How to Cast a Spell: A Guide for Beginners on Connecting to Universal Magic

A spell is universal energy gathered through use of your personal energy, then imbued with intent and released to create change. -- How to Cast a Spell

Witchcraft: How to Cast a Spell

Firstly let’s begin by understanding what a spell is. At its basest form, a spell is universal energy drawn and gathered through the use of your personal energy (aura), then imbued with personal intent and released back into the universe to be absorbed and create change. Your personal intent determines the change created.

As such, it is very important to keep your personal intent both clear and focused. Being concise is a bonus but we all know the world is not so simple some days. To aid in keeping your intent focused and clear many practitioners advise writing down an incantation, or a set of words spoken with a melodic rhythm used to force all other thoughts but your intent out of your mind.

Many also would advise meditating to ground and center your mind before beginning a spell. These are all great practices to hold and are there to avoid the uncomfortable possibilities wrought by allowing stray thoughts or subconscious mind to weave their way into your intent.

How to Draw Energy from the Universe

But how do we draw universal energy in? Better yet, how do we use our aura to do so? And best of all, why doesn’t this sound like any of the ways to cast a spell you’ve heard before?

Well, if this sounds different than your understanding of how to cast a spell it could be because of the religious overtones used to teach you, or the difference in semantics of thought-form/will-form vs energy. We must first begin our understanding of interacting with universal energy by coming to the realization that humans are made of, powered by, and emit energy.

Our auras are in fact electromagnetic fields created around our body by nerve and brain firings and the electrical currents used to control our bodies. The intensity and frequency of our aura are affected by changes in our moods, the use of different muscles or patterns of muscle-firings (tai chi for instance), and different states of mind.

How to Connect with the Universe Spiritually

Through practice with meditation or even simply long periods of deep reflection and self-awareness, a person can become practiced in becoming consciously aware of the shifts and feel of their energy, what chakra is being drawn on, whether their third eye or crown is involved, and eventually of how external energies feel against it.

It is this very state of mind, where one is aware of the way universal or “magickal” energies feel, that rituals great or small intend to instill in us. Whether it is focusing on the flame of a candle, reciting an incantation, or dancing around a bonfire under the full moon…we intend to free our minds of filters and become aware of self(the self of our nature, outside of what we were taught to be), and through self, we become aware of beyond.

This is not to say that this is the only purpose of any ritual. But rather, that it is one of the purposes of every ritual. It is also important to point out that different states of mind and frames of reference are required for connecting to and using different energies. This is part of the many reasons why we see people often note hexes and curses to work first, and easiest.

The first thing everyone knows how to access quickly and easily is anger, frustration, malice…essential things for these spells. It is much harder to bring yourself to a state of calm, and then choose the energies to connect with consciously and knowingly.

See the Video: How to Cast a Spell: A Guide for Beginners

How to Cast a Spell for Beginners

If you’ve ever sat somewhere for a bit, or even stood in a place that you are familiar with the sights and sounds of then you have found yourself in a moment where your mind seems cluttered, but clear at the same time. Where everything on your mind and everything going on around you was within your awareness, but you didn’t dwell on anything.

You let your thoughts run, let the environment around you change, and be fluid without concerning yourself. This state of mind, this state of calm detachment from self is what you intend to reach to cast a spell with or without incantation or ritual.

Once this is understood it is a simple matter to find or write an incantation that clearly states your intent, search up components with the right magical properties for your spell (silver and moonstone for a moon blessing/purification for instance) and set up for your spell.

Always remember to take your time to clear and center (reach that calm state of mind and begin focusing on your intent) after placing your tools and components, then begin the spell by connecting your energy to that of your tools and components. Beyond that will vary from spell to spell or ritual to ritual…but these steps are essential to accurately manifest your intent. Visualization may help you perform these steps more easily while learning to feel the energy.

See the Video: Connecting with Universal Energy: How to Draw Energy from the Universe

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

What is Witchcraft? A Spiritual Guide to Understanding Magic

A spell is universal energy gathered through use of your personal energy, then imbued with intent and released to create change. -- How to Cast a Spell

What is Witchcraft?

What is Witchcraft? When most people hear the word witchcraft, the first assumption is that it is a religion. Witchcraft, however, is not itself a religion. Yes, there are religious methods and indeed even whole religions that revolve around witchcraft, but that is because of the true nature of witchcraft.

Witchcraft can be considered a spirituality. It is in fact a path of life, and a way of living that can be followed. It is defined as the practice of or use of magic. What is not said in the definition is that magic is the impact on reality our interactions have, and are capable of.

