Bride of the Sun: Calendula Flower Spiritual Meaning

Bride of the Sun: The Magic of Calendula

If a flower could embody the essence of the Sun, that flower would be Calendula. Calendula’s petals burn with a deep, fiery fervency that almost startles the vision. The flaming intensity of its stunning orange petals informs our understanding of the magic of Calendula and its spiritual use.

When we think of the Sun, the planet that rules Calendula, and fire, the element that expresses its energy, we can’t ignore the one thing these both have in common – light. Without the Sun’s light, we would cease to exist, as the Sun nourishes all life on Earth.

As for fire, it is the bottled magic of the gods that has revolutionized life on this planet. Through fire, we purify our food, burning away any contamination that might cause us illness. Before the arrival of lightbulbs and flashlights, we read by candlelight, traveled by torchlight, and illuminated our home with lanterns.

With its vibrant color, Even Calendula seems to glow from within incandescently. Understanding the power of light and what it means, does, and exposes is crucial to understanding Calendula’s inherent power.

There is much in this world that remains in the dark. A though we have boundless knowledge at our fingertips thanks to the internet, that only seems to complicate matters. Because of too much information, we live in a post-truth world, where we trust false realities and treat lies as fact.

Calendula, like a lantern, reveals what is shrouded in the obscuring darkness and confusion. It carries an understanding of the essence of divine wisdom. Within this flower is a fire that burns away all the falsehoods and deception that veil your vision once you trust its magic.

Calendula Flower Spiritual Meaning

Calendula’s brilliant, fiery petals follow the Sun dotingly as it makes its burning trek across the sky. It is the “Bride of the Sun” and married to the warmth of the Sun’s beams. Calendula is the “Summer’s Bride” – wedded to the season where the Daystar displays the full glory of its smoldering power. 

In the Shakespearean classic The Winter’s Tale, Perdita takes care to note the devotion of Calendula to the Sun:

“The marigold, that goes to bed wi’th’ the Sun, and with him rises, weeping.”

Marigold, of course, is another name for Calendula.

Perdita describes Calendula’s heliotropic habit of following the Sun, from its triumphant rise into the sky onto its somber descent beyond the horizon. For instance, on a dewy morning, you most likely will find dewdrops on Calendula’s petals. These little drops poetically demonstrate that perhaps the flower mourns the separation from its beloved Helios throughout the night.

Would you be able to handle the full heat of the Sun as Calendula does? Could you stand in the blazing light without shame without its scorching radiance incinerating you? Or would the shadow you cast overwhelm you as the light exposes your truth?

Calendula wants to remind you that to live your truth is to shine bravely – defiantly – like the Sun, just as the flower does. Thus, seek out and follow that dazzling Light, and keep devotion to it even through the darkness. The Light is Truth and Life, and anything that scuffs your natural glow and prevents your shine is but kindling to burn away once you discover illumination.

Calendula Fun Fact: The Calends’ Blooms

Calendula’s name comes from the Roman word calends, the first day of the month as per the Roman calendar. You might also notice that the word “calendar” shares this same root.

The calends marked the beginning of a new lunar cycle, and the Romans believed that flowers bloomed on the calends. It was also the day by which debtors had to repay their debts.

Divination, Prophecy, and Calendula Flower Spiritual Meaning

Like a candle that irradiates a dark room, Calendula’s power is illuminating and clarifying. Those who would seek divine answers often turn to Calendula to reveal hidden truths and inspire spiritual insights. The flower has the unique talents of unveiling concealed mystery and igniting the prophetic mind.

There’s an air of holiness and sacredness attributed to Calendula. Spiritual adherents offer Calendula flowers to widely worshipped holy figures, such as the Virgin Mary and the Hindu gods Lakshmi and Vishnu. Thus, there is an imbued reverence in the Calendula flower, and in turn, it seems the flower returns the spiritual favor.

The color of its petals inspires much of Calendula’s spiritual power and significance. In Hinduism, the saffron color of the petals is the color of renunciation. Monks wear this color to symbolize that they’ve uncoupled themselves from worldly attachment, and they hope to reap more profound insight and further spiritual progress in doing so.

