The Spring’s Trumpet: Daffodil Spiritual Meaning and Magic

Yellow daffodils taken with selective focus photography.

The Magic of Daffodil

As the daffodil blooms, it trumpets the arrival of spring. Daffodils are the harbinger of spring, and their blooming is intimately connected to many spring festivals worldwide — including Ostara.

Daffodils and the Ostara Season

The magic of Daffodils, also known as Narcissus, expresses the essence of the Ostara season. The springtime is a time for the sweetness of love, and Daffodils can be carried on one’s person or used to decorate your Ostara altar to encourage the spirit of Love to fill the air.

Magical Ways to Use Daffodil

Daffodils are rich in fertile energy, and when fresh daffodil flowers are placed in the bedroom, they can help with conceiving. It is exceptionally fortuitous to wear a little bit of daffodil close to your heart, as doing so can raise your good fortune.

Yellow daffodils growing near a home.

What Does the Daffodil Symbolize?

The truth of the daffodil’s bold beauty is enough to inspire peace and calm and a gentle reminder for us to show love and care to ourselves. It is a symbol of new beginnings, rebirth, and renewal.

Are Daffodils Good Luck?

The birth flower of March, it is said that spotting the first daffodil of the season brings a prosperous year. Daffodils blooming during the Lunar Year is considered a sign of good fortune. However, spotting a single daffodil growing alone portends misfortune.

What is the Difference Between Daffodils and Jonquils and Narcissus?

Daffodils are often referred to as narcissus or jonquil interchangeably. However, daffodil usually refers to narcissus flowers with a large trumpet, and jonquils are more fragrant than your standard daffodil.

What Does Daffodil Smell Like?

With a scent described as musky and similar to that of jasmine or hyacinth, there does seem to be something quite alluring about the narcissus flower. Its name has also been linked with the Greek word for intoxicated, narke — the root word for “narcotic.”

Close-up of bright yellow daffodils.

Daffodil Magical Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Narcissus
  • Folk Names: Asphodel, Daffy-Down-Dilly, Fleur de Coucou, Goose Leek, Lent Lily, Narcissus, Porillon
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Water
  • Magical Attributes: Love, Fertility, Luck

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.

The Narcissus Flower in Mythology

It is often thought that the narcissus flower gained its name from the ill-fated youth of the same name — Narcissus. Narcissus, of course, is the youth of lore that was blessed with beauty but spurned the love of many who wished to court him.

Narcissus Falls in Love with His Reflection

Narcissus eventually fell in love with his reflection in a pool – the one lover he could not have. Some accounts say that he drowned himself trying to embrace the fleeting reflection.

Narcissus flowers at sunset.

The Narcissus Flower Loves its Reflection Too

The narcissus flower, too, seems to hang its flowered head to gaze upon its reflection when near water, just as Narcissus did. Thus, it’s a small wonder that the Western world often symbolically associates narcissus with vanity.

Narcissus Was a Popular Name in Roman Times

However, history might tell a different story about the origin of the narcissus flower’s name, as the prevalence and popularity of the narcissus in antiquity seems to have preceded the myth itself. The name Narcissus was quite common in Roman times.

A field full of yellow daffodils.

The Narcissus Flower is Connected to the Underworld

Some believe that the word narcissus is connected to hell, which would make sense since it shares many connections with death and the Underworld. The narcissus flower is mentioned in the story of Persephone as having been the very flower that distracted her long enough for Hades to steal her to his Underworld. Legend would have it that narcissi grow along the River Styx.

Narcissus as a Harbinger of Doom

Ancient Greeks would plant narcissus flowers near tombs, and some narcissi, such as Thalia, are considered popular grave flowers. Some believe narcissus portends doom, as the youth Narcissus and Persephone met their demise due to the narcissus flower.

White daffodil flowers.

Narcissus is Toxic

All versions of narcissus are toxic. Narcissus is a popular deer repellent for this very reason, as deer do not enjoy toxic plants, but keep in mind this also means that pets too can be harmed by this flower.

Be Mindful of Where You Grow Daffodils

If you have pets that like to chew on plants and grass, growing daffodils in your garden are not recommended. Be careful not to grow edible bulbs near your narcissus plants, as mistaking a narcissus bulb for an edible bulb can and has been fatal.

Three white and yellow daffodils.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

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A Time to Purify: Herbs for Imbolc — Wheel of the Year

Imbolc is a time of purification and clearing away all that doesn’t serve you in preparation for the bounty of future harvests. -- Herbs for Imbolc

The Magic of Imbolc

In the belly of the Goddess, something is stirring. It is time for the earth to awaken from the dormancy of the winter and create life anew. Just beneath the winter snow, the seeds of life are preparing to spring from their shell and break through the thawing ground. You can feel it in the air – a freshness of feeling. A rebirth is underway.

The herbs, flowers, and trees that many associate with Imbolc help us understand the magic behind the sabbat. Through their magical uses, symbology, and lore we can understand the enchantment that is taking hold, as what is dead is reborn, and what is old becomes new.

Sun-like, golden flowers like celandine and tansy remind us of the significance of the news cycle, a chance to start again. A reset for all that is past. Heather and Blackthorn help us understand it is that time to initiate new plans and prepare for the harvest you want to see in the future. Till the fields, choose the seeds, and be mindful that you can only reap what has been sown.

Many Imbolc flowers and herbs, such as Bay Laurel and Angelica, make clear the importance of purification and cleansing to be better prepared for the coming seasons. It’s quite traditional to engage in “spring cleaning” during this time for this very reason.

Through the burning of Myrrh resin, we are placed in a spirit of reflection and somber contemplation. Reflection breeds wisdom, and wisdom makes it easier to navigate whatever the year may have in store for you.

The magical herbs of Imbolc have a story to tell about the magic of the season. As you take time now to learn about these herbs and their deeper significance to the Imbolc Sabbat, perhaps you will walk away a bit more enchanted and in awe of Nature and the magical signs, she shows us every day.

Imbolc is a time of purification and clearing away all that doesn’t serve you in preparation for the bounty of future harvests. -- Herbs for Imbolc

The Magic of Angelica

Angelica can be grown near the home to provide protection. Use it in purification baths to cleanse negative energy. Smoking angelica leaves is said to cause visions. -- Angelica Magical Properties and Uses #Herbs for Imbolc

The power of the archangels resides within Angelica, hence its botanical name, Angelica Archangelica. Angelica can be grown near or within the home to provide protection. Usually, the root is what is used in magical workings.

Sprinkle some angelica along with the four corners of your home or around the perimeter to ward it off from evil. Angelica can be used in purification baths to cleanse negative energy, and smoking angelica leaves is said to cause visions.

Angelica has powers of luck and its energy can draw good fortune, as well as provide a little extra blessing of emotional balance and harmony to one’s life.

The Magic of Basil

Basil reminds us of the charming nature of the Imbolc season; the sweet innocence of new life and new love just beginning to bud. It can be rubbed on the skin to act as a perfume that attracts love.

Basil’s saccharine and aromatic scent has been known to soothe tensions that can arise between lovers, helping them find their way to sympathy and understanding.

The legendary “witches herb,” it was once thought that witches would drink a ¼ cup of basil before flying off into the air. When strewn on the floor, it repels maligned energies, as where basil is, evil cannot exist.

The Magic of Bay Laurel

Imbolc is a time of purification, and Bay Laurel is a purification herb par excellence. Burn a bay laurel smudge or scatter bay laurel leaves around the home to banish negative energies. -- Bay Laurel Magical Properties and Uses #Imbolc

Imbolc is a time of purification. It is a time for clearing away all that doesn’t serve you in preparation for the bounty of future harvests. Bay laurel is the perfect herb for the occasion, as it is a purification herb par excellence.

Burn a bay laurel smudge or scatter bay laurel leaves around the home to banish away any dark energies that may linger back to the cold dark of from whence they came.

