Baby’s Breath Flowers Spiritual Meaning

The Quiet Power of Baby’s Breath Flowers

The world can seem so mundane. We’re surrounded by brick, concrete, and metals in shades of dim silver and muted browns. There is a lot that makes up our day-to-day that is so depressingly uninspired. Thus, it can be difficult to catch a glimpse of the Divine in a world with so many shades of gray.

Baby’s Breath Flowers Can Train the Mind to Spiritual Things

But the sight of Baby’s Breath flowers in bloom can rapture the spirit and bring to mind thoughts of higher things. Whether or not it blooms in shades of dazzling white, taffy pink, or arctic blue, Baby’s Breath flower’s color seems to glow with a touch of ethereality.

A Glow with the Grace of Heaven

It is as if the grace of the angels is nearby, touching the flowers with the blessing of the heavens to show us a window into the sacred realm. They show us that even within the din, there is that which is holy.

Coffee in a teacup near baby's breath flowers on a newspaper.

Turn Your Garden into a Spiritual Oasis with Baby’s Breath Flowers

Consider planting Baby’s Breath in your garden to transform it into a spiritual oasis. Nature already provides such a hallowed experience, so just being in a garden in and of itself has a way of helping you tap into your spiritual side. Adding Baby’s Breath flowers to your garden can take that experience to the next level.

Place Baby’s Breath Flowers in Your Sacred Space

Alternatively, if you happen to have a quiet or sacred space within your home where you go to connect to your higher self, make sure Baby’s Breath flowers are in that area. It can help train your mind and focus on celestial matters.

Long Lasting Otherworldly Beauty

Not to mention, Baby’s Breath flowers keep their otherworldly beauty for a long time. This will ensure that wherever you place the flowers, you won’t have to change them often.

Softening the Blow with Baby’s Breath Flowers

A vase of Baby’s Breath flowers nearby has a way of softening the blow of a difficult conversation you may need to have with someone. It helps set a kindly tone and sensitive atmosphere, making it easier to broach a difficult topic.

Things Get Heavy Sometimes

It happens. Sometimes we have to have a tough talk with someone we love. It can be a painful conversation about divorce. Or perhaps having to tell a loved one about a serious illness. Whatever the case, you may want to employ a little extra help to soften the blow.

Set the Stage with Baby’s Breath Flowers

A vase or bouquet of Baby’s Breath flowers nearby when you go to initiate these conversations might seem like a small gesture, but magic is often subtle. The soft, gentle appearance of Baby’s Breath flowers in your periphery may be able to help you choose your words with a little extra care and a delicate touch.

Bouquets of white baby's breath flowers wrapped in cellophane.

A Peaceful Nursery with Baby’s Breath Flowers

It’s hard to gaze upon the beautiful simplicity of Baby’s Breath flowers and not feel a semblance of quietude. Likewise, any room that has Baby’s Breath flowers as part of its decor also seems to be a little bit more peaceful.

Baby’s Breath Flowers and Comforting and Calming

This serenity can extend to your child’s nursery as well. With your child being a brand-new being in this strange, cold world, placing Baby’s Breath flowers in their nursery is an extra little layer of comfort you can provide them. This can perhaps keep them calm and happy just a little bit longer while you get a much-needed break!

Dispel the Negativity of Visitors with Baby’s Breath Flowers

And as always, place Baby’s Breath flowers in a place out of reach of your little one. Somewhere they can look but not touch. Baby’s Breath flowers help dispel gloomy moods and negative demeanors. It is an uplifting flower, which can help ensure those visiting your little one in the nursery remain in a positive mood.

A bouquet of green, light blue and light pink baby's breath flowers.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy or content.

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Close-up of white baby's breath flowers.

Baby’s Breath Flowers: The Breath of Innocence

With its tiny, delicate flowers, Baby’s Breath manages to make a statement even in its gentle simplicity. Understanding the meaning of Baby’s Breath flowers means understanding its whisper of quiet power. A poignant and symbolic gift at baby showers, Baby’s Breath flowers express the innocence and guilelessness of a newborn child. The flowers have a …

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White baby's breath flowers in a decorative wedding vase hanging on a wall.

