in the world?
    • Sapphire can only be sourced from a few select countries. Most notably, blue sapphire stones are found in Kashmir, Sri Lanka and Burma. It is mined from parts of Thailand, Vietnam, India and Cambodia.
  3. What is the meaning of Sapphire?
    • Sapphire is associated with wisdom and intuition. Royalty and vagrants alike were very attracted to this stone, as it was believed to be connected to the Divine and the Heavens.
    • Sapphire is often used for non-traditional engagement rings. It expresses the sentiments of loyalty, faithfulness, and sincerity. Prince Charles famously gave Princess Diana a sapphire engagement ring, which in later years became the symbol of love between Prince William and Princess Catherine when they became engaged. 
    • Sapphire comes from the Sanskrit word shanipriya, which means “dear to Saturn.” Saturn is also known as the Titan God Cronus was the father of Jupiter and the god for which Saturday and Sunday are named.
  4. What is Sapphire made out of?
    • Sapphire is made of aluminium oxide and the mineral corundum.

See More: Crystals for the Throat and Third Eye Chakra

The Writer's Stone: Blue Topaz Meaning and Uses -- Crystal Meanings

The Writer’s Stone: Blue Topaz Meaning and Uses –Crystal Meanings

The Sea Stone: Aquamarine Meaning and Uses -- Crystal Meanings

The Sea Stone: Aquamarine Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings

The Wisdom Stone: Lapis Lazuli Meaning and Uses -- Crystal Meanings

The Wisdom Stone: Lapis Lazuli Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings

The Sobriety Stone: Amethyst Meaning and Uses -- Crystal Meanings

The Sobriety Stone: Amethyst Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy or content.

The Wisdom Stone: Lapis Lazuli Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings

Lapis Lazuli - Lapis Lazuli Meaning - Elune Blue (3)

The Magic of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is the quintessential stone of wisdom. This beautiful, celestial blue stone has been the symbol of royalty, the gods, spirituality, and psychic visions. The name Lapis Lapis Lazuli comes from the Latin word lapis, which means “stone,” and the Arabic word Azula, which means “blue.”

Lapis lazuli has been part of history and culture for over 6,000 years, treasured by the Mesopotamians, Romans, and Egyptians, among other ancient civilizations. King Tutankhamen’s tomb is actually generously inlaid with lapis lazuli, as Egyptian rulers’ graves were often ornamented with stone.

Six Magical Ways to Use Lapis Lazuli

  1. Lapis Lazuli is used to forge stronger bonds and friendships, promote harmony in relationships, generate inner peace and encourage honesty.
  2. When held, Lapis Lazuli can help amplify the voice of our inner child, and help us to discover and reconnect with our inner and truest self, deepening our self-awareness.
  3. Lapis Lazuli’s beautiful, blue hue encourages us to look within and search for the knowledge inside of us. 
  4. Use Lapis Lazuli to help make it easier to communicate and also help with mental exercises and intellect.
  5. Metaphysically, Lapis Lazuli is used for protection to guard against psychic attacks.
  6. Lapis Lazuli can help open the Third Eye and is a useful companion for meditation and spiritual journeys.

The Healing Power of Lapis Lazuli*

In terms of crystal therapy and healing, lapis lazuli is used to alleviate symptoms of vertigo, heal disorders connected to the throat and thyroid, and cleanse the organs. It can help soothe inflammation and relieve migraines.

When placed near the ear, Lapis Lazuli can help with hearing loss and other ear-related issues. It is used to lower blood pressure and is a great stress reliever.

See the Video: The Wisdom Stone: Lapis Lazuli Meaning and Uses

Lapis Lazuli and the Third Eye Chakra

Lapis Lazuli is associated with the Throat and Third Eye Chakra. Carrying this stone can help inspire creativity and help with self-confidence. The Throat Chakra governs the world of communication. With the third chakra, the ability we have to express ourselves, and also to hear and understand others comes into play.

The Third Eye is the chakra of intuition and spiritual insight, giving us an understanding of our sub-conscious world and helping us to see the material world more clearly. It allows us to peer past the illusion to access the depths of truth. It is the seat of wisdom and conscience.