Place bay laurel under your pillow and allow it to color your dreams with prophetic revelations that may help inform your decisions and planning for the coming seasons. Bay laurel can be burned to inspire psychic visions, and included in brews to empower clairvoyant abilities.

The Magic of Blackberry

Blackberry is associated with Brigit, the Celtic goddess of poetry and healing who is honored on Imbolc. Blackberry is a powerful healing plant, and it is believed that passing under a blackberry bramble bush that forms a natural arch can heal all sorts of maladies. -- Blackberry Magical Properties and Uses | Herbs for Imbolc

As Imbolc arrives, it’s time to reinvigorate the body and prepare it for all that will unfold throughout the year. Blackberry lends itself to this pursuit quite nicely, as it is a powerful healing plant.

Imbolc is also known as St. Brigid’s Day, named for the Celtic goddess of poetry and healing, and the blackberry plant is associated with her as well. There is even an old healing ritual involving blackberries that invokes the goddess herself.

If you happen to find yourself in the presence of a blackberry bramble bush that forms a natural arch, be sure to pass under it, as it is said doing so can cure all sorts of maladies.

The Magic of Celandine
Celandine’s power is to break chains. It can free the mind of depressive mindsets and its protective power visits in the courtroom, providing an avenue by which judge and jury may be inspired to change their minds and grant a more favorable judgment. -- Celandine Magical Properties and Uses | Herbs for Imbolc

As the earth begins to break free from Winter’s icy grasp, and the seeds in the womb of the Earth Mother stir and vibrate in anticipation of releasing new life into the world, we are reminded that Imbolc is a time for freedom – a time for Nature to discard her wintry shells and begin the cycle of life anew.

Celandine’s power is to break chains. In the vibrancy of its yellow color is a magic that has been used to free the mind of depressive mindsets. Its protective power visits the courtroom, when freedom is in the balance, providing an avenue by which judge and jury may be inspired to change their minds and grant a more favorable judgment.

Practice caution when using celandine, as immodest doses can be toxic. Its name comes from the Ancient Greek chelidṓn, which means swallow, as the ancients say that celandine blooms when the swallow returns and fades as the swallow flies away.

The Magic of Coltsfoot

As the Sun returns and prepares to leave a blooming landscape in its wake, coltsfoot is among the first to herald its arrival. The flower is one of the earliest to bloom, sometimes as early as February, just in time for the Imbolc season.

Coltsfoot will only unveil its stunning dandelion yellow petals at the promise of warmth and sunlight. In its dazzling golden bloom, it seems to trumpet the return of the Sun and the assurance of love and peace on the horizon. And in the wake of the love shared between the Sun and the Goddess, life is reborn anew, and Spring will blossom soon.

Coltsfoot can be used in love sachets to attune your soul and vision to Love’s energy. It is an herb that inspires peace and has divinatory applications, as the leaves can be smoked to induce visions.

Medicinally, coltsfoot leaves and flowers are used in cough remedies. In fact, its genus name tussilago means “cough dispeller.” Practice great care and consume coltsfoot very sparingly, as it contains alkaloids that can attribute to liver disease.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should steer clear of consuming coltsfoot, as these alkaloids can be passed on to the child with toxic results.

The Magic of Heather

Heather can be burned with fern outside to attract the rains that will allow Spring flowers to grow. Its ethereal beauty seems to call beyond the veil and has been used to conjure ghosts. White heather is particularly lucky, and can double as an added protection against rape and violence. -- Heather Magical Properties and Uses #Imbolc

On Scottish moors and heathlands, curious magic takes place, as the hills are alive with the beauty and majesty of the heather flowers that grow there widely and with abandon.

The enlivened enchanted purple glow of the heather plant is a beloved treasure to the locals, and many a poem has been written in tribute to its inspiring and captivating beauty.

Heather is a plant steeped in magical potential. It has been said that heather “is a suitable tree for the initiation of Scottish witches.” This magic extends to all that would proceed to initiate a new path or journey, and as Imbolc is a time of planning for the future, heather’s power is right in line with these pursuits.

Heather has a plethora of magical uses. It can be burned with fern to attract the rains that will allow Spring flowers to grow. Heather’s ethereal beauty seems to call beyond the veil and has been used to conjure ghosts. White heather is particularly lucky and can double as an added protection against rape and violence.

There are many magical ways you can incorporate the magic of heather into the Imbolc season. Heather branches make wonderful besoms, perfect for cleansing lingering unwanted energies headed into the time of planning. The branches can be woven into lovely wreaths that will invite good fortune to the home.

The Magic of Iris

Considered a birth flower of February, Iris shares a name with the goddess of rainbows and new beginnings. Iris flower and orris root both can be used in rituals for purification. Place fresh iris flowers in an area you wish to usher in vibrant, cleansing energy. -- Iris Magical Properties and Uses #Imbolc

During the Imbolc season, there are two worlds at play: the evidence of the winter season, as layers of snow, have finally started to thaw and trees shrug off their coat of frost, and the imminence of Spring, and a new life begins to form just below the ice, and the Earth vibrates and warms with the Sun’s ever-nearing energy.

Iris is a symbolic reminder of this duality. While in the world seen, above ground, there exists a delicate flower of otherworldly beauty, just below the surface in a world unseen exists a root system steeped in mystical energy.

With a scent similar to that of violet, the energy within Iris root — more commonly known as orris root — weaves its way into the subconscious mind, helping to uncover the hidden worlds and knowledge tucked away within the psyche. Its powder can help intersperse divinatory revelation into dreams, and it is associated with the moon and the realm of intuition.

Iris flower and orris root both can be used in rituals for purification. Place fresh iris flowers in an area you wish to usher in vibrant, cleansing energy. The three petals of the iris flower represent the highest of ideals – faith, valor and wisdom.

Considered a birth flower of February, Iris shares a name with the goddess of rainbows and new beginnings. In her wake, she creates the rainbow with her cloak woven of multi-colored flowers, thus connecting heaven and earth.

Iris shares numerous connections with death and the Underworld. Cross-culturally iris has commonly been used to adorn the final resting place of the dead. Ancient Greeks would place purple iris flowers on the graves of young women, in hopes that the goddess Iris would show compassion on their souls and shepherd them into heaven.

It is said that the iris flower was one of the flowers Persephone and her nymph friends were gathering before she was woefully abducted by Hades into the Underworld.

The Magic of Myrrh

Myrrh is a purifying herb. The smoke can be used to cleanse and consecrate magical tools and talismans. It is usually coupled with frankincense and together the smoke of both resins work to raise powerful magical vibrations, banish negative energies, and provide protection. -- Myrrh Magical Properties and Uses #Imbolc

While Imbolc is a time to celebrate, it is also a time to be solemn of mind. The winter’s frost and its dangers might linger still, delaying the advent of Spring and the growing season. The Earth Goddess still remains separated from her daughter, Persephone in the Underworld below and still mourns for her loss, even if their reunion is near on the horizon.

With an earthy scent that some might call bittersweet, myrrh is a gentle reminder of the harsh world we leave behind as the barrenness of winter’s grasp releases its hold on the burgeoning font of life that will become Spring. While at Imbolc we are almost there, we are still only halfway there – winter’s throes and the dangers they may represent are still a reality.

It’s important to remember that while modern advancements have lessened the dangers that usually accompany the winter season, the cold of winter is no trifling matter. In days of yore and even in the current day, not being adequately insulated from and prepared for winter’s danger can mean certain death.

Traditionally, myrrh is a funerary herb. It was used by the ancient Egyptians to embalm their dead. It has numerous connections to death, mourning, and the Underworld, and is used to heal the sorrows of the past as well as connect with the spirits of the dead. The nuggets of resin that form when myrrh leaks from a tree are sometimes called “tears,” seeming to further myrrh’s connection with mourning and sorrow.

