The All-Heal: Valerian Spiritual Meaning and Magic

A close-up of white valerian flowers.

Valerian is powdered and used in sachets for protection and purification and can be placed under the pillow as a sleep aid. When hung in the home, it can guard against lightning strikes, and powdered and sprinkled along the threshold it can deter unwanted guests.

It is believed that if a woman pins a sprig of Valerian to her clothing, men will follow her like a child does their mother. Valerian can be placed around the home to quell couples’ quarrels and can also be placed in love sachets. Planting Valerian in the garden can bring harmony to the home, and you can add it to your ritual space to cleanse the area.

Greeks hung sprigs of Valerian on their windows to ward off evil from the home, and the dust is sometimes called “graveyard dust,” which can be used as a substitute for graveyard dust in magical work. Valerian is used during Samhain and Yule celebrations and can be added to charms and talismans for protection.

Selective focus close-up of red valerian flowers.

Like catnip, cats are magically drawn to Valerian, which can be used in spell work involving cats and other animals. It is also a very powerful panacea and can be used to treat many ailments, including headaches, cramps, and digestive upset.* The name comes from the Latin word valere which means to be strong and healthy and is also known as “all-heal.”

Valerian is believed to be able to turn any bad situation into a good one. It is a powerful sedative that can relieve stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Place valerian in your shoes to protect against the flu, and drink valerian tea when in need of purification.*

Be careful of long-term use of valerian, as it can become addictive. Pregnant women should avoid valerian.*

Light pink valerian flowers.

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The Bear’s Berry: Uva Ursi Spiritual Meaning and Magic

A wallpaper view of uva ursi berries and leaves.

The Magic of Uva Ursi

Uva ursi plays a part in some Native American religious rituals, believing that the herb can revitalize the body. It is a prime ingredient in a sacred smoking concoction for Native Americans, trusting that the smoke would carry their wishes to the heavens.

Uva Ursi and Native American Ceremonies

Uva ursi bark, leaves, and berries are used for various Native American ceremonies and to teach shamans the art of divination. They also use it medicinally as a remedy for headaches and to cure scurvy.*

The Metaphysical Properties of Uva Ursi

Uva ursi can be used in spell work to represent animals, especially bears. The plant carries the powers of protection and strength and is used to heighten psychic abilities. Likewise, it can clear psychic channels and strengthen divination and magical efforts.

Close-up of red, uva ursi berries.

Strengthening Psychic Power with Uva Ursi

The leaves of the Uva Ursi plant can be used to make sachets that heighten psychic power, and the leaves can be made into tea to aid in meditations and divination. Some even dry and smoke the leaves to heighten meditative practice further.

Is Uva Ursi the Same As Bearberry?

Bearberry is simply another name for Uva Ursi. The herb was named as such because bears seem to enjoy it.

Bearberry for UTI

Uva ursi is a respected antiseptic and has been used prominently as an antibiotic to disinfect the urinary tract. They can be used to help relieve the pain of bladder stones and can also help with diarrhea. Pregnant women should not consume uva ursi.*

*(See FDA Disclaimer)

A close-up of red bearberries.

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A basket full of red raspberries sitting on the grass.

The Handmaid’s Berry: Raspberry Spiritual Meaning and Magic

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The Herb of Courage: Thyme Spiritual Meaning and Magic

Close-up on thyme plant in the sun.

The Magic of Thyme

“A young maiden, in love, carefully and attentively embroiders a small bee hovering above a sprig of thyme onto the scarf of the knight she has chosen to be her protector, in hopes it will provide him protection as well and grant him courage….”

The Timeless Power of Thyme

Thyme’s magic is…well, timeless.  In Ancient Greece, thyme was infused into baths, and in Greek temples, the smoke from thyme incense was used to spread courage. Egyptians would embalm their dead using thyme, and the Europeans would place it in coffins to help the dead pass on to the next world.

Thyme the Protector

During the blight of the Black Plague in the 1300s, thyme was used to protect against the disease, and thyme was a key ingredient in many medicinal concoctions. The Victorian era gave life to the belief that a patch of wild thyme in the woods meant that fairies were nearby.

Close-up of thyme with small, purple buds.

A Thyme for Courage

Thyme is a powerful and popular herb for magical practice. It offers protection but is well-known for its power to grant courage. Warriors of old would stuff thyme in the shoes or wear it as a badge of honor.

Thyme Magical Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Thymus Vulgaris
  • Folk Names: Common Thyme, Garden Thyme
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Water
  • Power: Health, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage, Prosperity, Fairies

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Magical Ways to Use Thyme

Be sure to enjoy thyme’s aroma as it can give you courage and energize you, and warriors of the past bathed in thyme to give them bravery. Use thyme in spell work when facing an intimidating goal and to help you maintain positive energy.

Cleansing with Thyme

Burn thyme to purify your ritual space, as the Greeks burned thyme to purify their temples. In the spring, you can ritually cleanse past sorrows and regrets by taking a bath with thyme and marjoram.

Thyme for Smudging

Thyme is often used as a smudging herb, and thyme translates in Greek to mean “fumigate.” Smudging your home with thyme can help dispel negative emotions and the sadness that comes after losing a loved one.

Close-up of a thyme plant with purple flowers.

Enhancing Psychic Ability with Thyme

Wear thyme to increase psychic abilities, and it can also be worn by women to make them alluring. To see fairies, you can wear thyme and plant thyme in your garden to encourage fairies to dwell there.

Attracting Wealth with Thyme

Thyme can be used to increase wealth and good fortune, and as thyme grows in your garden, so should your wealth. It is used in games of chance to increase luck.

Planters containing thyme and other herbs.

Thyme Promotes Good Health

Thyme is powerful in healing spells, and you can burn or wear thyme to attract good health. Thyme has remarkable antiseptic properties, and the Sumerians used it to this end.

Using Thyme to Repel Moths

Thyme can be used in household cleaners to disinfect, and keeping thyme in your clothes drawer will keep moths away.

Thyme Protects from Nightmares

Thyme can be placed underneath your pillow to encourage restful sleep and keep nightmares at bay.