A Baby’s Breath Flower Wedding

Baby’s Breath flowers and weddings go together like cake and ice cream. You’ll find that many soon-to-be-wed couples will incorporate Baby’s Breath flowers in their wedding decor. The result is a dazzling and captivating visual array that brings beauty and grace to the wedding ceremony. Moreover, there is also deep symbolism involved in …

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Baby’s Breath Flowers Colors and Meanings

White Baby’s Breath flowers appear like freshly-fallen snow resting delicately on the thin, green stems. They are a beautiful burst of cleansing energy with uniformly pure, snow-white petals. Associated with all that is good and wholesome, White Baby’s Breath flowers capture the essence of …

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The Meaning of Baby’s Breath Flowers • The Breath of Innocence

A close-up of baby's breath (gypsophila) flowers.

The Magic of Baby’s Breath

With its tiny, delicate flowers, Baby’s Breath manages to make a statement even in its gentle simplicity. Understanding the meaning of Baby’s Breath flowers means understanding its whisper of quiet power.

Baby’s Breath Flowers Represent Innocence

A poignant and symbolic gift at baby showers, Baby’s Breath flowers express the innocence and guilelessness of a newborn child. The flowers have a delicate, snow-like appearance and a gentle, graceful beauty. Consequently, these things help to evoke a sense of sweet purity like a “baby’s breath.”

The Everlasting Magic of Baby’s Breath Flowers

Baby’s Breath flowers retain their vigor long after they’ve been cut. As a result, they have become a symbol of everlasting love. The beautiful flowers have adorned numerous wedding halls and filled out countless floral bouquets and arraignments.

A bouquet of green, light blue and light pink baby's breath flowers.

The Many Baby’s Breath Colors

While white is typically the most popular and well-known color of Baby’s Breath flowers, you can find the flowers in many dazzling colors. Consider adding red baby’s breath flowers to your next Valentine’s Day bouquet or giving the gift of blue baby’s breath flowers to a friend who is expecting a boy.

Baby’s Breath Flowers’ Quiet Power

The meaning of Baby’s Breath flowers lies in their ability to make a soft statement. Sometimes it is the little things that are the most magical. Sometimes the most delicate of voices are also the most profound.

Baby’s Breath Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Gypsophila
  • Folk Names: Babe’s Breath, Gyp, Soapwort, Maiden’s Breath
  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Venus
  • Attributes: Protection, Love

Dispelling Negativity with Baby’s Breath Flowers

Grow Baby’s Breath flowers around the home and “protect” yourself with positive, beneficial energy Don’t let the guileless nature of Baby’s Breath flowers deceive you. In their innocence and purity, they can protect the home from negative vibes that might threaten the peace of your abode.

Bouquets of white baby's breath flowers wrapped in cellophane.

Baby’s Breath Flowers Protect from Threats Unseen

When we think of protecting ourselves, what usually comes to mind are alarm systems, weapons, and general security. While these provide a level of protection on their own, they might not guard you against “intruders” who might enter your home or space unseen and undetected.

Guard Your Emotional Health with Baby’s Breath Flowers

For instance, no alarm system is set to go off when an air of depression sweeps into your home. Or when a friend or family member visits and graces your space with toxicity. And while these things might not be seen as a clear and present danger like an armed intruder, they can cause long-lasting harm to your wellbeing if left unchecked.

Coffee in a teacup near baby's breath flowers on a newspaper.

Negativity is Disarmed by Baby’s Breath Flowers

Darkness and negativity are disarmed by the loveliness and purity that Baby’s Breath flowers stand for. This, in turn, can lead to your guests leaving any toxic sentiments they are bearing at the door as their heart is warmed by the simplicity of Baby’s Breath’s beauty. Protection from negativity is not a fool’s errand. It is something that can make sure the peace and genuine security of your home remain intact.

Design Your Cottage Garden with Baby’s Breath

You will find that Baby’s Breath flowers are a familiar staple in many English cottage garden designs. The flowers in bloom provide a beautiful pop of mystical and enchanting color, giving your cottage garden a quaint, folksy air.

White baby's breath flowers in a pot near a black guitar.

Cottage Gardens are Easy and Low Maintenance

What makes cottage gardens so appealing and popular is that they can be stunning without needing to do too much maintenance or provide too much attention. And with Baby’s Breath being relatively easy to grow and quick to bloom, they provide a quaint easy to achieve charm to your cottage garden.