Myrrh is a purifying herb. The smoke can be used to cleanse and consecrate magical tools and talismans. It is usually coupled with frankincense which shares similar qualities, and together the smoke of both resins works to raise powerful magical vibrations, banish negative energies, and provide protection.

The Egyptians honored the Sun God Ra by burning myrrh at noon, and it was also burned at temples for Isis. Its name comes from the Semitic root m-r-r, meaning “bitter.”

The Magic of Tansy

Tansy was gifted to Ganymede to make him undying, thus it is often included in spells and rituals for longevity. It has had a myriad of funerary uses, from packed into coffins with the dead tobiscuits of tansy and caraway served to those mourning the departed. Ants particularly do not like tansy, however bees have been known to be calmed by its smoke. -- Tansy Magical Properties and Uses #Imbolc

Imbolc is a time that reminds us that nothing ever really dies. The trees reemerge from their frost-bitten winter shell and display new life and leaves. The seeds from the plants that have been felled by winter’s crisp snap are beginning to sprout – an heirloom of the generation before. Everything that dies is reborn. Everything old becomes something new.

Tansy is a symbol of death, rebirth, and the cycle. Colloquially known as “buttons” for its distinctive, button-like yellow flower heads, its name is believed to have come from the Greek word athanaton, which means immortal.

Tansy was gifted to Ganymede to make him undying, thus it is often included in spells and rituals for longevity. It is also associated with Hebe, a goddess often connected with youth and immortality as well as any other god or goddess that represents death and rebirth.

Tansy has had a myriad of funerary uses. It has been packed into coffins with the dead due to its excellent ability to repel insects and worms. Corpses were dressed with tansy oil before burial, as tansy wreaths decorated funeral halls and cakes made of tansy and caraway were served to those mourning the dead.

The prevalent use of tansy in funeral traditions made the herb fall out of flavor for some, who had no taste for such a “morbid” herb.

An excellent insect repellent, tansy was often stuffed in shoes to ward off mosquitoes carrying the pestilence of malaria and to prevent contracting fever. Ants particularly do not like tansy, however, bees have been known to be calmed by its smoke.

With a minty scent that is sweet like rosemary, it is a common tradition to flavor dishes made with dairy using tansy leaves during the Imbolc season. However, practice care when consuming tansy, as it is slightly toxic.

It is also very similar in appearance to ragweed tansy, which is very toxic, so pay great attention when foraging for tansy in the wild. Pregnant women should steer clear of consuming tansy altogether, as it can have adverse effects on pregnancy.

The Magic of Violet

Violet can be used in spells to attract and raise your good fortune when it comes to love. This magic is especially potentiated when you add lavender to the mix. Make sure to gather the first violet you see in the spring, as it has the power to grant wishes. Carry violet for an added measure of protection. -- Violet Magical Properties and Uses #Imbolc

Imbolc is a time of rebirth and reemergence. The squirrels and groundhogs are reemerging from their ground burrows, testing the ground for frost and foraging for nuts and berries. Little green sprouts are starting to form on the once barren trees, young saplings that seem to return the trees back to life and the visage of youth.

As good fortune would have it, violets make their reemergence for the Imbolc season as well. The birth flower of February, violets don’t mind the waning cool of the winter season exciting, as they prefer cooler temperatures. If the winter months have lasted too long, chances are you can find sweet violet greens still crisp with winter frost, but perfectly edible and rich in nutrients.

While violets tend to grow wild and can be somewhat invasive, don’t make the mistake of missing the gift of the prevalence of this delicious flower! Young violet blooms can be plucked and candied with a little egg wash and some sugar or syrup for a tasty floral treat. They are also popularly baked into cakes, cookies, and scones and sprinkled into salads with divine results.

The beauty of violet is both lovely and lucky and can be used in spells to attract and raise your good fortune when it comes to love. This magic is especially potentiated when you add lavender to the mix, as between the two it created an aroma and beauty that Love cannot resist.

Make sure to gather the first violet you see in the spring, as it has the power to grant wishes. Maligned spirits and energies can’t withstand the beauty of the violet flower, so be sure to carry some for an added measure of protection.

Violets have a wonderful yet fleeting soft, powdery scent. However interestingly enough, if you’ve smelled violet once, it will be a moment before you can smell it again, as it contains a compound that dulls the olfactory nerves momentarily, making experiencing violet’s flirty aroma again a game of patience.

The Magic of Blackthorn

Known as the “Dark Crone of the Woods,” when the Blackthorn tree blooms, it marks the beginning of the Imbolc season. Blackthorn staves and wands are often used to initiate new witches into the Craft and the magic of the Underworld. The branches can be hung on doorways to protect the household from calamity. -- Blackthorn Magical Properties and Uses #Imbolc

Known as the “Dark Crone of the Woods,” Blackthorn is at the very heart of Winter, and the harbinger of the Spring. Winter begins when the Cailleach – the Goddess of Winter – strikes the ground with her Blackthorn staff. And as the Blackthorn tree blooms, it marks the beginning of the Imbolc season.

Imbolc is a time of initiation. It’s time for the initial planning and preparation needed to undertake new projects and endeavors. Blackthorn is also intimately tied to the art initiation, as blackthorn staves and wands are often used to initiate new witches into the Craft and the magic of the Underworld.

It is called Blackthorn because during the dead of winter, when the tree has shed all of its leaves, what remains is a portentous black and thorny, gnarled, and barbed husk. It is very much the inspiration behind the menacing brambles you find protecting many enchanted forests in fairy tales, most notably Sleeping Beauty.

And protect it will. Blackthorn branches can be hung on doorways that can protect the home and its inhabitants from calamity and disaster, as well as prevent dark energy from entering the home. It is customary to carve Blackthorn staves with the Norse rune thorn as an added means of defense.

There’s a reason Blackthorn understands protection – it is because it understands what to protect against. It understands the dark and cold of the winter, and the threats that bitter cold holds. It understands the Underworld and all its mysteries and is a portal to and an anchor from it.

Blackthorn is steeped in mystical and auspicious magical energy. It represents the dark side of the Craft. It is the “increaser and keeper of dark secrets.” It is linked to the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess. To know and understand magic and witchcraft is to understand the dark and the light, and Blackthorn’s energy is there to protect you, a wizened guide as you dabble in the dark.

Blackthorn wood can be fashioned into a powerful wand that can be used for all magical purposes. Its fruit, called sloe, is a dark and edible berry, but do be advised that its flavor is quite acrid and sour unless you wait till after the first frost in Autumn to harvest them.

Watch the Video: A Time to Purify: Herbs for Imbolc

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The Stone of the Moon: Selenite Metaphysical Meaning and Uses

A selenite crystal sphere that almost resembles the moon with a subtle glow, sitting on a darkened surface against a dark background.

The Magic of Selenite

A conduit of powerful, celestial energy, Selenite is often called the “liquid light of spirit” as it houses seraphic forces within its ethereal bonds. Its name is not a coincidence; the stone is named after the Titan Goddess of the Moon, Selene, the goddess who traverses the veiled night with the light of her moon chariot.

Selenite is a stone for divine clarity, giving us a heaven’s eye view of our temporal realm and providing insight into the Grand Scheme and how it influences the seemingly mundane circumstances of our everyday life.

The quintessential “stone of the moon,” Selenite connects us to the celestial realm and our better guides and angels. The stone acts as a medium of communication, helping us receive divine symbols and messages with more ease and lucidity.

Two Selenite crystal towers from Conscious Items.

Use selenite to attune yourself to the mystical energies of the spiritual plane. The stone’s pure, ethereal energy can also help cleanse the aura of disruptions, as well as provide a buffer against maligned or negative energies from people and the environment.

Selenite’s energy is the key to higher levels of consciousness and awareness. It is connected to the Crown Chakra, which is the portal to our higher selves, as well as the lesser-known Etheric Chakras, which contain information of the highest spiritual magnitude.

A colorless, arrow-shaped gypsum selenite specimen.