Thyme and basil in a rectangular potter near a lantern outdoors.

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The Queen’s Spice: Saffron Spiritual Meaning, Myth and Magic

A field full of Saffron flowers with a tree in the background.

The Magic of Saffron

As the fabled world’s most expensive spice, Saffron has long embodied the essence of wealth, affluence, and luxury. Consequently, queens of lore luxuriated in baths gilded in Saffron and enjoyed its aphrodisiac qualities. Moreover, there’s a mystical power within Saffron wherein many have found their pathway to the universe’s secrets.

Saffron and the Lure of Opulence and Fortune

Greek mythology gives us perspective on how this wondrous purple flower became synonymous with wealth and opulence. According to lore, this was the reason Greek sailors would make the long, arduous journey to the island of Cilicia. The lure of the storied crocus flowers growing therein proved tempting to those hoping to increase their fortunes.

The Secret to Cleopatra’s Beauty

Queen Cleopatra herself would testify to Saffron’s provocative and sensual power. As legend would have it, the “Queen of Kings” would take baths steeped in the luxurious flower. Moreover, she credited this ritual for her legendary beauty and the source of her uncanny magnetism over men.

Saffron’s Psychic Connection

The alluring dawn-colored Saffron petals tell a tale of the flower’s psychic resonance, as purple is the color of mysticism and intuition. For instance, In India, it is tradition to apply a paste consisting of saffron and sandalwood paste to the forehead to ready the mind to receive spiritual insight.

Saffron is Worth Its Weight in Gold

To say that Saffron is captivating is to understate its seductive power. There’s something transcendent about the flower, alluring about its spice, and a magnificence overall that makes Saffron worth its weight in gold.

A deep purple Crocus flower moistened with water.

Saffron and Fertility

Even though the plant itself is sterile, there are interesting parallels between Saffron and fertility. The Phoenicians would bake saffron into crescent-moon-shaped cakes and present them as a gift to the moon and fertility goddess Ashtoreth. In Persia, women would wear a ball made of saffron at the base of their stomach during pregnancy to help expedite a speedy delivery.

Saffron and Male Fertility*

Research shows Saffron can help with male infertility due to its antioxidant properties. This is in part because oxidative stress can harm virility, thus introducing an antioxidant like Saffron can help to improve sperm motility.

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Light, blue-violet Saffron flowers in the foreground, with gravestones out of focus in the background.

Drink Saffron Milk to Improve Fertility

If you and your partner have difficulty conceiving, try drinking a glass of milk spiced with just a pinch of saffron and see if it improves your odds.

Easing Menstrual Cramps with Saffron*

A woman’s menstrual cycle is at the crux of fertility and pregnancy. Without an active pregnancy, the uterine lining must be shed, which can be a rather painful experience. However, Saffron can help ease this experience by relaxing the muscles of the womb, alleviating the pain of the uterine contractions causing the cramps.

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A field full of purple and white crocus flowers near a mountainside.

Saffron Milk to Alleviate Menstrual Pain

A simple glass of milk with just a smidgen of powdered saffron can be an effective remedy for unrelenting menstrual cramps. Alternatively, if you have an aversion to milk, you can mix honey, saffron, and warm water to the same effect.

Consume No More Than a Strand of Saffron a Day

You can drink this beverage either in the morning or the night and even preemptively a couple of days before the onset of your period to help lessen symptoms. Do keep in mind, however, that you want to keep the amount of saffron you ingest daily to a minute amount — no more than a strand.

Red Saffron spice on a wooden spoon.

A Warning to Pregnant and Nursing Mothers About Saffron

Also, if you’re a lactating, nursing mother, it’s best advised that you don’t consume saffron, as there are often additives that you may not want to transmit to your suckling child. Likewise, pregnant mothers should also avoid consuming saffron, as it can cause contractions that can lead to miscarriage.

Magical Ways to Use Saffron

The wafting, uplifting aroma of saffron incense can help focus the mind, improving concentration and clarity and lifting the spirits. Saffron enhances psychic power and increases the potency of spell work and can also help strengthen protection spells and charging of energy.

A field of saffron flowers in bloom.

Unlocking the Prophetic Eye with Saffron

Drinking liquid that contains saffron can help with envisioning the future. In Indian tradition, saffron is mixed with sandalwood paste and applied to the forehead to help calm the mind and nerves before meditation.

Love, Beauty, and Saffron

For attracting love and maintaining beauty, Saffron is an ideal herb. The Sumerians would often use saffron as an ingredient in love potions. The Egyptians commonly used saffron to increase feelings of lust and enhance sexual pleasure, as it is a powerful aphrodisiac and supreme in love sachets and oils.

Saffron sprigs in a cork-sealed glass jar, sitting outside on a mossy stump.

Attracting Wealth with Saffron

As the world’s most expensive spice, Saffron has long been associated with wealth and fortune. It was often used in the most valuable perfumes and ointments in the Ancient Mediterranean. The Persians would weave glorious golden saffron threads within their royal carpets and funeral shrouds.

Consecrating with Saffron

Saffron can be used for consecrating and cleansing magical tools and sacred spaces, exorcisms, and purification.

Saffron Fun Fact: Raise the Wind

The Persians would use saffron to “raise the wind.” Wind power was crucial to Persian culture and was used to moderate the temperature in their homes and storehouses.

Sprigs of fresh saffron on a white plate, sitting amid saffron flowers.

Saffron in Mythology

Saffron and its connection to unrequited love are told best by a notable Hellenistic legend. Crocus had his eyes on a beautiful woodland nymph near Athens named Smilax and set out to win her love and affection.

Smilax Grows Bored of Crocus

Initially, Smilax was infatuated with Crocus, but feelings quickly faded, and she grew bored of him. However, Crocus would not relent and persisted in his aggressive advances.

Crocus Transformed into Saffron Flower

To relieve herself of her newfound burden, Smilax turned Crocus into a saffron crocus flower. The orange stigmas to this day have come to symbolize the warm yet yearning glow of undying and unrequited love.

A person holding a pile of saffron sprigs in their cupped hands.