Lapis Lazuli Stone Properties and Facts

Most Lapis Lazuli comes from mines in Afghanistan and Pakistan, although Russia and Chile are also notable producers of the stone. Lapis Lazuli has a hardness of 5.0 – 5.5 on the Mohs scale. It is actually formed by a myriad of minerals, mostly Lazurite, Sodalite, Pyrite, as well as Calcite.

Ultramarine: The Lapis Lazuli Pigment

Lapis Lazuli’s shimmering, azure blue has been the font of inspiration for paintings since ancient times in the form of a pigment called Ultramarine. Wall paintings in Afghanistan were crafted using lapis lazuli pigment in the 6th and 7th centuries.

The Chinese made copious use of the tantalizing pigment throughout the 10th and 11th centuries. The artist Michaelangelo would grind lapis lazuli to make an ultramarine pigment that he used in his masterpieces. In fact, Europe made use of lapis lazuli pigment extensively throughout the 14th and 15th centuries.

However, due to high export costs and the long extraction process required to produce lapis lazuli pigment, the material was worth its weight in gold…quite literally.

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The Poet’s Stone: Emerald Gemstone Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings

A large collection of raw, pure Emerald shards ranging in caret and clarity resting on a white surface to display the opacity and impurities. Dennis Harper Emerald Sept 2012 parcel 4285 apsm (CC BY ND 2.0)| Emerald Metaphysical Properties and Meaning.

The Magic of Emerald

Emerald is considered the “Stone of Successful Love,” and its meaning is found in the energy it has to help strengthen compassion, unity, friendship, and unconditional love. The name Emerald was first translated from the Sanskrit word Marakata, which means “the green of growing things.

The Greeks also used the word smaragdus meaning “green” to describe the gem. Emerald symbolizes growth and abundance. In Ancient Egypt, emerald was connected to Isis and worn to prevent miscarriages and ease childbirth.

Five Magical Ways to Use Emerald Stone

  1. Emerald is also referred to as “The Poet’s Stone,” as it is considered a source of creativity and inspiration.
  2. Use emerald stone to help with clarity of mind and thought to express oneself better.
  3. Emerald is often used to strengthen marriage and fidelity, and it can balance physical and emotional desires. Emerald can help fortify patience, revitalize the spirit, and is a great stone when trying to sustain marital bliss and contentment in relationships.
  4. Carrying emerald can also help spark passion and give the motivation to sustain a job, a relationship, or a goal.
  5. Emerald has great benefits for the mental faculties and helps with memory retention.

The Healing Power of Emerald Stone*

A series of small emeralds cut into petals and set into gold to form a beautiful emerald flower brooch resting on a tan fabric jewelry holder. Seattle Goodwill Emerald Flower ( CC BY 2.0 ) | Emerald Metaphysical Properties and Meaning |
  • Emerald is also used to heal from past wounds and traumas, as it can help one find forgiveness and hope.
  • It is believed that Emerald can help heal blood issues and epilepsy.
  • Using emerald can also balance emotions and alleviate depression.
  • Emerald is connected to pancreatic and digestive health and is said to help with sleeplessness and nightmares.
  • Emerald is known to help appease the appetite and slow aging.
  • Use emerald around tired eyes to give them a lift, and it can even help improve eyesight.
  • It is believed that emeralds can help make childbirth easier and result in fewer complications.

See the Video: 
The Poet’s Stone: Emerald Stone Meaning and Uses

The Metaphysics of Emerald Stone

Emerald can also help with psychic and intuitive pursuits, and raid psychic awareness and spiritual consciousness. It is especially potent for clairvoyants and is said to be the stone that can “grant all knowledge of past, present, and future. Emerald can help stimulate prophetic dreams and aid with prophecy.

Emerald stone is also believed to shield one from a lover’s unfaithfulness. There is an old folk tale that if your lover is faithful, emerald will glow bright green, but if not it will change color. Among emerald’s metaphysical properties is also its ability to change negative energy into positive.