Selenite Magical Correspondences

  • Energy: Receptive
  • Planet: Moon
  • Element: Water
  • Magical Attributes: Reconciliation, Energy

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham.

Protection with Selenite

Grid your house or workspace with selenite crystals. You can place them in the corners of the room or house to protect the area from undesired outside influences while promoting an energizing and elevating environment. Inundated by people who seem to drain your energy? Wear a selenite pendant, as it can help protect against the negativity of others.

It’s nothing out of the ordinary for a child to be afraid of the dark. Help quell your child’s fears by keeping a selenite egg or cluster nearby your child’s bed. Let them know that the moon’s angelic light is captured within the stone, and will shine on them and keep them safe while they sleep.

Selenite for Divination

Selenite can be used to clear and ready the mind for divine revelation. It promotes purity of thought, making it easier to receive and understand celestial information unclouded by temporal influence. Use selenite to connect and communicate with spirit guides, as well as access and understand spiritual symbols and signs. Laying in the center of a selenite grid is quite a mystical experience, and can help stimulate spiritual ascension.

Accessing Past Lives with Selenite

It is believed that selenite carries all of history within its linear striations. This makes selenite the ideal stone for accessing ancient wisdom and knowledge. Allow the stone to help you access your between-life state, helping you touch base with your soul’s progress throughout your lives as well as understanding more fully the issues of this life and how to overcome them.

A golden yellow Duckbill Selenite specimen.

Selenite as a Magical Tool

You can use Selenite’s cleansing energy to clear your stones and crystals. Consider selenite for your next magical wand, as not only does selenite make magnificent and powerful wands, but they are relatively inexpensive. Keeping selenite nearby your other crystals and magical tools will amplify their power. Selenite records the information of anything that happened in its presence and can be used to scry the truth of a situation if the stone was witnessed.

Improving Communication with Selenite

Selenite is said to hold information within its bounds. It can be used to store telepathic messages, as well as strengthen telepathic communication between people. If there is someone you are looking to reconnect with, send them a piece of selenite, as its energy can help make reconciliation easier.

More Magical Ways to Use Selenite

Consider selenite for all that concerns womanhood. It is perfect for women dealing with the stresses of pregnancy and childbirth, as it can introduce calm.

Consider placing selenite on your yoga mat, as it helps promote mental and physical balance.

Selenite has excellent benefits for those who are business-minded. It can promote harmony and accord in partnerships and help the mind focus to make good business decisions.

A Selenite Harmonious Heart from Conscious Items, sitting in a stream of water.

The Healing Power of Selenite

When trying to understand the healing power of selenite, think “clear”. Selenite crystals can be used to cleanse the aura, as well as clear any blockages and irregularities in your energy field. Use selenite to help clear away negative feelings, such as doubt, jealousy, low confidence, and confusion.

Selenite’s high-frequency energy can be directed into the body to help stimulate healing. By tracing from the back of the neck to the base of the spine with a selenite wand, you can clear blockages. Do this in the opposite direction to smooth the flow of energy.

Selenite has applications for emotional health and well-being as well. It can be used to soothe and stabilize emotions. Those suffering from an attention-deficit disorder or rampant mood swings can also benefit from selenite’s steadying energy. It can also help remove emotional stagnation, which can often be stunting when trying to make progress in life.

Selenite’s energy is excellent for bone health. It is used in crystal healing to align the spinal column and treat deformities in the skeletal system. It can help strengthen and support bones as well as nerves and tendons and is said to promote a flexible and limber muscular system.

A close-up view of a cluster of selenite crystals.

How to Charge and Cleanse Your Selenite Crystals

Selenite has the unique ability to charge and cleanse itself. In fact, selenite is often used to charge other crystals due to its intrinsically pure energy and ability to repel negative energy. However, if you wish to charge your selenite crystal anyway, you can charge it under the light of the moon in any moon phase or with a white candle. Never cleanse selenite with water as it can dissolve your selenite crystal.

Selenite and the Chakras

Selenite is associated with the Crown Chakra, as well as the higher chakras, often referred to as the Etheric Chakras. The Crown Chakra is our connection with divine, spiritual energy, and is the portal to our highest selves. It is the font of our spirituality and houses the knowledge of who we really are and what our place is in the universe.

The Etheric Chakras refer to the series of chakras located above the Crown Chakra. They are deeply entwined with the spiritual world, and provide a doorway to other realms and spiritual planes. They contain information of the highest spiritual magnitude and identify us with The All, oneness, the truest peace, and the deepest wisdom. 

Selenite Interesting Facts

  • The origin of selenite’s name can be sourced to the Ancient Greek word for moon – Selene.
  • Selenite’s name literally translates to “stone of the moon” or “moonstone.” The ancients believed that the energy of certain translucent stones, such as selenite, waxed and waned with the moon.
  • The Salt Plains in northern Oklahoma are the only place in the world to produce the unique “hourglass” selenite. They are named so due to the hourglass pattern that forms within the crystal. These imitable crystal formations occur due to the selenite crystal being formed in wet soil.
  • Selenite can grow to impressively large sizes – more so than most crystals. The largest selenite crystal ever found was found growing in the Naica Mines Cave of Crystals and weighed a staggering 55 tons and was 12 meters long.
  • Selenite does not usually contain imperfections or inclusions. However, there have been instances of water and even fossils found within selenite crystals.
  • Large sheets of selenite crystal comprise all the windows of the Basilica de Saint Sabina, located at Aventine Hill, Rome.
  • Selenite is a very soft crystal. It registers at 2 on the Mohs hardness scale and can be easily scratched using just a fingernail.
  • Selenite will dissolve if left in water over time.
  • Selenite is a variety of gypsum. Other forms of gypsum include desert rose, satin spar and gypsum flower.
  • Selenite, like other gypsum crystals, is generally cold to the touch. This is due to the fact that gypsum crystals have natural thermal insulation properties. 

The Crystal Forge: How Selenite is Formed

Much like table salt, selenite is forged through evaporation. When bodies of water evaporate, it is the chemicals that are left behind that form into selenite, as well as other gypsum crystals.

Through concentration and crystallization, eventually, the selenite crystal emerges. It is important to note that selenite is an evaporative material, meaning that it is water-soluble and will dissolve in water given enough time.

Selenite has a penchant for forming in evaporated seas, salt flats, salt springs, caves, and alkaline lake muds.

Selenite Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does a selenite wand do?
    • Not only are they surprisingly inexpensive, but a selenite wand can also be used to cleanse the aura of negative energy. It can help you “unstuck” stagnant energy, promoting the flow of energy throughout your body, and help with mental clarity.
  • Can you put selenite in water?
    • It is not a good idea to put selenite in water, as it will dissolve.
  • Is selenite good for sleep?
    • Selenite is an ideal stone for sleep as it can help calm and quiet the mind’s chatter, which can oftentimes work contrary to getting a good night’s sleep.
  • What is a selenite tower?
    • Selenite towers are excellent for directing selenite’s protective and calming energies to fill a space. Set them up in the four corners of your workspace or any room and enjoy the pure, cleansing energy it generates. 

Watch the Video: The Magic of Selenite

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content. 

A Magical Brew: A Spell for Spiritual Awakening — Spellcraft

We provide this spell as a means to help you access and attract spiritual energy and the gifts that come with that access. -- Spell for Spiritual Awakening

The Magic of Spiritual Awakening

In a world that tempts us to focus on temporal things and the pursuit of material wealth, we often lose sight of the truth and beauty of the spiritual world and how powerfully it impacts us. Connecting with and understanding the spiritual side of life is important and necessary to our true development. While you can amass all the riches and wealth the world has to offer, without working on your spiritual garden you can in essence, still feel bankrupt.

We’d like to provide this spell as a means to help you access and attract spiritual energy and the gifts that come with that access. To be spiritually awake is an oft-times overlooked asset, but necessary if you want to understand life’s deeper meaning and the vision to see the truth of this world and the world unseen.