Saffron Cultivating and Harvesting

Saffron is a perennial plant. It flowers in the autumn, and it’s purple buds only just begin to appear during the month of October, just as other plants are releasing their seeds and losing their petals. Saffron flowers vary in color, from pastel shades of lilac to darker, crimson-tinted mauve and maroon.

Saffron is Sterile

Saffron flowers give off a pleasant aroma, almost similar to honey.  The saffron plant is sterile, and cannot reproduce without outside intervention.  Hence it is incredibly rare if not impossible to find saffron growing in the wild, however wild saffron does exist.

A spoon full of saffron sprigs.

Saffron Enjoys Warm Weather

Saffron thrives in warm and arid weather. It enjoys summer breezes and mostly dry climates, although it can withstand some cold and brief periods of exposure to snow.

Saffron Loves Spring and Rain

Saffron has an affinity for spring weather with plenty of rain, followed by summer weather that is mostly dry. If lucky enough to be doused with rain prior to flowering, saffron will be produced abundantly.

Rain and Cold While Flowering is Bad for Saffron

However, if unlucky enough to encounter rainy and chilly weather while flowering, saffron is usually prone to becoming diseased and these conditions result in a much lower yield.  Saffron detests the shade and loves to bask in the full light of the sun, preferably on a slope that engages sunlight meaningfully.

Saffron flowers in dirt.

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Honeydew Spiritual Meaning and Magic

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The Handmaid’s Berry: Raspberry Spiritual Meaning, Myth and Magic

Close-up on bright red raspberries.

The Magic of Raspberry

Raspberry is the essence of the Feminine. Tantalizing with her sweet taste and evoking crimson flush, she is also potently powerful, with a piquant aftertaste that surprises and delights the most delicate of senses.

A Handmaid Becomes a Legend Through Raspberry

It was the raspberry fruit that took a lowly handmaid and thrust her into the mythos of the very gods themselves. As her blood spilled and gave raspberry its compelling and profound, rosy hue, so did it give her a place in creating one of the earth’s most seductive fruits.

The Feminine Power of Raspberry

The magic of raspberry concerns all things feminine. From maiden to motherhood and beyond, raspberry supplies her power for the ones who provide for and nurture our world. Those whose wombs would prepare for a child, those who are heavy with child, and those whose child relies on them for sustenance will all find willing power in the raspberry fruit and plant.

A white bowl full of raspberries, decorated with nearby daisies, a bowl of biscuits, apples, spoons, and a pitcher decorated with flowers.

Like a Mother, Raspberry Protects

The energy of raspberry is kind and patient, careful yet fruitful. But like any mother with love for her beautiful child, the raspberry plant does what she must to protect her progeny, guarding the berry with her many thorns by chance someone might try to pluck her fruit before its time.

How Raspberry Demonstrates The Art of Letting Go

However, when the time is right, and her fruit is ripe, the raspberry plant willingly lets her fruit go, allowing that which she created to grace the world with exuberance and enchanting delight.

Raspberry Magical Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Rubus Idaeus
  • Folk Names: European Raspberry, Red Raspberry
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Water
  • Magical Attributes: ProtectionLoveFertility

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Heightening Sensual Feelings with Raspberry

Include raspberries in your love-inducing foods and dishes to heighten feelings of attraction and arousal between you and the one you love. Bathe in raspberry or raspberry leaves to encourage your lover not to stray, and serve it to inspire loving sentiments.

Raspberries Encourage Faithfulness in Marriage

Raspberry’s red color resembles blood and is considered potent in love-inducing magic. Raspberries can be used to strengthen and bring good fortune to marriage, as well as ensure faithfulness. Steeping raspberries in wine and serving the beverage to your lover will strengthen the relationship.

A white teacup full of raspberries, with leaves in the background.

Protection from Wayward Spirits with Raspberry

Raspberries can be used to protect against wayward spirits and souls, and raspberry branches can be hung on doors and windows to reinforce this protection. When someone has died, raspberry branches hung on the door will deter their spirit from returning to the home so they can more easily transition into the next world. Raspberry growing near the home also provides protection.

Raspberries Provide Magical Protection Through Pregnancy

Raspberry fruit and leaves can be dried and made into an herbal amulet to strengthen the reproductive organs and protect the womb during pregnancy. Pregnant women can carry raspberry leaves by their side and allow its magical energy to lessen the aches and pains that come with pregnancy and childbirth.

Red Raspberry bushes in a greenhouse.

Understanding Raspberry Symbolism and Meaning

Raspberries are the penultimate symbol of femininity, motherhood, and fertility. The symbolism extends deep into mythology, where the color of raspberries — its profound and beautiful blood red blush — comes from the God of Thunder, Zeus’ handmaid, Ida.

The Intricate Connection Between Raspberries and Women’s Health*

Perhaps conspicuously, raspberries are integral to matters of women’s health. Raspberry leaf tea is said to help regulate the menstrual cycle and flow. Raspberry leaf tea and raspberry fruit help lactating mothers produce milk, and raspberries are used traditionally to lessen the aches, pains, and nausea associated with pregnancy and childbirth.

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Raspberry and The Language of Flowers

In the Language of Flowers, Raspberry symbolizes kindness and the heart, but do not be disarmed by this portraiture — Raspberry also represents strength and protection as its thorns suggest.

A basket full of red raspberries sitting on the grass.

Raspberry in Mythology

Raspberries have an intricate connection to Greek mythology, evidenced by its Latin name, Rubus Idaeus, which means “bramble bush of Ida.” Various myths explain this name, one being that it is a reference to Zeus’ handmaid, Ida, a nymph who pricked her finger while picking raspberries and bled onto them, turning them from snow white to red.

“The Mountain of the Goddess” and Raspberries

Another tale would have it that the name comes from Mount Ida, “The Mountain of the Goddess,” and the location where the gods happened upon the berries while searching for food.

Zeus Hidden in Mount Ida

It is important to note, however, that there are two Mount Idas — one in Crete and one in western Anatolia, which is modern-day Turkey, both of which are considered sacred. Mount Ida in Crete connects us to Zeus and Greek mythology in that it is fabled to be the mountain where the infant Zeus was hidden from his father Cronus and nursed by his foster mother Amaltheia.