Baby’s Breath Flowers Provide Plenty of Filler for Cottage Gardens

Baby’s Breath flowers are an excellent filler, helping you develop a brimming, rambling English garden replete with beautiful blooms. To start your cottage garden journey, you only need a handful of seeds. Be sure to make sure Baby’s Breath seeds are some of them. 

Baby's breath flowers in an open book.

Attracting Fairies to Your Garden with Baby’s Breath

Planting Baby’s Breath in your garden has the added benefit of attracting fairies who are fond of the plant. Yes, fairies have a bit of a…storied history. Some fairies do good things like help keep your plants healthy. However, some fairies like to eat children!

Draw Only Good Fairies with Baby’s Breath

Hence while some people get excited to plant Baby’s Breath to attract fairies, others might shudder at the thought. When planting Baby’s Breath in your garden to lure the fae folk, take these extra measures to ward off the bad ones. 

Close-up of white baby's breath flowers.

Block Bad Fairies with Iron, Bells, and Chimes

Consider hanging an iron horseshoe near your garden, as fairies have an innate fear of iron, especially the ones that might harm you. Additionally, you can add bells or chimes to your garden to protect it from misaligned sprites.

Leave Offerings for Good Fairies

Finally, alongside planting Baby’s Breath, you might want to leave offerings to draw fairies that benefit your garden. Fairies tend to love bread, butter, and milk.

Don’t Thank the Fairies!

While courting the fae folk, you might notice plants in your garden starting to perk up and look healthier. Whatever you do, do not thank the fairies for this! They do not like to be thanked.

White baby's breath flowers in a decorative wedding vase hanging on a wall.

Add Baby’s Breath Flowers to Your Handmade Soaps

Consider incorporating Baby’s Breath flowers into your next soap-making project. There’s a good reason that another nickname for Baby’s Breath is “soapwort.” Baby’s Breath flowers contain saponins, a reagent that can provide a little extra lather to your handmade soaps.

Soapmaking with Baby’s Breath Flowers is Easy

Soapmaking with Baby’s Breath can be incredibly enjoyable and relatively easy. You can use a melt and pour soap base for a trouble-free project or go with cold-process soap for a more artisan approach.

Decorative Accent and Exfoliating Power

Try pressing dry Baby’s Breath flowers onto the top of your drying soap for a stunning effect. Baby’s Breath flowers provide exfoliating power and a beautiful, decorative accent that will make your bars of soap visually pop.

A white rose and white baby's breath bouquet with decorative silver accents.

Baby’s Breath and Imbolc

Baby’s Breath is associated with Imbolc, a Wiccan sabbat between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox (February 2nd). Imbolc is an enchanting time when what is dead is reborn anew. Thawing ground makes way for the coming of the Spring.

Baby’s Breath Flowers Bloom in Time for Imbolc

This association is appropriate, as you might notice that Baby’s Breath flowers in bloom resemble thawing snow on the emergent green. Additionally, Baby’s Breath flowers bloom early — just a couple of weeks after the last frost.

White baby's breath flowers in a glass jar near a chalkboard menu and clear plastic cups.

Decorate with Baby’s Breath Flowers for Imbolc

Baby’s Breath flowers make a wonderful adornment to capture the magic of Imbolc and bring it into your home. You can place fresh Baby’s Breath flowers in areas like your kitchen table or the coffee table in the living room. There are also lovely dried bundles of Baby’s Breath flowers you can use to grace areas of your home with the spirit of Imbolc.

Plant Baby’s Breath Seeds During Imbolc

And seeing as with Imbolc, the snow is thawing, and the winter frost is starting to break, you may want to gather some Baby’s Breath seeds to put in your garden. Baby’s breath can be planted relatively early in the growing season — just after the last frost.

Baby's breath flowers wrapped in brown paper sitting on a picnic table at the beach.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy or content.

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Close-up of white baby's breath flowers.

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The world can seem so mundane. We’re surrounded by brick, concrete, and metals in shades of dim silver and muted browns. There is a lot that makes up our day-to-day that is so depressingly uninspired. Thus, it can be difficult to catch a glimpse of the Divine in a world with so many shades of gray. But the sight of Baby’s Breath flowers in bloom can …

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White baby's breath flowers in a decorative wedding vase hanging on a wall.

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Baby’s Breath Flowers Colors and Meanings

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