Emerald and the Chakra

A semi-clear, brilliant 8.1 caret emerald chunk with an auburn golden inclusion well lit and resting atop a white surface to better clearly see the impurities and inclusions. Dennis Harper Emeralld01 olyp 810ct 4247ap (CC BY-ND 2.0) |Emerald Metaphysical Properties and Meaning |

Emerald is associated with the Heart Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra. The Heart Chakra is the healing center of your body, and love and forgiveness go a long way in helping heal past sorrows. It is the chakra of connection.

When the Heart Chakra is open, you will find that you are open, receptive, and connected to the world around you and the ones you love. The Solar Plexus Chakra is where our sense of purpose originates, and at the heart of our self-esteem.

Interesting Facts About Emerald Stone

  • Emerald is a hard stone, ranking 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale, but despite its hardness, it can be easily chipped or scratched. This is due to the inclusions usually found in emeralds that contribute to their fragility.
  • It is very rare that you’ll find an emerald stone that does not contain inclusions; in fact, a fake emerald is easily spotted for its lack of flaws.
  • Emerald is usually found alongside other gems, most commonly quartz.
  • Of the four globally recognized precious stones, emerald is one of them, the others being rubies, sapphires, and diamonds.
  • While emerald is found all over the world, Colombia is the world’s biggest emerald producer.

Emerald Frequently Asked Questions

A brilliant semi-clear emerald chunk lightly covered in golden inclusions, well lit atop a white surface to better see impurities and inclusions. Dennis Harper Emerald03 olym 600ct 4251ap (CC BY-ND 2.0) | Emerald Metaphysical Properties and Meaning |
  1. Can you scratch a real emerald?
    • While emerald is typically a hard stone, ranking 7.5-8 on the Mohs hardness scale, emerald can still be chipped, scratched, or cracked rather easily. The inclusions within emerald contribute to its fragility.
  2. What is the use of emeralds?
    • Emerald can help fortify patience, revitalize the spirit, and is a great stone when trying to sustain marital bliss and contentment in relationships. It can also help spark passion and give the motivation to sustain a job, a relationship, or a goal.
  3. What is the meaning of the emerald birthstone?
    • Emerald is May’s birthstone, and it symbolizes rebirth, good fortune, and youth.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

An up close picture of Emerald Heart earrings, each earring holding several small, clear emerald hearts on wires. Well lit, resting atop a white surface to showcase the clarity of the emeralds. Nikita Kashner Emerald Hearts Closeup (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) | Emerald Metaphysical Properties and Meaning |

The Mind Stone: Orange Calcite Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings and Uses

Orange Calcite - Orange Calcite Meaning and Uses - Elune Blue (800x445)

The Magic of Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite has energies within it that are especially helpful to the mind, and calcite is often referred to as the “stone of the mind.” Its bright, vibrant orange color hints at its ability to ease emotions like depression and fear. It is a great stone for balancing the mind and emotions and is potent when combating phobias.

Orange Calcite can also strengthen intuition and amplify energy work, stimulate spiritual growth, and help with psychic gift development. It is a stone that brings together the physical and the spiritual world. When needing a clear sense of direction on a matter, or when trying to move beyond a rut and get out of lethargy, orange calcite can help you discern the root of the problem and help you discern the right course of action.

Orange Calcite is associated with the Sacral and Root chakra and can be used to cleanse these chakras. It is also good for when some added inspiration and creativity are needed, or when needing a gentle boost of optimism. Orange Calcite can also help enhance the sexual experience.

When needing to be able to concentrate and retain information, orange calcite is an excellent study buddy, as it can increase memory and mental discernment. Keep Orange Calcite nearby when dealing with emotional stress, such as those caused by divorce or an accident, as it can help with the recovery.

Physically, Orange Calcite can help ease symptoms associated with urinary tract disorders, incontinence, and sexual dysfunction. It is also used to prevent bones from decalcifying, and aid in the assimilation of calcium. Carrying Orange Calcite can help energize the body as it amplifies its energy.*

Orange Calcite Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the use of calcite?
    • Calcite has protective energies and can help with grounding and centering. It also lends itself well to boosting creativity and sparking the imagination.
    • Calcite is good for lessening stress and helping one achieve a state of calm and inner peace. It is a stone of reconciliation and can help mend arguments and bring about balance in a relationship.

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