A woman in all black with tattoos on her wrist holding red raspberries in her palm in front of a person wearing yellow.

To Dream of Raspberries

Dreaming of raspberries is a beautiful sign, as it usually signifies good fortune, pleasure, and joy — moreso if the raspberries are sweet and ripe. Ripe and sweet raspberries appearing in a dream also portend that you will have big success in future business dealings, and dreaming of raspberry jam hints at merriment, fulfillment of wishes, and the promise of an easy life.

Raspberry Interesting Facts

  • Raspberry is a member of the rose family.
  • Raspberry seems to have derived its name from either raspise, which is a sweet-rose colored wine, raspoie which is a Germanic word for thicket, or the Old English rasp, meaning “rough berry,” due to its bumpy texture.
  • Honeybees and other pollinating insects are fond of the nectar of raspberry flowers.
  • While raspberries are typically known for their deep red color, the fruit comes in many other shades, such as golden yellow, black, and purple.
  • Russia is responsible for 21% of the world’s raspberry production.
  • A single raspberry bush can produce hundreds of raspberries a year.
  • Yellow raspberries owe their unique color to a genetic mutation within the fruit.
  • It is believed that raspberries originated in Eastern Asia and were brought to North America by prehistoric humans by the Bering Strait.
  • Archaeological evidence suggests that cave dwellers ate raspberries in Paleolithic times.
  • Raspberry juice was popularly used as a red stain for artwork during the Middle Ages.
  • George Washington was known to grow raspberries at Mount Vernon.
  • Though most U.S. states grow raspberries commercially, Washington leads the pack by far, producing 70 million tons of raspberries a year.
  • Raspberries prefer cooler climates and can even grow in the harsh conditions of the Arctic circle.

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Red Raspberry bushes in a greenhouse.

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A basket full of red raspberries sitting on the grass.

Benefits of Eating Raspberries • Raspberry Healing Power

Raspberries are Nature’s gift to women. Raspberry leaf tea can help regulate the menstrual cycle and balance the flow. For pregnant women, raspberries can help lessen symptoms of nausea and helps with childbirth, and for lactating mothers, raspberry tea or fruit can help with milk production. Raspberries might surprise you with …

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The Bridge Between Worlds: Elder Tree Spiritual Meaning and Magic

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Queen Anne’s Lace Spiritual Meaning, Myth, and Magic

A red bug perched atop a Queen Anne's Lace flower.

The Magic of Queen Anne’s Lace

Queen Anne’s lace got its name from a myth in which Queen Anne accidentally stabbed her finger with a needle while she was making lace, spilling her blood on it. This is reminiscent of the reddish-purple flowers disbursed among the plant’s white flowers.

Improving Fertility with Queen Anne’s Lace Magic

To harness Queen Anne’s Lace magic and improve your chances of conception, anoint a candle using Queen Anne’s Lace essential oil with that intention in mind. The flowers of Queen Anne’s Lace can also be used magically to increase lust, sexual desire, and potency for men.

Queen Anne’s Lace Heightens Spiritual Clarity

Additionally, the flowers can help bring about spiritual clarity and increase intuition and insight while keeping you grounded. Planting Queen Anne’s lace around the house can increase psychic power, and placing the dried stems and flowers in a sachet under your pillow can encourage psychic dreams.

A field full of Queen Anne's Lace.

Queen Anne’s Lace for Abortion

Although the flower is used in fertility magic, the seeds have historically been used as a “morning-after” treatment to provoke a miscarriage, as they inhibit the implantation of a fetus. However, we do not condone using Queen Anne’s Lace to provoke a miscarriage or for use as a contraceptive.*

*(See FDA Disclaimer)

Queen Anne’s Lace Medicinal Properties

Traditionally, Queen Anne’s lace flowers were brewed into a concoction used as a daily skin wash to treat complexion problems. Additionally, the flowers can be made into a tea that can help lessen the severity of hangovers and assist in treating diabetes.*

Is Queen Anne’s Lace the Same as Wild Carrot?

At its root, Queen Anne’s lace contains a plant very similar to carrots and is believed to be where carrots originated from. Hence, Queen Anne’s lace is also known as “wild carrot.”

Poison Hemlock: The Poisonous Plant that Looks Like Queen Anne’s Lace

Queen Anne’s lace and poison hemlock appear very similar, so be careful when harvesting Queen Anne’s lace from the wild. Pregnant women should not consume Queen Anne’s lace.*

A wild carrot flower in what appears to be morning sunlight.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

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Catmint with purple blooms along a brick pathway, in front of pink roses.

Catnip: The Cat’s Meow

There’s something curiously amusing about observing a cat intoxicated by the scent of catnip. As the feline’s eyes widen and pupils dilate as if stimulated by drugs, they cannot resist the magic. As such, a cat will roll around on the floor, writhing as if seized by some hypnotic trance. Catnip is a magical plant indeed for both felines and …

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Yellow daffodils growing near a home.

Daffodil: The Spring’s Trumpet

As the daffodil blooms, it trumpets the arrival of spring. Daffodils are the harbinger of spring, and their blooming is intimately connected to many spring festivals worldwide — including Ostara. The magic of Daffodils, also known as Narcissus, expresses the essence of …

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Deep green peppermint plants.

Mint: The Panacea

Mint is known as a powerful, potent, and prolific healing herb. Wherever it is planted, it takes root, takes over, and quickly overcomes almost any landscape provided for it to grow, which may be a nuisance to some. However, those knowledgeable of Mint’s incredible power will see …

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A series of mugwort plants in a yard.

Mugwort: Artemisia Vulgaria

Mugwort is sacred to the Goddess Artemis, who comforts women in labor, and it is also associated with the moon and thus the cycle of womanhood. Mugwort can be in smudging for protection and divination, and the smoke can strengthen astral projection and lucid dreaming. For sweeping negative energies from the home, weave mugwort into your …

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Ananas: Pineapple Spiritual Meaning and Magic

Pineapples and Prosperity

In Singapore, there is a fascinating tradition that Chinese people who reside there engage in called “Pineapple Rolling.” Newly-minted homeowners, before first stepping foot into their new home, roll a pineapple into the house. As the pineapple rolls along the floor, they shout the phrase “huat at!” — a Hokkien phrase that means “to prosper.”