Spiritual awakening can mean many things. It can be anything from a higher propensity for prophetic dreams and visions, to divinatory and psychic talent. It can manifest itself as increased wisdom and insight, and a deeper ability to portend the events of the future and unmask the mystery of the past and present.

Most importantly, spiritual awakening is about connection. One must be able to connect to the world around them; understand and empathize with the many varieties of life and beings within, and from there understand your place in the grand scheme of the universe. Spiritual gifts mean nothing in isolation. They are there to help facilitate that connection.

Understanding the Magic

The components that were chosen to fulfill the spell are all herbs that deal with the realm of spiritual insight and ability. Yarrow is the perfect companion herb, not only there to help embolden your spiritual pursuit, but also to gild you with protection and invoke clarity.

Jasmine is a powerful attraction herb, capable of drawing spiritual love and wealth, among other things. It can also help encourage many wonderful spiritual gifts, such as prophetic dreams, and psychic and divinatory abilities. Jasmine has an association with the Moon’s energy, making it replete with celestial, intuitive energy.

Mugwort is a potent spiritual herb, known to encourage lucid dreams, and connection to the astral world and can help open the mind for divination.

Keep in mind that this is a very powerful concoction. Each herb included in this brew is steeped in spiritual energy. We would highly advise that you do not partake in this brew flippantly, only if you are quite serious about your spiritual development and awakening.

A Magical Brew: A Spell for Spiritual Awakening -- Spellcraft

To Go A Step Further

We make use of teabags in this spell to make it easier to perform, as not everyone has enough time to gather the herbs and prepare them for the magic. However, for those of you who would prefer to be more involved in the process of creating this brew, there are more steps that you can take to further develop the magic of this spell.

If you so choose to harvest the herbs on your own, you’ll want to harvest them while the moon is growing – anytime in between a new moon and the first quarter of a waxing moon – for maximum potency.

While gathering the herbs, you can invoke appropriate deities for their blessing on the herbs if you so choose. The deities you invoke should be fashioned after your own tradition, but do consider moon deities as jasmine shares a special connection with the moon, and the moon is closely intertwined with spiritual energy.

Beseech whichever deities you chose to bless the herbs for use in a spell for spiritual awakening as you harvest them. If you’re choosing to harvest your own herbs, be careful to note that many herbs might have chemicals such as pesticides sprayed on them. Make sure to carefully clean your herbs before using them so as not to accidentally ingest some of these chemicals.

While preparing the herbs for your brew, you will want to evoke the energies you wish to imbue the herbs with. Envision the herbs being imbued with spiritual energy before you brew your tea.

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The Moonlight on the Grove: Jasmine Spiritual Meaning and Magic

White jasmine flowers on a branch.

Jasmine Spiritual Meaning and Magic

Known colloquially as the “Moonlight on the Grove,” Jasmine’s sensuous and mystical power is fabled to be able to attract many of the treasures that one might seek. The flower is beloved and revered in India, used in religious festivals and marriage ceremonies, and the Chinese are known to be fond of jasmine-flower tea.

The Queen of the Night

Though she loves sunlight and warmth, Jasmine has earned the unique moniker of “Queen of the Night” due to her penchant for blooming in the evening.

Love and Jasmine

Core to Jasmine’s spiritual meaning is its ability to attract spiritual love, based on attraction to the soul, as opposed to physical love. The flower also happens to be a natural aphrodisiac. Thus you can use jasmine flowers in a ritual bath to attract love and heighten the sexual experience.

White jasmine flowers in a brown bowl.

Attracting Wealth with Jasmine

Jasmine not only attracts love but wealth as well, and burning the flowers or carrying them on your person helps to release this magic. You can burn jasmine incense or carry jasmine flowers to attract money and wealth. Moreover, planting near the home brings happiness and attracts abundance to the household.

The Prophetic Power of Jasmine Flowers

Jasmine smoke is perfect for relaxing the mind and preparing it for psychic, divinatory, and prophetic endeavors. Additionally, consider jasmine as a perfect addition to any sleep pillow, as it can encourage prophetic dreams and encourage restful sleep.

Empowering the Psychic Mind With Jasmine Tea

Before engaging in any divinatory activity, such as Tarot and crystal gazing, drink a cup of Jasmine tea to help heighten the experience. The scent can calm the mind’s eye, making it easier to interpret visions and see them with clarity.

Use Jasmine Oil to Activate the Third Eye

Additionally, rubbing a little jasmine oil on your Third Eye can help with psychic readings. To induce prophetic dreams, try burning some jasmine flowers in a censer or as incense in your bedroom. You can also include the flowers in dream pillows for a similar effect.

Jasmine Fun Fact: “Gift from God”

Jasmine gets its name from the Persian word Yasameen which means “gift from God.

A close-up on white jessamine flowers.

Cleanse Crystals with Jasmine Incense

Cleanse your crystals with jasmine smoke or incense, or place them in a bowl of jasmine flowers.

Jasmine’s Lunar Magic

Jasmine is considered a lunar herb and is therefore appropriate for use in moon magic.

Summoning Fairies with Jasmine

Jasmine incense can be used for summoning fairies.

The Scent of Jasmine for a Restful Night’s Sleep

Jasmine flowers can be sniffed to help encourage sleep.

Jasmine Provides Travel Protection

Offer jasmine flowers to the sea to beseech protection for a loved one traveling.

Jasminum flowers hanging on a wooden fence.

Jasmine Magical Correspondences

  • Folk Names: Jessamin, Moonlight on the Grove, Peot’s Jessamine, Anbar, Yasmin
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Planet: Moon
  • Element: Water
  • Diety: Vishnu
  • Powers: Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. Furthermore, the information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. Thus, if you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy or content.

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White jasmine flowers in sunlight.

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Awareness of universal and magickal energies and the way they feel is the purpose of rituals and spells. Practices such as dancing under the moonlight or reciting an incantation, help free the mind of filters and assist with self-awareness...and through self we become aware of beyond. - How to Connect to the Universe Spiritually

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Azurite Crystal • The Speaker’s Stone • Azurite Meaning and Uses

With Azurite, we have a stone that gives power to our voice and awakens our spirit and intuition to deeper things. It is a stone for communicators, and those who channel and communicate with spirits, as well as those with desire to articulate to their inner truth more clearly. -- Azurite Meaning and Uses

The Magic of Azurite Crystal

With Azurite crystal, we have a stone that gives power to our voice and awakens our spirit and intuition to deeper things.

Azurite is a stone for communicators. It expresses its power when used by those who channel and communicate with spirits. Those with a desire to articulate their inner truth more clearly will also find much benefit from the stone.

Azurite crystal is for the intensely psychic — the ones who peer through the veil into mysteries unknown. It is a stone for the deep delvers of truth and spirit.

It is the perfect complement for those who walk unabashedly into mystical realms, allowing them to more easily tune into and communicate what lessons they garner from beyond.

For the dreamers and visionaries whose souls travel onward to planes and worlds unseen, it is the perfect companion.

But on a more pragmatic level, Azurite is for the studious intellectuals and seekers of knowledge. Whether cramming for that final exam or writing complicated theorems on advanced subjects, Azurite provides a clear lens for the mind to analyze and a deep reservoir for the storage of information. This powerful stone lends its energies to improving mental recall, clarity, and function.

Azurite Crystal Magical Correspondences

  • Folk Names: Lapis linguislapis lingua
  • Energy: Receptive
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Water
  • Attributes: Psychic Abilities, Dreams, Divination, Healing

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham.

Magical Ways to Use Azurite Crystal

Gaze deep and reflect on Azurite’s brilliant blue hues the next time you sit down for an in-depth meditation. Azurite’s power is receptive. It empowers us from within, making it the perfect stone for those who are introspective, deep thinkers, and psychics alike. Here are just some of the magical ways you can use the energies within Azurite to your benefit.