Calendula’s petals’ bright, orange color is akin in intensity to fire, and fire is divinely clarifying. Fire has a way of burning away fluff and excess to reveal true purity. Truth itself is a lot like fire – there is comfort in its warmth, but it will quickly burn you if you lack the requisite respect.

Likewise, Calendula emanates a clarifying and illuminating aura. Simply looking at the bright flower is enough to open your sight and brighten your vision. With Calendula flowers strewn under your bed, you can actualize prophetic dreams steeped in profound meaning and divine wisdom.

Deeply ingrained into Calendula’s very essence are the arts of divination and prophecy. The genus in which Calendula resides, tages, also happens to be the name of the sagely Etruscan god who looked like a child and who taught humankind the gift of divination.

Calendula Fun Fact: “Pot Marigold”

Calendula’s English common name, “pot marigold” comes from the fact that the flower was a standard part of English cuisine during the 16th century. Dishes that included Calendula ran the gamut from dumplings and oatmeal to wine, pudding, and soups.

The leaves of the Calendula plant are on the bitter side. However, including the leaves in a leafy salad or drizzling them with honey helps to mask the sharp flavor. On the other hand, Calendula’s bright, vibrant petals lend themselves well to food coloring and garnishing. Fromagers use the petals to provide the characteristic yellow color we see in cheese and as a substitute for saffron.

Calendula for Protection

Calendula’s brilliant and dazzling golden glow deters the darkness. Likewise, it is hard for threatening elements to trespass onto a space graced by Calendula’s sun-kissed radiance. Like a lantern in the din, Calendula shines a light on that which would rob you of your security. As such, the flower has uses in protective magic.

The spread of ravaging plagues that threaten life and wellness is nothing new. However, during the Middle Ages, the Plague was an especially pernicious variety of illnesses. The dreadful disease spread so rapaciously and caused a great deal of suffering and fear. But even then, Calendula was called upon to provide protection.

Perhaps the clerics of the time saw the flower with its petals that jut out with the intensity of the burning sun, akin to fire that purifies by burning harmful pathogens. Regardless, healers utilized the Calendula flower as a talisman to protect them from their invisible enemy.

Typically, when we envision our protection, one of the first and foremost things that come to mind is protecting our abode. After all, our home is where our heart is. We shelter ourselves, our children, and prized possessions under a roof and four walls to protect us from the elements. Moreover, we lock and even deadbolt our doors to keep invaders from stealing our peace and security.

Calendula provides added steps you can undertake to protect your domicile from would-be intruders. A garland of Calendula flowers hung about the door is like setting a firewall that no evil may enter. Sprinkle a couple of Calendula petals under your bed for protection when you’re most vulnerable — while you sleep. It helps illuminate the cover of darkness that a thief might use to their advantage.

Calendula’s Protection from the Elements

Known for blooming in the early Spring, with flowers that remain in fall and winter, Calendula is the winter’s fire. Its explosion of orange petals provides warmth and protection from the cold and counters the bleakness. The flowers burn like a bright, orange flame and warm the soul as the frost settles in.

Early settlers received a cold reception in a strange new continent they would later call “America”. The wintry months and weather patterns, in general, were alien to them in this foreign land and unforgiving. But the sight of Calendula during the bitter cold was a blazing light against the din. Thus, they entrusted the flower to protect them from the encroaching icy darkness and threats unknown.

Just like the American colonists, Europeans sought out the protective powers of Calendula during the winter months. Not only did they rely on Calendula’s emanating warmth for comfort, but they appreciated its ability to strengthen the immune system.

After all, disease and illness have a much easier time spreading under cover of the damp cold. The bright and uplifting resonance that Calendula emanates alone can lift spirits. Likewise, a positive outlook goes a long way in fighting disease.

Similarly, do not discount Calendula’s inherent healing power. The plant is very much edible and replete with the vitamins and minerals that help the body mount a defense against illness.

Protection Through Illumination

Revealing and exposing any threats you might not be immediately aware of is in Calendula’s nature. After all, what you don’t know can hurt you. By shining a light on hazards unseen with Calendula, you can protect yourself appropriately. The flower is exceptionally perceptive at unveiling gossip, betrayal, and lies – perils that can snowball into ruin if left unchecked.

Moreover, if the unthinkable happens and you are the victim of a theft, Calendula can help you track down the culprit to stop their cycle of violence. Calendula flower petals under the bed help uncover these mysteries through prophetic dreams.