“Luck Coming Your Way”

This is because pineapples are intimately tied to the energies that yield prosperity. The Chinese word for pineapple even hints at this association, as it sounds curiously close to a Chinese word that means “luck coming your way.”

Attracting Prosperity with Pineapple

To finalize the ritual, the owners are not to consume the pineapple but instead place it under a tree to encourage the continuation of their prosperity. This is one way to entice the winds of prosperity with pineapple, but not the only way.

A bunch of pineapples in a wooden crate.

Pineapple Sachets and Incenses Draw Wealth

Dried pineapple makes for excellent sachets and incenses that can draw wealth to the home and encourage financial gain. Likewise, once you’ve finished cutting your pineapple, you can turn the pineapple crown into a plant that attracts good fortune to your home.

Give the Gift of Prosperity

For your friends and loved ones, consider gifting them cakes and desserts that include fresh pineapples. This will extend the blessings of wealth and prosperity to them as well.

Personal Power and Pineapple Fruit

“Be a pineapple. Stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet on the inside.” -Kathryn Gaskin

This quote has found its way onto many t-shirts and apparel for good reason. It is a motivational mantra that takes the pineapple fruit, studies its attributes, and then turns that into actionable advice.

Exude Confidence Like the Lofty Pineapple

Consider the pineapple fruit, how it towers proudly and unabashedly with its lofty crown. You, too, can exude such confidence if you hold your head up high and acknowledge your power. But don’t forget to temper your confidence with kindness and gentleness.

A view of a pineapple crown as seen from the top.

Pineapple is Ruled by Fire

There is so much about pineapple that resonates with power, strength, and poise that it’s hard not to be inspired to embrace these attributes when studying the plant. Pineapples are ruled by fire, the same element that rules the boldest and most self-assured signs of the zodiac — Aries, Leo, and Saggitarius.

The Sun and Pineapple

Pineapple is also ruled by the sun, our luminary. In astrology, the Sun represents our ego and sense of self. It is our outward expression and the identity that we put on display for the world.

The Essence of Life and Vitality

The Sun is a force for unbridled power, vigor, and exuberance. In understanding pineapple’s relationship with the Sun, we see that pineapple similarly exudes a powerful presence with its stout yet tough appearance. Meanwhile, the fruit contains the essence of life and vitality in its ability to nourish us.

A close-up on a pineapple and a pineapple crown.

Pineapple and Spiritual Power

But remember, power is not only physical but spiritual. You can be stoic and commanding on the outside, but if your strength within is wanting, even life’s most minor pressures can unravel you.

Pineapple is Tough on the Outside, but Sweet on the Inside

Not even pineapple makes that mistake. On the outside, it is equipped with a tough skin that protects what’s within from anything that would threaten its quality. However, once you break its shell, you see what’s worth protecting as you discover the sweet juicy flesh that vibrates with the color of the Sun itself.

Pineapple is a Reminder to Empower Yourself for Within

Spiritual power is psychic power. It is your ability to perceive things unseen that nevertheless affect you. Without spiritual power, you cannot glean divine wisdom or act from a place empowered by love and compassion.

Segments of pineapple arranged on a board.

Spiritual Power is Strength

It is essential to strengthen your spiritual side, not only for practitioners of the divinatory arts or those who relay messages from the divine, but to properly function and survive on this planet as a human being.

Harnessing the Magic of Pineapple

You can easily incorporate the magic of pineapples into your life in myriad ways. First of all, consume it! Pineapples are one of the most delicious fruits on the planet, and many delicious recipes incorporate pineapple, so this task shouldn’t prove difficult. Not to mention, pineapples are replete with nutritious benefits alongside magical perks.

A pineapple sitting on rocks near a body of water.

Eat Pineapple for Your Health And Confidence

And remember, nutrition doesn’t just mean vitamins and minerals. We nourish ourselves by consuming the energy that pineapple contains as well. So prepare for your next job interview or presentation where you need that extra dose of confidence by starting your day with some sliced pineapples or a glass of pineapple juice.

Pineapple-Themed Charms Can Remind You to Stand Tall

Pineapple-themed charms, trinkets, and decor can also help inspire pineapple’s energy, even if they’re not its natural form. A necklace etched in the form of pineapple or pineapple ornaments and decor around the house can all remind you to stand tall and walk proud.

Close-up of a pineapple crown, with pineapple skins sitting out of focus on a wooden surface.

Pineapples Are An Emblem of Hospitality

Use pineapples to welcome a friend back from travel, as it is an emblem of hospitality. Serve pineapple at celebrations to encourage happiness among the guests. Pineapples baked into desserts and then shared with a loved one can encourage devotion, and sharing with friends can strengthen the bonds of companionship.

Pineapple Crowns Make Excellent Houseplants

Pineapple’s crown makes an excellent and magical house plant, and this plant can be gifted to friends or loved ones to help them heal from past wounds and grievances or as a good luck blessing.

A close-up of a pineapple in a basket.

Symbolic Meaning of Pineapple

Pineapples are symbolic of hospitality and warmth. They express the sentiments of “welcome” and have been used traditionally to decorate door knockers, quilts, and other objects that let a friend or guest feel well-received. This tradition gets its roots in the Eastern Seaboard and Southern areas of the United States.

Pineapple Used to Welcome Guests

Due to the rarity of pineapples in the 18th century, their cost was quite expensive, and only the affluent could afford them. Wealthy hosts would often serve pineapples to guests to welcome them. Pineapples were carved into buildings, mansions, and government edifices to convey this feeling.

A pineapple plant growing near a wooden fence.

Pineapple’s Amazing Health Benefits*

Pineapples have fantastic health benefits. They are high in fiber and contain plenty of vitamin C, which can help fight off cough and cold. Pineapples also contain Bromelain, which is a cough suppressant and can help loosen mucus. A cup of pineapple contains 73% of the daily requirement of manganese, which can help with bone health.

