The Love Bean: Vanilla Spiritual Meaning and Magic

Two pastel green Vanilla flowers blooming.

The Love Bean: The Magic of Vanilla

The sweet scent of vanilla is comforting, welcoming, and warm. It is a scent that engenders a loving, cozy feeling — whether it comes from the vanilla-scented candle burning on the coffee table or the freshly baked cookies with a splash of vanilla extract cooling in the kitchen.

The Irresistible Scent of Vanilla

We love vanilla — and vanilla inspires us to love. The scent is irresistible and instantly attractive. Very few can resist vanilla’s compelling and tantalizing aroma. It’s no wonder that the vanilla fragrance is also a powerful aphrodisiac.

Vanilla is Ordinary Yet Extraordinary

There’s something plain and basic but uniquely special about vanilla’s magic. However, vanilla’s story, from seed to harvest, is nothing short of extraordinary. The task of cultivating the perfect vanilla bean is very much an art form.

A person cutting a vanilla flower.

Harvesting Vanilla is an Artform

Very specific conditions must be met or the vanilla flower will never produce its prized fruit. Harvesting the fruit correctly requires impeccable timing, utmost attention, and daily care.

Sweating, Curing, and Conditioning the Perfect Vanilla Bean

After harvest, there is still a whole curing process of sweating, drying, and conditioning that must be undertaken to ensure the vanilla bean attains and retains the utmost quality.

Don’t Take the Magic of Vanilla for Granted

That being said, the next time you sit down to enjoy that wonderful bowl of vanilla ice cream, never make the mistake of taking that vanilla flavor for granted. It is a sheer act of magic that brings vanilla’s taste, scent, and beauty onto your table, into your home, and your life.

Understanding the Symbolism of Vanilla

To understand the magic that lies within the vanilla plant means understanding its scent. The scent of vanilla reminds us of the comforts of home. It is the scent of all that was pleasing and wonderful in our childhood.

The Scent of Vanilla is Cozy and Warm

If the people and places we felt the most comfortable and cozy had a scent, it would be vanilla. It is a welcoming, inviting scent, luring us in with the sweetness and warmth of its aroma.

Vanilla Flowers Evoke Innocence and Purity

The vanilla flower, with its plush, evenly-shaped stark white petals — also harkens to innocence and purity. Between the fragrance and the flower, we can find nothing beguiling about the vanilla plant — it is simply a good thing.

Vanilla beans on a wooden mat.

An Aroma of Celebration

Vanilla is also the life of the party. It is the aroma of celebrations and birthday parties and summer fairs. But it also represents a sense of something basic, original, plain, and comfortably normal — like vanilla ice cream.

Vanilla the Aphrodisiac

With its seductive, honeyed aroma, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that vanilla is a potent aphrodisiac. Its tantalizing fragrance excites and arouses the senses. It is a savor of passion that quickens the blood flow and stimulates the libido.

Chocolatl and Vanilla

The Mayans were keen to incorporate Vanilla into various drinks and concoctions to pique desire. For instance, The storied Mayan beverage, Chocolatl, included an assortment of bewitching flavors and spices, chief among them chocolate and vanilla.

Vanilla beans, some cut and some uncut. A knife is in display as well as a bottle of Kentucky whiskey. A glass container of cut vanilla beans is nearby and this appears to be the setup to make vanilla extract.

Moctezuma’s Favorite Beverage

The legendary Aztec emperor, Moctezuma, was fabled to drink around 50 cups of vanilla-infused beverages a day. Not surprisingly, he was also known to possess a sizeable harem of women to whet his pleasures.

Sexual Desire is Part of Vanilla’s History

Of course, the lesson here isn’t consuming vanilla will make you a prolific womanizer like Moctezuma. Instead, the main takeaway should be that vanilla has a deep history of stimulating sexual desire.

Vanilla’s Aphrodisiac Power for Men

Men especially stand to benefit from the aphrodisiac capabilities of vanilla. Research has shown that vanilla can increase blood flow to the phallus. In this regard, it is more effective than the aromas of other arousing scents, like lavender and pumpkin pie.

A bundle of vanilla beans on a wooden surface.

The Seductive Powers of Vanilla for Women

Not to mention, women can employ the sensual powers of vanilla as well. Treat it like perfume, using a little dab of vanilla oil behind the ears or on the pulse point of the wrists. This will help enhance your seductive powers and provoke the appetitive pleasures of your lover.

Magical Ways to Use Vanilla

When coupled, vanilla and cinnamon can make an amazing and truly powerful mixture. Burning cinnamon and vanilla incense together can raise potent love-attracting vibrations, and cinnamon and vanilla oil can be used to dress and green candles and burned to attract wealth.

Yellow vanilla flower orchids.

Vanilla Can Boost Energy Levels and Concentration

Vanilla beans are full of amazing, uplifting power. Consider carrying one and enjoy a boost to your energy levels. The scent of vanilla is quite potent in quickening the mind and concentration. Allow its scent to help improve your memory recall.

Suppressing Appetite with the Scent of Vanilla

Vanilla is a powerful appetite suppressant. Both ingesting vanilla and its scent will help curb cravings, which can help with weight loss.

Aromatherapy with Vanilla

When engaging in relaxing aromatherapy, don’t forget vanilla. Its scent is an excellent stress reducer and great for combating feelings of anxiety.

A white vanilla flower shining in the light of the sun.

Vanilla Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Vanilla planifolia (Most commonly used form)
  • Folk Names: Banilje, Tlīlxochitl
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Water
  • Magical Attributes: Love, Lust, Mental Ability

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

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A bundle of vanilla beans on a wooden surface.

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