Facing Legal Matters with Calendula

When dealing with legal matters, Calendula shines a light of truth in the courtroom, advocating for you if you are innocent. When you seek a favorable judicial outcome, carry Calendula on your person, whether in your pocket or pocketbook.

Let’s be frank – dealing with the legal system can be an opaque, byzantine nightmare. When you find yourself caught in the law’s calloused grasp, it’s a terrifying experience, especially when you know you’re innocent. But as they say, it’s not what you know – it’s what you can prove in court.

Calendula is an advocate when you need assistance making your case before the towering judicial system. A resonance within the plant shines a light on the truth of things, revealing them without bias or filter. Perhaps with Calendula flowers in your pocket, you can sway the courtroom by making the truth plain, clear, and evident.

Calendula Fun Fact: October Birth Flower

Calendula, along with Cosmos, is one of the birth flowers of October. The flower blooms well into the fall – a peculiar sight for a season not known for its blooms. Not to mention, October is a month we typically associate with the color orange. Pumpkins, autumn leaves, and the warmth of fireplaces sparking back up at the return of the cold are all symbols of October.

October is also a month marked with reflection and remembrance. On Halloween, we light carved pumpkins not only for festive décor, but there’s a belief that the light will help guide the departed along their way. Similarly, with its bright, sun-like blooms, Calendula provides a beacon for the dead to light their path.

Likewise, just like the Sun sets and yet returns, resurrecting every day, Calendula represents the hope of rebirth, and perhaps one day being reunited with those we’ve lost. Just as flowers bloom in Spring, wither in the fall, only to return in the Spring, we also hope that nothing dies forever but is reborn one day anew.

The Healing Power of Calendula

Just like the Sun, Calendula radiates intense healing energy and vitality. That very same shimmering luminescence has engineered some of its medicinal uses. For instance, Calendula is a popular ingredient in skincare products, part of the intent being to produce that sun-kissed glow for your skin.

It’s almost as if Calendula is Nature’s bronzer. Sunlit speckles glitter out of every pigment within its petals, translating to a touch of golden Sun on the skin. Its saffron hue is the color of vibrancy, fire, and incandescence. To glimmer with the blazing intensity of the Sun is a magic that many skincare companies would love to provide, but only Nature delivers.

Calendula’s rejuvenating powers go even further because the flower has both antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, Calendula is a popular remedy for skin blemishes and acne while protecting the skin’s natural collagen and elastin. Providing this protection allows your skin to remain supple, youthful, and glow.

There are aches, pains, and discomforts under the skin that Calendula can also help relieve. Calendula is also a remedy for relieving abdominal cramping and constipation. What’s fascinating is that there’s evidence to support this. Research shows that Calendula has spasmolytic tendencies, meaning it can relieve smooth muscle. Calendula is also spasmogenic, being able to induce muscle spasms, which helps relieve constipation.

But expectant mothers beware; many skincare products are marketed specifically to pregnant women because of stretch marks. While stretch marks are an unwelcome side effect of pregnancy, you should avoid you ingesting or using Calendula while pregnant – not even topically. Calendula has properties that can interfere with conceiving a child and cause miscarriage or stimulate contractions that lead to labor.

Calendula Fun Fact: Mary’s Gold

Marigold, Calendula’s other name, comes from a melding of the words “Mary’s gold”. The nickname comes from the tradition of gifting Calendula flowers to the Virgin Mary during the Feast of Annunciation. The Feast of Annunciation is a Christian observance occurring on March 25 – nine months before Christmas. The day commemorates the angel Gabriel’s visit to the Virgin Mary, letting her know she was pregnant with Christ.

According to the lore, “Mary’s gold” was marigold flowers – the currency on her journey to Egypt. However, misfortune befell her, and thieves stole her bag. Even so, the thieves were scantly rewarded for their efforts, finding nothing more than lovely marigold petals in her sack.

There is a tradition spanning centuries of planting herbs and flowers that have connections to the Virgin Mary in a “Marian Garden.” Calendula is a part of that ensemble, as is Lily of the Valley (Mary’s tears), Lavender (Mary’s Drying Plant), and Sage (Mary’s Shawl).

►VIDEO: The Prophetic Power of Calendula

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