*(See FDA Disclaimer)

The Origin of Pineapple

Pineapple’s exact location of origin is unknown. It is believed to be native to a region near Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands, more specifically, where Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay meet. After being discovered in these areas, Pineapple seeds were traded and traveled with merchants during the 16th century to areas such as Hawaii, countries in the Pacific, and the Eastern Seaboard.

Close-up photography of a pineapple.

Interesting Facts About Pineapple

  • Because of its startling resemblance to pine cones, Spanish explorers called pineapple Pina de Indias. Pina de Indias means “Pine of the Indies” because it is in the West Indies where Spanish explorers first happened upon Pineapple.
  • “Apple” was later added to Pineapple’s name by Europeans, but the Natives to the West Indies originally called it “na-na,” which is where its botanical name comes from (Ananas Comosus).
  • To check if a pineapple is ripe, tap it with a slight thump – it should give a dulled sound. If it sounds hollow, it is not ripe. A ripened pineapple will also lose its spikes quite easily.
  • Pineapples do not ripen once picked, and their peak season is April to June.
An extreme close-up of the top of a pineapple crown.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy or content.

More Elune Blue

Date fruits poured out of a jar onto a black surface, with leaves nearby.

Dates: The Fruit of Ancients

Dates are an ancient fruit, and due to their long history in the human record, it has come to be connected with much magic, fable, and lore. Its storied past has led it from the tombs of pharaohs to the mythology of gods, and where there is a myth, there is much magic. Dates are no exception to the rule. Both dates and the tree that bears this fruit …

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A field full of pink echinacea flowers.

Echinacea: The Miracle Flower

It’s no secret that the Native Americans had a robust and powerful understanding of the natural world. They taught early settlers, illiterate of the wonders and magic they had happened upon in this brave new world, how to use Mother Nature’s incredible bounty to survive and thrive. And in the treasure trove of tried and true herbal knowledge that was gifted to these settlers, Echinacea was …

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Close-up of a jojoba seed hanging from the plant.

Jojoba Magic

Jojoba is rich in vitamin E and can be made into a high-antioxidant paste used to treat burns. Jojoba oil is bright golden and is a popularly used carrier oil for the making of essential oils. It has a very long shelf life. Jojoba seeds create a wax that is very similar to the composition of natural skin oil. The seed’s oil has a high …

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Close-up of a thyme plant with purple flowers.

Thyme: The Herb of Courage

Thyme’s magic is…well, timeless.  In Ancient Greece, thyme was infused into baths, and in Greek temples, the smoke from thyme incense was used to spread courage. Egyptians would embalm their dead using thyme, and the Europeans would place it in coffins to help the …

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The Wellspring of Joy: Oranges Spiritual Meaning and Magic

A pile of oranges and orange leaves.

The Magic of Oranges

Love is the key to happiness. We sometimes forget this when the ones we love cause us pain. Likewise, we doubt it when we let down our loved ones. Love can be the path that leads to heartbreak, which stings like hell. It often seems there’s just no place for it in such a loveless world.

Oranges Inspire Happiness

However, oranges want us to remind us that love and happiness should come easy. The beautiful, bright orange color of the fruit primes our mind and spirit to be more jovial. And that’s just breaching the skin! Once you open the fruit, you stumble upon an abundance of sweet and delightful nectar.

What’s Not to Love About Oranges?

There’s very little about orange fruit not to love, and perhaps that’s the point. Orange blossoms, with their satiny texture and elevating aroma, are replete with delightful, blessed energy.

Peeled oranges in a carved golden bowl, surrounded by unpeeled oranges.

Orange Peels Also Have Wonderful Uses

Even the peel, bitter as it may be, can be candiedbrewed into tea, or used to keep the ants away from the garden. And orange juice is simply a divinely delicious beverage.

A Reminder of Mother Nature’s Love

Oranges are a wholly gratifying and thoroughly satisfying blessing from Nature, and they remind us that we are loved by no one else — the Earth herself. It is a reminder that the Earth provides nourishment and blessings — no strings attached.

The Orange Fruit is Just A Small Part of Nature’s Wonders

Her love is truly unconditional, as is evident by Nature’s bounty. Furthermore, the orange tree and its fruit — in all its splendor — is just a tiny taste of the Earth Goddess’ cornucopia.

Love As Easy as Orange Juice

In a world that has conditioned us to believe that tough love is the only form of love that matters, it might be hard to imagine that love can come easy. But look around you — you’ll find it, and drink deep that simple, refreshing glass of orange juice – you’ll taste it.

A glass of orange juice near a lemon and a sliced orange.

Revealing the Desires of Your Heart with Oranges

One of love’s most significant challenges is determining what your heart truly wants. The object of your desire might not necessarily be what will genuinely set your heart ablaze. As a result, you erroneously pursue what you feel will light your fire, only to burn in the fires of heartache and regret.

An Orange Spell to Reveal Your Wants and Desires

You can use orange fruit in magical spells to clarify and illuminate the desires of your heart. Here’s a simple enchantment you can try. Take a handful of dried orange peels, wrap them in a cloth and tie them with a ribbon. As you’re creating this orange wrap, ask the universe to reveal to you if your love is true.

A person cutting herbs over orange slices with a cup of herbs, cinnamon, and an orange slice on the side.

An Answer Through Dreams

Tuck the orange wrap under your pillow, and as you sleep, have faith that the universe will answer your question through your dreams. Furthermore, as soon as you wake up, document what you saw as you slept. Doing this promptly after waking will ensure you remember crucial details and symbols that reveal the answer.

Finding Your Soulmate with Orange Fruit Magic

When it comes to finding a soulmate, not just any person will do. You want someone who awakens your passions and ignites your inner flame. It helps if that person can see into your soul and connect with the real you. This type of love stands the test of time.

An orange with leafy stem still attached, resting on an open book.

An Orange Fruit Spell to Attract Your Soulmate

Dried orange peels, along with a coupling of a few choice herbs, can be used in a magical enchantment to help you attract your soulmate. Herbs like benzoin or lovage have the power to attract — and also make you more attractive. Adding plants like lavender and copal provide a pleasant, love-inspiring vibration to help raise the power of the magic.

