The Spring’s Trumpet: Daffodil Spiritual Meaning and Magic

The Magic of Daffodil

As the daffodil blooms, it trumpets the arrival of spring. Daffodils are the harbinger of spring, and their blooming is intimately connected to many spring festivals worldwide — including Ostara.

Daffodils and the Ostara Season

The magic of Daffodils, also known as Narcissus, expresses the essence of the Ostara season. The springtime is a time for the sweetness of love, and Daffodils can be carried on one’s person or used to decorate your Ostara altar to encourage the spirit of Love to fill the air.

Magical Ways to Use Daffodil

Daffodils are rich in fertile energy, and when fresh daffodil flowers are placed in the bedroom, they can help with conceiving. It is exceptionally fortuitous to wear a little bit of daffodil close to your heart, as doing so can raise your good fortune.

Yellow daffodils growing near a home.

What Does the Daffodil Symbolize?

The truth of the daffodil’s bold beauty is enough to inspire peace and calm and a gentle reminder for us to show love and care to ourselves. It is a symbol of new beginnings, rebirth, and renewal.

Are Daffodils Good Luck?

The birth flower of March, it is said that spotting the first daffodil of the season brings a prosperous year. Daffodils blooming during the Lunar Year is considered a sign of good fortune. However, spotting a single daffodil growing alone portends misfortune.

What is the Difference Between Daffodils and Jonquils and Narcissus?

Daffodils are often referred to as narcissus or jonquil interchangeably. However, daffodil usually refers to narcissus flowers with a large trumpet, and jonquils are more fragrant than your standard daffodil.

What Does Daffodil Smell Like?

With a scent described as musky and similar to that of jasmine or hyacinth, there does seem to be something quite alluring about the narcissus flower. Its name has also been linked with the Greek word for intoxicated, narke — the root word for “narcotic.”

Close-up of bright yellow daffodils.

Daffodil Magical Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Narcissus
  • Folk Names: Asphodel, Daffy-Down-Dilly, Fleur de Coucou, Goose Leek, Lent Lily, Narcissus, Porillon
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Water
  • Magical Attributes: Love, Fertility, Luck

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.

The Narcissus Flower in Mythology

It is often thought that the narcissus flower gained its name from the ill-fated youth of the same name — Narcissus. Narcissus, of course, is the youth of lore that was blessed with beauty but spurned the love of many who wished to court him.

Narcissus Falls in Love with His Reflection

Narcissus eventually fell in love with his reflection in a pool – the one lover he could not have. Some accounts say that he drowned himself trying to embrace the fleeting reflection.

Narcissus flowers at sunset.

The Narcissus Flower Loves its Reflection Too

The narcissus flower, too, seems to hang its flowered head to gaze upon its reflection when near water, just as Narcissus did. Thus, it’s a small wonder that the Western world often symbolically associates narcissus with vanity.

Narcissus Was a Popular Name in Roman Times

However, history might tell a different story about the origin of the narcissus flower’s name, as the prevalence and popularity of the narcissus in antiquity seems to have preceded the myth itself. The name Narcissus was quite common in Roman times.

A field full of yellow daffodils.

The Narcissus Flower is Connected to the Underworld

Some believe that the word narcissus is connected to hell, which would make sense since it shares many connections with death and the Underworld. The narcissus flower is mentioned in the story of Persephone as having been the very flower that distracted her long enough for Hades to steal her to his Underworld. Legend would have it that narcissi grow along the River Styx.

Narcissus as a Harbinger of Doom

Ancient Greeks would plant narcissus flowers near tombs, and some narcissi, such as Thalia, are considered popular grave flowers. Some believe narcissus portends doom, as the youth Narcissus and Persephone met their demise due to the narcissus flower.

White daffodil flowers.

Narcissus is Toxic

All versions of narcissus are toxic. Narcissus is a popular deer repellent for this very reason, as deer do not enjoy toxic plants, but keep in mind this also means that pets too can be harmed by this flower.

Be Mindful of Where You Grow Daffodils

If you have pets that like to chew on plants and grass, growing daffodils in your garden are not recommended. Be careful not to grow edible bulbs near your narcissus plants, as mistaking a narcissus bulb for an edible bulb can and has been fatal.

Three white and yellow daffodils.

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