The Hummingbird’s Joy: Honeysuckle Spiritual Meaning and Magic

Pale yellow honeysuckle flower on the tree.

The Magic of Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle exudes happiness and abundance. From its sweet and fruity, elevating fragrance to its curiously-shaped petals that house delectably tasty nectar inside, honeysuckle is exactly what occurs when Mother Nature decides to spoil us with her bounty.

Honeysuckle is Easy to Grow and Maintain

Moreover, unlike most wonderful and pleasant things in Nature that remain too rare and fleeting to enjoy one’s fill, honeysuckle is consistent, sturdy, and dependable — easy to grow, maintain, and replete with many wonderful treasures and delectable secrets.

Transform Any Structure with Honeysuckle

Known for being a hard-to-kill vine, honeysuckle will adhere to any edifice or structure, dedicating itself to growing there indiscriminately and transforming it anew with its charming beauty and captivating aroma.

Dewy, pink honeysuckle flowers.

The Scent of Our Youth

With its tantalizing and unmistakable scent, honeysuckle whisks us away to a time in our youth when enchantment and awe danced whimsically within our young, imaginative minds and hearkens back to a world filled with magic and wonder.

Honeysuckle Symbolizes the Sweetness of Life

Honeysuckle’s magical energy is emblematic of the sweet life — a vine that conveys the essence of all things that bring pleasure and joy. It is a beacon by which the winds of good fortune find their way.

Honeysuckle Magical Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Lonicera caprifoliumLonicera japonica
  • Folk Names: Dutch Honeysuckle, Goat’s Leaf, Woodbine
  • Gender: Masculine
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Element: Earth
  • Magical Attributes: Money, Psychic Powers, Protection, Love

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Magical Ways to Use Honeysuckle

Fresh or dried honeysuckle flowers can be added to wine or tea for a magical concoction. Simply allow the blooms to steep in your beverage, and then strain them when ready to drink.

Passionate Dreams with Honeysuckle

The sweet smell of honeysuckle can inspire dreams of love and passion. Consider burning a honeysuckle candle within the home or spritzing your abode with a honeysuckle room freshener to raise these energies.

Close-up of a dewy, yellow honeysuckle flower.

Honeysuckle and Marriage

Married couples would do well to keep honeysuckle in the home, as doing so can ensure a happy marriage. According to superstition, bringing a honeysuckle plant in bloom into the house will cause a wedding to take place soon.

Attracting Wealth with Honeysuckle

Growing a honeysuckle plant near the home or placing the vines in a vase attracts love, good fortune, and wealth and protects against maligned influences. Burning a green candle encircled by honeysuckle flowers will also draw wealth.

Honeysuckle Stimulates Psychic Abilities

Rub fresh honeysuckle flowers on your brow to stimulate your psychic abilities, enhance your intuition, and inspire prophetic visions and dreams.

Pink and light pink honeysuckle flowers and vine against a black background.

Fairies Are Fond of Honeysuckle

Fairies, just like hummingbirds, are attracted to honeysuckle. Grow the honeysuckle plant in your garden to lure them.

To Dream of Honeysuckle

Dreaming of honeysuckle is quite an auspicious omen and usually means that good fortune and happy days are on the horizon for you and those you love.

Dreaming of Honeysuckle is a Sign of Happiness

You may also dream of honeysuckle because you are experiencing a certain sweetness in your life. Perhaps you are happy overall, with things going well and joyous moments surrounding you.

Close-up of a red honeysuckle flower.

Honeysuckle Climbing Walls Signifies a Longing for Nostalgia

If you dream of honeysuckle climbing walls, this is your subconscious mind’s way of acknowledging the longing and nostalgia you might have for a time you were young and felt loved and cherished.

Meeting Someone with a Sweet Disposition

Honeysuckle showing up in your dreams may represent someone you know or will meet with a generally sweet disposition.

Honeysuckle and the Druid Ogham

In the druid ogham, an ancient, symbology-laden alphabet used in divinatory practice, honeysuckle appears as the 23rd letter, called uillend.

A dewy, white honeysuckle flower.

Secrets Hidden from the Eye

Within this iconography, we come to understand that honeysuckle represents our inner secrets and that which is hidden from the eye, as well as the revelation and path needed to uncover the mystery.

Honeysuckle Teaches Us to Look Within for True Wealth

Just as the honeysuckle flower contains a secret treasure of sweet, wonderful nectar for those that know what the petals hold, so too does it teach us the lesson that we must look within to find true wealth, as the druid ogham describes. 

Close-up of pink honeysuckle flower.

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Close-up of pink honeysuckle flower.

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