Burning the Herbs to Release the Magic

You can take these herbs — dried orange peels, lavender, copal, and benzoin — and burn them over charcoal to release the magic. The smoke will act almost like a beacon, drawing your soulmate to you and guiding you to your soulmate. After all, the one you are looking for is likely also looking for you. This enchantment will help make connecting easier.

A glass of orange juice, near some oranges, plants, and woven cloth.

Love Spell Rule of Thumb: Suggestion is Okay, Compelling is Not

However, it’s important to note that whenever working magic to attract a lover, a suggestion is okay, but compelling is not. A suggestion is baking the object of your affection a nice batch of cookies with a splash of vanilla to help them vibe in love’s delightful energy. But going a step further and adding nutmeg with the explicit intent of compelling them to love and lust you is not okay.

Using Oranges to Inspire Your Love to Remain Faithful

They say that if you sprinkle dried orange peels under the bed or mattress where you and your lover sleep, it will help them remain faithful. Perhaps this is because oranges generate joyful, happy vibrations. Moreover, those that are happy in love tend to stay in love.

Orange fruit with leaves still attached on display at what looks to be a market.

Oranges Encourage Happiness in Love

Besides, if you’re in love but not happy, what’s the point? Yes, every love goes through its rough times and tests. But even so, when you’re in love, there’s an underlying joy that helps you get through those challenging times. Allow the bright color and uplifting scent of orange peels to help to remind you and the one you love of that joy.

Give a Boost to Fertility Spells with Oranges

They are associated with Gaea, the goddess of fertility. Orange trees bear fruit and blossoms and, when planted in the garden, can bless the home and ward off infertility.

Divination with Oranges

Before making a change of plans or choosing a path to take on a situation, drink a glass of orange juice, as it will help you intuit the correct course of action.

A glass of orange juice near an orange juicer and pressed orange peels sitting on a cloth-covered cutting board in the background.

Orange Seed Divination Spell

There is a simple divination spell using oranges; if you have a question, think of it as you count the seeds of an orange. An even amount of seeds means “no,” and an odd amount means “yes.”

Share the Blessings of Happiness and Joy with Oranges

Give oranges as a gift, whether fresh or specially prepared in desserts and dishes, to your friends and loved ones to express the sentiment of blessings, joy, and friendship.

Attract Abundance and Prosperity with Oranges

Oranges carry uplifting and energizing energy and can help generate happiness and joy. They attract abundance and good fortune.

Ripe orange fruit on an orange tree.

Magical Ways to Use Orange Peels

Orange peels are associated with the sun, joy, and inspiration. Once dried, orange peels can be easily used in sachets, infusions, and incenses. Burning orange incense can fill the home with creativity and happiness.

Use Orange Peels in Prosperity Incense

The Chinese associate orange peels with luck and good fortune, so consider using dried, powdered orange peel for your next prosperity powder or incense.

Orange fruits under selective focus photography.

Uplift with Orange Peel Tea

Drinking orange peel tea can lift lowered spirits and help with inspiration and a sense of purpose. Orange peels are also representative of the Sun in magical work, and some believe that orange peels express the joy of the angels.

Carry Orange Peels As A Charm for Important Negotiations

Before making an important business deal or negotiation, put orange peels in a sachet or charm and carry it with you.

A pitcher and glass full of orange juice, near whole oranges sitting on grass.

Unlocking Prophetic Dreams with Orange Peels

Place a sachet of dried orange peels beneath the pillow can help unlock prophetic dreams,

Orange Peels are a Pest Repellent

Sprinkled around the garden, dried orange peels can keep ants, cats, and slugs away.

A Magical Replacement

Orange peels can be used as a substitute for citron, saffron, and neroli in a magical spell.

Close-up of cascading orange slices.

Magical Ways to Use Orange Peels

Add blossoms to sachets to attract happiness and abundance in marriage. Orange tree leaves and flowers in a sachet can also encourage a marriage proposal.

Orange Blossom Wreaths for a Loving Marriage

Traditionally, in some cultures, orange blossom wreaths and a bride wearing orange blossoms can encourage a successful and loving marriage.

Marriage Blessings with Orange Flower Water

Sprinkling the bride and groom with orange flower water can bless the couple with a happy, long-lasting marriage.

A close-up of orange blossoms and orange fruit.

Orange Blossoms Attract Good Fortune

Place orange blossoms around the home to attract things that are desired, as well as bring prosperity and good fortune to the home.

Bathe with Orange Blossoms for Beauty

Place fresh or dried orange blossoms in your bath to enhance your natural beauty.

Orange Blossom Water for Love Potions

Water distilled from orange flowers can be used to make love potions.

Close-up of orange blossoms.

Blood Orange Magical Properties and Uses

Blood oranges carry the magical properties of inspiration, creativity, and imagination. They can strengthen lust and passion while also being able to instill courage and strength.

Blood Oranges are Connected to the Night’s Magic

As blood oranges require the cool of the night to develop and ripen, they are associated with the element of fire and the energies of the night. Blood oranges are also connected to youthfulness, longevity, and kindly or sweet dispositions.

A blood orange with part of its peels cut off sitting on a circular slab of wood next to a weathered metal knife.

What does it Mean to Dream of Oranges?

Dreaming of orange is usually a good omen. It signals incoming prosperity and good fortune. Dreaming of lighting orange oil on fire represents a union between two disparate elements — fire and water — and symbolizes a strong balance within.

Dreaming of Rotting Orange is a Bad Sign

Dreaming of a rotting orange, however, is a bad sign but can be remedied magically by burying an orange into the earth.

Selective focus photography of an orange hanging on a tree.

Oranges Symbolize

Oranges have come to symbolize wealth, prosperity, and happiness. They are a prominent New Year’s symbol in China. The Chinese word for tangerine is similar to the word “luck,” and the Chinese word for orange sounds similar to the word “wealth.”