Nor is it said that witchcraft is a set of rules, or structure of natural order that is meant to guide us in self-awareness and understanding of our connectivity to nature and the universe.

Spiritual Aura and Witchcraft

Nikola Tesla once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Human beings, as with all other things in the universe, wholly consist of, are powered by, and emit energy.

We’ve come as a nation and a culture to call this energy emitted a person’s “aura”. The aura is both residual and cyclical. The aura maintains an electromagnetic field around the body, in turn allowing the body to safely create and conduct current without outside interference.

Think of it like the casing around your computer. If that casing was gone and a strong magnet was set on your desk…even at 3 feet it could fry your hard drive. Hell, strong enough magnets can fry it from ten or twenty with no shell to keep its critical parts, the brains of the computer, safe.

Without the aura, this field of energy around our body, our nerves would both emit and sometimes receive stray electrical surges (like static electricity, but worse because it’s from the inside, not built up on hair and skin outside). This would be similar to getting hit with a taser every single time.

Witchcraft has been for thousands of years, and will always be the true and bare understanding of the energy of the universe, and the energy of self. Witchcraft has explained for ages the aura is like an extension of self into the universe. Like a muscle, through practice and understanding of its use, it can be exercised and strengthened.

For ages, Witchcraft has taught that through accessing the energy of the universe, one can impact reality. That is what a spell is. With practiced understanding, and through certain states of mind and movement, a person connects to and uses universal energy with their aura. This energy is given a purpose, the intent of the spell, and then released for the universe to absorb and be changed by.

Watch the Video: Understanding Witchcraft: Delving into the Spiritual Side of Witchcraft

Difference Between Religion and Spirituality

Different religions, sects of occultism, and viewpoints of the metaphysical and esoteric world around use different methods based on their cultures’ accepted or understood practices, or even taboo practices (and for a specific reason) to access the same states of mind.

It is the difference in our geographical and cultural understandings that make the requirements for these varying methods. What would put me in a calm and peaceful, centered state of mind….could very well scare the living hell out of someone in Japan. And perhaps even vice versa.

Because of this need for each society and culture to approach reaching the state of mind where one feels through their energy in a similar fashion to feeling their own skin, we find ourselves inevitably intertwining Witchcraft with Religion in our views and opinions. Just as we do spirituality with religion. Many people who practice spirituality will gladly inform you that it is not a religion, but a practice of understanding self.

Watch the Video: What is Witchcraft: A Spiritual Understanding of the Meaning of Witchcraft

What is Spiritual Witchcraft?

What is Spiritual Witchcraft? Spirituality is a search to find an understanding of what and where you are in the grander scheme of the universe. The only path is to learn. The only failure is to believe you have failed. There is no grand moral or ethical scheme to spirituality. It is but one individual’s path through the universe across great expanses of both space and time.

Witchcraft is and has always been, simply an evolution of spirituality. An evolution that was quashed and suppressed by stigma and fear. Stepping beyond simply understanding where you are in the scheme of things, and learning that you can and are meant to interact with it all.

Even Tesla once said, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more advancements in one decade than all the previous centuries of its existence.”

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

Is Witchcraft Real? A Deeper Understanding into the Meaning of Witchcraft

A spell is universal energy gathered through use of your personal energy, then imbued with intent and released to create change. -- How to Cast a Spell

Is Witchcraft Real? What is Witchcraft?

To answer the question simply, yes witchcraft is indeed real. Witchcraft is defined as the practice of or use of magic.  Of course, this still all sounds like it’s not real without hearing the long answer.

Witchcraft is not a religion, albeit there are still rules and structures that need to be followed. Witchcraft encompasses many religions, though it is mostly thought of in association with Wicca. It is a learning and understanding of universal forces and consciousness, and how to connect to these things in order to impact change in your reality through them. That impact, the thing that happens when practicing witchcraft, is called magic.

We’ve mystified and obscured the truths and nature of these things over millennia, mostly done by religion and religious figures intending to maintain a place in hierarchical societies that held some semblance of sway and power.

What is the Meaning of Witchcraft?

When brought to its bare and most basic nature, witchcraft can be seen as a set of universal structures and rules that magical practices (spells and the like) are bound by. Often it is believed that magic is some mysterious unknown hidden in rituals and shadowed corners, but this is not the case. Magic itself is simply energy imbued with intent.

Witchcraft is simply a way of understanding the means by which you can imbue universal energy with personal intent, thereby actively shaping and impacting personal reality. Everything from the light/wave/particle that rays of light consist of, to the largest planetary body in the universe…holds energy.