Azurite and the Chakras

Azurite engages the Third Eye Chakra,  Throat Chakra, and Heart Chakra.

The Third Eye Chakra empowers our intuition and imagination. By way of the Heart Chakra, Azurite can help with communication issues, as well as being understood, and understanding others more clearly.

As it resonates with the Heart Chakra, Azurite can help you develop your self-love. Likewise, it can strengthen your capacity to understand and love others.

Azurite and the Psychic Mind

Use Azurite to stimulate the mind, awaken psychic powers, and strengthen intuitive abilities.

Keep Azurite nearby while meditating. It can help deepen the meditative experience and open you up to more spiritual insight and understanding.

For those who are keen on divinatory pursuits, such as Tarot readers and psychic mediums, keep Azurite close by. It can help open up the channels needed to access divinatory information. Azurite also makes it easier to communicate the information you have gathered.

Keep Azurite on a nightstand nearby or under the pillow before going to bed to inspire prophetic dreams. It can also encourage visions and spark new spiritual insights and ideas.

Azurite can be of assistance when delving deep into the subconscious and trying to discern past lives. It helps the mind remove the trappings of ego and dispel the illusory world. Once not hindered by these things you can more easily see what’s hidden and the world beyond.

Azurite and Mental Clarity

As an excellent stone for intellect and mental clarity, Azurite can help you keep focus and concentration. Carry it with you when preparing to take an exam for assistance with memory retention.

Azurite can help calm the mind, alleviating mental anxieties, and melancholy. It is an excellent stress reliever and can help with controlling and balancing emotions.*

Use Azurite to uncover the root of your phobias. Its energy can help uncover what lies beneath our deepest fears and unmask them for what they truly are.

For those in their elder years with the concerns that come with age, Azurite is the perfect companion. It can help with keeping mental alertness, making it easier to maintain independence.*

Azurite and Self-Empowerment

Azurite can help lessen feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. It can help dispel fears and nervousness, especially when speaking and communicating with others.

Dealing with bullies or having people walk all over you can leave you feeling less than empowered. In those instances, consider carrying Azurite. It can help you communicate your boundaries more effectively. Azurite can also help you develop the voice you need to stand up for yourself.

Azurite Divination

A simple divination spell involving Azurite: In a darkened room, take two white candles and place an Azurite crystal between the two of them, then light the candles. Pick up the Azurite and hold it in your hand until it starts to feel warm.

During this time, close your eyes and try to clear your mind of thought. Once you start to feel the stone’s energy “touching” you, open your eyes and gaze upon the stone. You will soon receive the answers you seek.

Azurite and the Healing Power of Sound

Amplify azurite’s healing power by coupling it with sound. Calm and soothing sounds such as Gregorian chants, choral music, and drums are intensified while Azurite is nearby.

Watch the Video: The Meaning of Azurite

Interesting Facts About Azurite Crystal

Wherever you might find copper ore or Malachite, note that Azurite may be lurking nearby. Azurite is a form of copper ore and shares very close similarities with Malachite stone, so much so that sometimes it will transform and become Malachite stone itself. (Another peculiar way Malachite is connected to the energy of transformation, but that’s another article.) Here are more interesting facts you may not have known about Azurite.

Azurite also goes by the name of Chessylite, named for the Chessy-Les-Mines near Lyon, France.

Azurite is a soft stone, measuring 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Although not the most useful pigment as it loses stability under exposure to air, Azurite has been commonly used as a pigment in antiquity.

Mixing Azurite pigment with oil turns it green and mixing it with egg yolk turns it green-gray.

Azurite and Malachite are often found banded together, forming what is called Azure-malachite.

“Bluebird” is the name of a rare mixture of Azurite and Cuprite, and forms a dark red stone.

It is possible for Azurite to become Malachite. In some locations, Azurite will undergo a chemical change, losing some of a chemical known as hydroxyl and becoming Malachite.

Some of the best quality and largest Azurite specimens come from Tsumeb, Nambia, although you can find Azurite in other places such as Morocco, France, Germany, Mexico, and the United States.

Azurite’s name comes from the Persian word lazhwardwhich means blue. It shares this in common with Lapis Lazuli — “lazuli” also coming from this root.

Azurite is a form of copper ore and is a common find in copper mines.

The Crystal Forge: The Making of Azurite Crystal

A little water is all it takes.

Just drops really. Slowly…steadily, seeping into the cracks and crevices of the copper ore. Bonding with the copper. Becoming one with the metal.

But alas, we will need a little more ingredients for the magic to unfold. Some carbon. A pinch of oxygen. There. It begins.

The concoction becomes an acid – carbonic acid. It bubbles and fizzles effervescently as it breaks up the copper’s bonds. Yes, even metal can be worn down by the mighty power of water. Just give it time.

An azurite specimen with beautiful, deep rivets.

Copper particles are loosened from their home to become one with the aqueous mix. Watercoppercarbonand oxygen now working in tandem to become something more than the sum of their parts.

But what will this precious alchemy unveil? What glorious transmutation is about to take place?

They say a river always finds the ocean. Water moves. It must move. It moves us all. Some of this precious fluid – the crucible of what will become something purely magical – will travel until it finds a location just right.

It will travel by way of the cracks and crevices of the copper ore. It will seep into the pores of the ore, and travel along its veins infusing it with enchanted blood.

This blood will eventually transform all of the ore itself into something completely different if left to its own devices.

And with a mix of the right conditions, be it the right temperature or the right chemical materials to become a catalyst, you will see water, copper, carbon, and oxygen takes on their new form.

A crystal lattice emerges. It will emerge at first as little flecks of blue spots surfacing on the copper ore. An unaided eye might not even catch it. But those flecks will grow.

It will start to look almost like the spots of mold you might find on an old slice of bread. But this is far from mold. It’s sheer crystalline magic.

The blue spots will grow to become azure nodules, and then the nodules will grow. And if the conditions that gave rise to this phenomenon persist, eventually the copper ore will be no more. It will have completely transformed into something new…something very blue.


A cross-section of an Azurite Malachite stone. • Azurite Meaning and Uses

Azurite Crystal Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Azurite Crystal?

Azurite provides many benefits for psychics, mediums, and mystics. Those focused on their spiritual path and growing closer to their inner truth can also benefit from the Azurite stone.

Hold Azurite in the palm of your hand when engaging in deep meditation. This will allow its energies to guide you to the root of your heart, soul, and mind’s truest will and desire.

Azurite is connected to and equipped to heal the Throat ChakraHeart Chakra, and Third Eye Chakra.  With its connection to the Throat Chakra, it can heal this chakra which facilitates our ability to communicate and understand others.

It’s Azurite’s connection to the Heart Chakra that makes it of benefit to those who seek better connection in their relationships and a higher sense of empathy. Azurite’s link to the Third Eye Chakra helps us open up our intuitive pathways and psychic ability.

A cross-section of an azurite stone, with bands of bronze, light and dark blue.

What is Azurite Malachite?

Azurite Malachite, as the name suggests, is a combination of both Azurite and Malachite. The deep, brilliant blue of Azurite tends to wear during weathering, and the mineral will lose some of its hydroxyls. This causes Azurite to morph into Malachite over time. The process forms a beautifulswirling mixture of Azurite and Malachite.

You can find the best specimens of Azurite Malachite in the United States. Likewise, China also houses an impressive amount of Azurite Malachite stone, as well as other locations where you might find copper ore.

What is the meaning of Azurite Malachite?

Azurite has the ability to help us comb the depths of our soul and psyche, helping us to discover and articulate our inner truth and Malachite is the “stone of transformation.”

The two combined become wonderful and powerful agents for welcoming the change that might come into your life when you’ve engaged in some deep soul searching and are ready to live out your personal truth.

An Azurite Malachite specimen.

What is Azurite Chrysocolla?