Oranges Represent Prosperity and Happiness in China

As a result, oranges symbolize wealth, prosperity, and happiness in China. It is used to adorn homes and shops to welcome the coming year with good fortune.

A green orange with water droplets hanging from a tree in a fenced yard.

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The products and statements made about specific products on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. All information provided on this website or any information on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.

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Orange fruits under selective focus photography.

True Love Spell with Orange Peels

You can use orange peels, along with other herbs for love such as hibiscus, periwinkle leaf, violet, and jasmine to create a mojo that attracts true love. This mojo will act as a hand in the darkness, pointing out the path that leads to the one which complements you. It will also help light the way for your true love to …

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Honeydew Spiritual Meaning and Magic

Honeydew Melon contains plenty of seeds and, as such, can be used in magical spells, satchels, and talismans to attract abundance. Take a handful of honeydew melon seeds and throw them into the air, then ask the winds to blow in an abundance of whatever it is you seek. Honeydew melon is symbolic of …

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Red Saffron spice on a wooden spoon.

Saffron: The Queen’s Spice

As the fabled world’s most expensive spice, Saffron has long embodied the essence of wealth, affluence, and luxury. Consequently, queens of lore luxuriated in baths gilded in Saffron and enjoyed its aphrodisiac qualities. Moreover, there’s a mystical power within Saffron wherein many have found their pathway to …

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Curly, bright yellow witch hazel blooms.

Witch Hazel: The Winter’s Bloom

Witch Hazel is as witchy and magical as the name suggests. A peculiar plant with distinctly fringy yellow flowers, Witch Hazel is often called “snapping hazel” for the peculiar way its fruit “snaps open” and ejects seeds upon reaching maturity. Not only is Witch Hazel bewitching to look at and amusing to listen to, but its spiritual power is …

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Mugwort Spiritual Meaning and Magic

A bird's-eye view close-up of mugwort.

The Magic of Mugwort

Mugwort is sacred to the Goddess Artemis, who comforts women in labor, and it is also associated with the moon and thus the cycle of womanhood. Mugwort can be in smudging for protection and divination, and the smoke can strengthen astral projection and lucid dreaming.

Mugwort Magical Uses

For sweeping negative energies from the home, weave mugwort into your broom or besom. You can also make a protection oil from mugwort to safeguard the home. Smudge Mugwort smoke on your ritual tools to consecrate them and increase their power.

Divination and Lucid Dreaming with Mugwort

Keep mugwort under your pillow to induce prophetic dreams and mugwort incense to help open the mind during divination. Mugwort tea can also produce lucid dreams. Burn mugwort with sandalwood and wormwood to help give potency to scrying rituals.

A series of mugwort plants in a yard.

Celebrating Litha With Mugwort

As part of Litha ceremonies, Mugwort is worn as a belt, then removed and ritually burned to protect from evil the following year. This ritual is also employed to attract beneficial spirits and good fortune.

Exorcising Ghosts and Demons with Mugwort

Native Americans rubbed mugwort leaves on the body to protect them from ghosts. Similarly, Mugwort is used to exorcise demons.

How Mugwort Helps to Ease the Burden of Travel

Place Mugwort in sachets to help ease the burdens associated with travel or place it in your shoes to help keep aches and pains away during long walks or runs. The herb is sometimes used to increase lust and fertility.

Mugwort’s Power Over Mental Illness

Mugwort is used to help with some diseases and mental illnesses. To help with depression, soak in a mugwort bath. Pregnant women should avoid ingesting mugwort as it can lead to miscarriage.*

*(See FDA Disclaimer)

A series of mugwort plants.

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Catmint with purple blooms along a brick pathway, in front of pink roses.

Catnip: The Cat’s Meow

There’s something curiously amusing about observing a cat intoxicated by the scent of catnip. As the feline’s eyes widen and pupils dilate as if stimulated by drugs, they cannot resist the magic. As such, a cat will roll around on the floor, writhing as if seized by some hypnotic trance. Catnip is a magical plant indeed for both felines and …

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Close-up of bright yellow daffodils.

Daffodil: The Spring’s Trumpet

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Close-up of peppermint plants.

Mint: The Panacea

Mint is known as a powerful, potent, and prolific healing herb. Wherever it is planted, it takes root, takes over, and quickly overcomes almost any landscape provided for it to grow, which may be a nuisance to some. However, those knowledgeable of Mint’s incredible power will see …

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A wild carrot flower in what appears to be morning sunlight.

Queen Anne’s Lace: The Wild Carrot

Queen Anne’s lace got its name from a myth in which Queen Anne accidentally stabbed her finger with a needle while she was making lace, spilling her blood on it. This is reminiscent of the reddish-purple flowers disbursed among the plant’s white flowers. To harness Queen Anne’s Lace magic and improve your chances of …

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Mugwort Magical Properties and Uses — Magical Herbs

The Magic of Mugwort

Mugwort Magical Meaning | Mugwort Magical Properties | Magical Herbs - Elune Blue

Mugwort is sacred to the Goddess Artemis who comforts women in labor, and it is also associated with the moon and thus the cycle of womanhood. Mugwort can be in smudging for protection and divination, and the smoke can strengthen astral projection and lucid dreaming.

Keep mugwort under your pillow to induce prophetic dreams and use mugwort incense to help open the mind during divination. Mugwort tea can also produce lucid dreams. Burn mugwort with sandalwood and wormwood to help give potency to scrying rituals.

Mugwort can also be placed in sachets to help ease the burdens associated with travel and can be placed in shoes to help keep aches and pains away during long walks or runs. It can also be carried to increase lust and fertility and treat disease and mental illness.

Pregnant women should avoid ingesting mugwort as it can lead to miscarriage. To help with depression, soak in a mugwort bath, and for sweeping negative energies from the home weave mugwort into your broom or besom. You can also make a protection oil from mugwort to safeguard the home.

Native Americans rubbed mugwort leaves on the body to protect them from ghosts, and it has also been used to exorcise demons. Mugwort is also used to consecrate ritual tools and increase their powers. It is used ceremonially during Litha and worn as a belt that is ritually burned to ward against evil in the next year as well as attract good luck and good spirits.

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