Honeysuckle Symbolism and Meaning

Understanding the Symbolism of Honeysuckle

With sweet nectar that is the substance of delight of many of the most blissful childhood memories, and a honeyed smell with pleasant, fruity undertones, it only makes sense that honeysuckle has become so symbolic of all that comprises the sweet, happy side of life.

Honeysuckle Expresses the Bonds of Nostalgia

The way honeysuckle clings and binds devotedly to buildings and walls as if almost embracing them engenders a yearning nostalgia for a time when we were young and felt that same devoted, unconditional love and the comfort of being cherished by those who nurtured us.

A Symbol of Dedication and Devotion

The climbing branches of the honeysuckle vine seem to dedicate themselves indiscriminately to any surface, no matter how unsightly or unlikely that surface may be. This habit of the vine has become a lesson of what dedication and devotion to love looks like.

A dewy, white honeysuckle flower.

Honeysuckle Attracts Good Things

Honeysuckle attracts all the good things of nature, from the beautiful hummingbird and industrious honeybees to the pleasant and uplifting aromatic winds by which happiness and good fortune arrive. The vine portends that sweet and good things are on the horizon.

The Spiritual Side of Honeysuckle

As honeysuckle’s pungent, sweet-smelling aroma has the power to penetrate through to the spiritual mind and bring one’s consciousness to an elevated state, it is also representative of numinous and mystical matters. 

Honeysuckle is an Emblem of Fidelity

As an impeccably hardy vine and quite difficult to kill once it has established itself in the garden has led to honeysuckle becoming an emblem of long-lasting dedication and fidelity. Honeysuckle’s magic is often used to inspire potential marriage and to help encourage faithfulness and loyalty.

Honeysuckle Interesting Facts

Hummingbirds love honeysuckle flowers and the sweet nectar inside, especially orange honeysuckle. It’s sturdy, twine-like stems have been used to fashion ropes as far back as the Bronze Age.

Honeysuckle Attracts Hummingbird Hawk-Moths

Nocturnal and night-flying moths, such as the hummingbird hawk-moth, have a particular interest in honeysuckle as a food source and can detect its tantalizing scent up to a quarter-mile away.

How Did Honeysuckle Get its Name?

Honeysuckle’s quaint name is a consequence of the practice that children have had of biting off the ends of honeysuckle flowers to “suckle” on the sweet, tasty nectar found inside.

Close-up of a red honeysuckle flower.

What Kind of Honeysuckle is Invasive?

Some species of honeysuckle, such as Japanese honeysuckle, Chinese honeysuckle, and white honeysuckle, are incredibly invasive and have experienced overwhelming growth on most continents.

Are Honeysuckle Berries Poisonous?

While most honeysuckle berries are poisonous, there are some breeds, such as blue honeysuckle, that produce edible berries that are grown for home and commercial use.

Honeysuckle and the Language of Flowers

In the Language of Flowers, honeysuckle stands for bonds of devoted love, fidelity, and spiritual vision.

Pink and light pink honeysuckle flowers and vine against a black background.

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