Azurite is often found growing in conjunction not only with Malachite but with gem silica called Chrysocolla. Alluring shades of turquoise and cyan intermingle to give it is beautiful, enlivening hue.  In addition, Chrysocolla brings a soft, gentle touch to the compelling blue of Azurite.

Chrysocolla is not a mineral-like Azurite, but gem silica. However much like Azurite, it is soft and less than ideal for jewelry making unless combined with quartz.

You will find Azurite Chrysocolla in Mexico, Peru, the United States, Israel, Chile, and anywhere you can locate copper ore.

What is the Meaning of Azurite Chrysocolla?

Azurite and Chrysocolla combine to become the quintessential stone for communicators. Azurite’s striking blue hue is a reminder of its ability to help us cut through the confusion that can muffle our truest expressions. Chrysocolla is a gentle stone, helping us temper our voice and message with compassion, kindness, and the air of peace.

Azurite Chrysocolla reminds us that it is important to articulate yourself honestly and clearly. It is also a reminder to choose your words with wisdom and compassion. This is a great stone for those who need to have a difficult conversation with a loved one and have a need to choose their words carefully to avoid causing further pain

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Rose Honey: A Rose Petal-Infused Honey Recipe — Kitchen Witchery

A rose honey is simple to make and can provide a heightened mystical experience to any dish that could benefit from a dash of honey. Use it to sweeten your morning cup of tea for a bewitching sunrise experience, or drizzle it onto your Beltane cakes and cookies. - Rose Honey

The Magic of Rose…and Honey

A rose honey is simple to make and can provide a heightened mystical experience to any dish that could benefit from a dash of honey. Use it to sweeten your morning cup of tea for a bewitching sunrise experience, or drizzle it onto your Beltane cakes and cookies. - Rose Honey

There’s something about the magic of the rose that is enchanting, seductive, and mystical. Their energy compels and romances us, forcing us to confront the truth of our emotions and unravel the mystery of our deepest passions. There are many ways to enjoy roses’ power, whether it be to appreciate their alluring beauty or to be fancied away by their tantalizing scent.

Roses also offer a bewitching dining experience when enjoyed in a scintillating rose-inspired recipe. We’d like to provide you with a mesmerizing floral twist to a popular condiment — the magic of roses and honey combined in a rose honey recipe. A truly magical coupling.

Magical Ways to Use Rose Honey

Rose honey is simple to make and can provide a heightened, sensuous and mystical experience to any dish that could benefit from a dash of honey. Use it to sweeten your morning cup of tea for a bewitching sunrise experience, or partake in a romantic breakfast of English muffins drizzled with rose-infused honey with the one you love. This rose honey is also perfect for Beltane celebrations, so use it to sweeten your Beltane honey cakes and cookies.

This rose-infused honey is a great addition to your next homemade soap project. Honey is a natural skin moisturizer, and the natural sugars within honey will help the soap lather more robustly. Roses provide excellent benefits to the skin as well, being effective in countering acne and lessening inflammation. For a sore throat, this rose-infused honey is just what the doctor ordered, as both roses and honey can provide soothing relief.*

All-in-all, this rose honey not only provides a decadent and divine addition to your pantry but a potent healing addition to your medicine cabinet as well. And while we recommend using all-natural, raw honey for your infusion, as raw honey is full of amazing health benefits and magical power, processed honey will do just fine.

Related: Magical Recipes

This Vanilla Sugar recipe is an excellent way to infuse your sugar with warm, loving vibrations and a sumptuous, refined flavor.

Indulge Your Sense With This Vanilla Sugar Recipe

A delicious and nutritious treat using orange peels, sugar and chocolate!

A Decadent Chocolate-Dipped Candied Orange Peel Recipe

A fresh and healthy orange and almond milk smoothie blend that tastes like creamsicle!

Try This Velvety Orange Creamsicle Smoothie Recipe

A delicious and refreshing orange peel and pineapple white iced tea blend, with sparkling water to give it an extra kick!

A Refreshing Sparkling Orange Peel and White Pineapple Tea

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content

The Good Luck Berry: Banana Spiritual Meaning and Magic

A bunch of bright yellow bananas sitting on a mat.

The Magic of Banana

The ubiquitous banana tree is anything but ordinary. Its characteristic, bright green fruit emerges like fingers reaching upwards towards the sky as if desiring to brush the underside of heaven.

The Prosperous Power of Bananas

And it may just succeed in this pursuit. Bananas are prone to prosper. This prolific plant has spread its fruit to every edge of the globe, becoming a food staple worldwide.

Banana’s Provide Multiple Blessings

Bananas’ soft, subtle fruit provides powerful sustenance for the young and old alike; the versatility of its leaves can be fashioned for limitless uses, and those blessed to have a banana tree will certainly know good fortune, prosperity, and the blessing of the Divine itself.

Green-yellow bananas on a table outside at night.

The Masculine Energy of Banana

Due to their phallic shape, bananas are often used in magical practice to represent The God and masculine energy. Since bananas grow upwards facing the heavens, it is believed that they carry energies that can improve our spiritual connection and connection to the divine.

Attracting Abundance and Prosperity with Banana

Being married under a banana tree is said to bring good luck to the bride. Make a prosperity soap using dried and powdered banana peels to draw the energies of good luck and abundance.

Use Banana in Prosperity Spells

Banana leaves, flowers, and fruits can be used in prosperity spells. A banana tree planted near the house will bring good luck to the household.

Bananas in Fertility Magic

Bananas can be used in magical workings to increase fertility and male potency. Use dried, powdered bananas in spells to increase male lust and potency.

Travel Protection with Banana

Carry bananas with you when traveling by air or land for extra travel protection.

Green bananas on a banana tree.

Banana Magical Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Musa Sapientum
  • Folk Names: Maia (Hawaiian), Bacove, Sanging
  • Gender: Masculine
  • Planet: Mars
  • Element: Air
  • Deity: Kanaloa
  • Attributes: Fertility, Male Potency, Prosperity, Luck, Travel

The Healing Power of Banana*

Bananas are incredibly nutritious, containing not only a notable amount of potassium, but iron, calcium, manganese, B6, and folate, among other powerful nutrients. Bananas contain a generous amount of iron, which can help when preventing anemia.

*(See FDA Disclaimer)

Bananas are High in Potassium

Bananas are famously high in potassium, which can help lower blood pressure, keep the mind focused, and help the heart maintain a regular heartbeat. Banana peels are edible too and full of nutrients such as potassium and lutein, which can help prevent cataracts and is good for eye health.

Mini bananas still on the branch, sitting on a wooden pallet.

A Healthy Digestive System with Bananas

Bananas are high in fiber, which helps regulate the digestive system. It can also help keep you feeling full longer, making it the perfect breakfast companion. Bananas are considered a BRAT food (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) and a recommended diet when dealing with diarrhea.

Upgrade Your Beauty Routine with Banana

Bananas can be used to make an excellent face mask. Simply mash up some bananas in a bowl, apply the mashed banana to your face, leave on for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse. The potassium and vitamin B in bananas are great for the skin and will leave it moisturized.

Banana Hair Mask

Mix banana with coconut oil, olive oil, and honey for a hair mask that can help with shiny, moisturized hair.

Bunches of bananas on sale with a black sign nearby that says "Banana Nanica 4.90."

Bananas Help Prevent Childhood Asthma

Research has shown that children who eat one banana a day have a lower risk of developing asthma. Bananas contain tryptophan, which can help with memory retention and improve mood.

Interesting Facts About Banana

Bananas are considered an herb and a berry. There are many surprising types of bananas, such as the “hairy banana,” which is bubblegum pink and covered in hair, bananas that taste like strawberries when cooked, and even bananas whose pulp resembles orange sherbet.

Are Bananas Radioactive?

Bananas are slightly radioactive. Because they are high in potassium, they carry more of the isotope potassium-40 than other plants.

A bunch of yellow bananas sitting on a glossy wooden surface.

What do Real Banana Seeds Look Like?

Unlike cultivated bananas, wild bananas usually contain large, hard seeds.