How Real is Witchcraft?

We ourselves, though not unique in the quality, project a field of bio-electromagnetic energy around our bodies, observable through Kirlian photography, which we often hear referred to as an “Aura”. Kirlian photography itself was an accidental discovery that led to the finding that we can photograph electromagnetic energy fields and their variations and movements even when taken in a series.

Through focus and intent, it is possible to use this field in much the way you move your muscles, allowing for the gathering and focusing of external (universal) energies. The next step from there is to then imbue the energy with personal intent and personal energy, and ultimately release it back into the world.

See the Video: Is Witchcraft Real? A Deeper Look into the Meaning of Witchcraft

Witchcraft is Real

Things like “The Law of Attraction”, which teach you to focus on positive energies to draw positive things you desire into your life, are based on the use of this energy. It’s not a New Age, newfound practice by any means, being founded on an understanding of synchronicity which has been a naturally occurring phenomenon for ages.

This and many other practices that are burgeoning into our daily lives through cultural mixes, like meditation and Tai Chi, and yoga, all have their basis in the understanding and manipulation of personal energy, the foundation of understanding of any and all magical practices.

So if you believe in any of these things, or already incorporate them into your life, you are already halfway to doing magic….already practicing the quite real witchcraft.

Magic in a Bottle

Cherry Tree Path - Magic in A Bottle - Elune Blue - Featured
Morning Mist 2
“Morning Mist” – Photo by Fon Reijsbergen

Everything is magic.  Every day I am affirmed of this.  There is a certain synergy that orders the entirety universe…and also my meager footsteps.  There is magic in the glistening sunrise, and in the respite of sunset.  There is magic in a child’s eye when they glow because she is happy, and also in an elder’s soul that comes from her wisdom.

Magic is everywhere.  There’s magic in the flowers when they rise to greet the sun in the morning.  The Moon uses her magic to control the tides of the massive ocean.  The world is alive with magic and enchantment.  Magic is the Mist.  Magic is the Wind.  Magic is in the pure white of winter snow.

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“Snow Scene” – Photo by Margot Hamer

Magic is serendipity.  It is the chance encounter that you happen upon that changes your life forever.  Magic is there when two people meet; fall madly in love, and the sparks fly.  The birth of a child is a magical miracle – the creation of new life.  When our loved ones pass and we feel them from beyond…this is magic.  It is unexplained.  It is discovery.  Everything is magic.

And yet, though magic is everywhere, and everything, it is intriguingly mysterious.  It cannot be defined, despite humanity’s best efforts to pin it down…since the beginning of time.  Spells, potions, rituals, and superstitions…all have tried to capture Magic in a bottle, only the have it slip effortlessly through the seams – never being contained, but ever-present.

I will admit in a past life, I too tried desperately to confine what Magic is.  It was almost an obsession of sorts.  I came from a staunchly religious tradition – church, prayers, God, Bibles… was the world I was born into.  Sitting in the pews in my Sabbath’s best, I yearned for the preacher to somehow enliven the drab I felt inside of me.  He never did.  I would call to God in the Heavens to show me magic – show me the power by which his Son walked on water; those miracles that became legend.  I wanted to see it.  I wanted to know that Magic was real….

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“Sunbeam Cross” – Photo by Robert Jedlinski 

…But got no answer.

However, that was a different phase of my life — a different time.  I’ve since drifted from that world and now live and embrace the fact that…magic is everywhere.  And that’s more than enough for me.  Instead of calling for miracles to come down from Heaven, I know that all I need to do is look up at the Moon and see her beautiful glow…is magic.

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“Moon and Trees” – Photo by Jared Swaffold

I’m on a journey, as we all are.  I want to grow in the magic.  I want to learn more about this force that holds my world together.  Magic is no longer the old man sitting on a cloud somewhere in deep space controlling my life.  She is the best friend that walks by my side as I enjoy the beautiful blossoms of spring.  She is the extra ingredient that makes the cookies I bake soft, gooey, and chewy.  Magic is the love in my husband’s eyes as we lay down to rest.

…And I’ve decided I want to learn her name.

Take this journey with me.  I’d like to invite you in.  Perhaps you are curious yourself about Magic.  Come join me, and we’ll find out together.  I want this blog to become a journal of that experience, and you get the key.

Explore Magic…with me.

The Mist of Falls 2
“The Mist of the Falls” – Photo by Brad Merring.

Featured Image: “Cherry Tree Path by Gabriel Doyle.

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