Yellow Bananas and Artificial Ripening

Bananas in the grocery store owe their characteristic bright yellow skin to an artificial ripening process. Naturally ripened bananas usually go from green to brown without turning yellow.

Where Does the Name Banana Come From?

Banana’s name is believed to be West African in origin and to have come from the Wolof word banaana.

Bunches of moistened green bananas.

Are Bananas a Seasonal Fruit?

Bananas are non-seasonal and can be purchased fresh all year round.

Banana Pancake Trail

The Banana Pancake trail describes a series of popular hiking trails in Southeast Asia where merchants and vendors tend to sell banana pancakes to the predominantly Western tourists that come to visit.

Why are Banana Leaves Used as Plates?

In South Asia, banana leaves are often used as biodegradable and eco-friendly plates for food.

Bunches of yellow and green bananas.

Eating Bananas Once Punishable by Death

In Hawaii, it was once punishable by death for a woman to eat a banana.

The Ghost of the Banana Tree: Nang Tani

In Thailand, it is believed that spirits called Nang Tani inhabit banana trees. They can be either good or evil.

The Pontianak in the Banana Tree

In Malaysian folklore, the banana tree is inhabited by a malevolent female spirit called the Pontianak. The Pontianak is a vampire-type spirit and very bloodthirsty.

Bunches of small, green bananas.

Banana Peel Uses

Press a banana peel to your forehead when you have a headache to relieve pain. Use banana peels to provide soothing relief to bug bites and poison ivy rashes. Wrapping a banana peel around a splinter can help shift it, making it easier to remove.*

Banana Peels in the Garden

Banana peels make an excellent, nutrient-rich addition to the compost pile. Cut the banana peel into small pieces and put it around your garden to deter aphids.

Does Banana Peel Remove Warts?

Banana peels are a natural wart remover. Simply tape a piece of the peel over the wart and change it regularly. The wart should be gone within 1-2 weeks.

Two slightly ripened bananas, one peeled and one unpeeled, on a black surface.

Can Banana Peels Polish Shoes?

Banana peels can be used to polish shoes and silverware. Polish your shoes with the inside of a banana peel, then wipe clean with a cloth.

What Does it Mean to Dream of Bananas?

Dreaming of bananas is usually an expression of sexual energy, specifically male sexual energy, or symbolic of fertility.

Dreaming of Bananas Means Happiness and New Growth

Dreaming of a yellow banana means you are content and happy, and dreaming of a green banana signifies the beginning of something new or growth in your life.

Bunches of bananas on display on a wooden table.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy or content.

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The Fruit of the Underworld: Pomegranate Spiritual Meaning and Magic

Moistened pomegranates stacked on top of each other.

The Magic of Pomegranate

Pomegranate radiates feminine energy. Similar to the Empress of tarot, pomegranate is fertile and passionate. However, like the tarot’s High Priestess, the fruit has a hidden, profoundly mystical side. As a result, pomegranate has captivated religious adherents, spiritual thinkers, and powerful witches alike for many millennia.

How Pomegranates Led to Persephone’s Downfall

Pomegranate represents the Goddess of Fertility and Spring. However, it is also a sobering reminder of the Queen of the Underworld’s dark bargain and the barrenness of Winter. It only took a scattering of pomegranate seeds for Persephone to seal her fate as betrothed to Hades.

Pomegranate Represents the Secrets Beyond the Veil

Likewise, pomegranates remind us that to glimpse beyond the veil is to see its mysteries. As a consequence, you will never again know the bliss of ignorance.

A pomegranate on a table in a dimly lit room.

The Secrets of the Underworld and Pomegranate

Just as a pomegranate is rife with seeds, it is similarly full of palpable, fertile energy. They are a cogent symbol of the world within and around us. Additionally, pomegranates are a compelling reminder of the abundance of gifts and magic in the unseen world.

Pomegranates in Greek Mythology

Pomegranate has profound significance in mythology, particularly Greek mythology. After all, it was the seeds of the pomegranate fruit that ultimately caused Persephone to be bound to the Underworld for four months of the year.

Persephone’s Fall and the Birth of Winter

The Greeks use the story of Persephone and her journey into the Underworld to explain why the seasons change, the fullness of Spring, and the dormancy of Winter.

Hades Kidnaps Persephone

Persephone, the beautiful daughter of the harvest and Earth goddess Demeter, caught the eye of Hades, God of the Underworld. Hades could not contain his desire for Persephone and eventually decided to kidnap her and steal her away to his dark domain.

Pomegranate cut open in segments.

Demeter’s Sadness Creates an Endless Winter

With her daughter now missing, Demeter was thrust into a deep sadness, and in her melancholy, plants soon ceased to grow, the trees shed their leaves, and an endless winter took over the lands.

Persephone Refuses to Eat

Meanwhile, in the Underworld, Persephone was also beside herself with grief and refused to eat. Hades tried to offer all sorts of delicacies for her to receive sustenance but to no avail. However, Persephone’s will to avoid eating started to break down as her hunger rose.

Macro photography of pomegranate pips.

A Handful of Pomegranate Seeds Seals Persephone’s Fate

When Hades offered her a handful of pomegranate seeds, she could no longer resist, and she finally gave in and ate four seeds. As the Fates would have it, anyone who consumes the food of the Underworld is trapped in the Underworld.

Persephone Becomes The Queen of the Underworld

Therefore, since Persephone ate four seeds, she was doomed to spend four months out of every year by Hades side as Queen of the Underworld. During this time, Demeter mourns her daughter, and plants will not grow. Hence the reason for Winter.

Pomegranate Fun Fact: “Apple Seeded”

Pomegranate’s name comes from the medieval Latin words pomum, which means “apple,” and granatum which means “seeded.”

Pomegranate seeds close-up.

Why Are Pomegranates Good Luck?

Pomegranates have a long tradition of association with luck and good fortune. Since antiquity, it has been central to Greek culture to open a pomegranate on New Year’s and at weddings. Doing so invites Fate’s good favor for the coming journey. Moreover, pomegranates and presents with a pomegranate theme make consummate gifts to extend similar blessings and well-wishes.

Pomegranates Symbolize New Life and Rebirth

The concept of rebirth is integral to the pomegranate’s symbolism. It is the Queen of the Underworld’s ascent from the depths of hell that assuaged Demeter’s grief. As a result, life begins anew as the Spring with Persephone’s return. Similarly, a new year brings new promises and opportunities. It is a chance to start over with new intentions and goals.

Pomegranate seeds overflowing from a decorative China cup.

Opening Pomegranate Fruit for Newlywed Blessings

Moreover, marriage begets a brand new chapter in a person’s life – a chapter they now share with someone else. Every newlywed couple wishes their love and future to be as abundant and bountiful as the pomegranate fruit. Opening and releasing its enchantment is a simple way to entreat the universe to bestow blessings upon your new union.

Pomegranate Fun Fact: Pomegranate Grenade

Explosive grenades get their name from the French word for pomegranate, grenade.

Some pomegranate flowers in bloom.

Magical Ways to Use Pomegranate

  • To find out how many children you will have, throw a pomegranate on the ground with enough force for it to open. However many seeds pop out is how many children you will bear.
  • Hang a pomegranate branch above the door to protect against maligned energies.
  • Drinking pomegranate juice is said to increase wisdom.
  • During Samhain, it is customary to eat three pomegranate seeds in remembrance of Persephone’s journey to the Underworld, but eating anymore than three seeds will cause hardship in the coming year.
  • Make an ink using pomegranate leaves and vinegar and use it to write fertility, prosperity and protection spells.
  • In Asian culture, it is tradition to decorate the bedroom of a newlywed couple with pomegranates to bless the union.
  • Give pomegranate as a housewarming gift to bestow the blessings of abundance and prosperity on a household.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy or content.

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Pomegranate seeds close-up.

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Pomegranate cut open in segments.

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