Understanding Calendula Symbolism and Meaning

A Calendula flower with water droplets on it cropped in half.

The Spirit of Calendula

Calendula doesn’t just glow – it smolders. Like the sun, Calendula burns with a vibrant, piercing intensity. And though it might be tempting to disarm yourself in the graceful elegance of the flower’s dazzling beauty, take heed – Calendula is no shrinking violet. On the contrary, the flower embodies the essence of fire, and as such, it represents a searing, burning truth that burns both ways.

To provoke you is Calendula’s intention. The flower wants to entice and beckon you to the light of truth and hopes that you do not recoil as you get closer. Within Calendula’s luminous and passionate intensity, it is hard to hide the reality of your emotions, intentions, and desires. The flower aims to expose you to the rawness and realness of the light within you.

The truth can be painful, but Calendula also provides warmth and comfort once we’re ready to face it. Calendula shines a light and lights a fire so that we’re not left alone in the overwhelming cold of the darkness within. Because ultimately, it is the truth within you that protects you from the frigid dark of uncertainty and illusion.

Close-up of the center of a Calendula flower.

It is also the truth within you that will help you understand the heart of those surrounding you. Calendula wants you to glimpse that same fire in others. This is the fire that roars like an inferno when we are happy and in love. Likewise, that same fire wanes and cools when we are grieving and in despair.

But it is essential to see it, know it, and feel its warmth pierce your skin and enter your soul. Through this understanding, Calendula teaches you the essence of empathy. Only then can you comprehend others’ emotions and provide meaningful comfort and compassion.

Close-up of a Calendula flower in a field of other Calendula flowers.

Calendula as the “Bride of the Sun”

The Sun’s light can be blindingly brilliant, scorching, and harshly illuminating, yet Calendula does not demure. Its petals follow the Sun devotedly, facing its blistering light without withering away. As the “Bride of the Sun,” this bold flower is one with the Sun and its majestic cycle.

Calendula’s imagery is so inextricable from the Sun that it informs the flower’s symbolism. The flower is an emblem of all that we attribute to the luminary — happiness, joy, vitality, warmth, and illumination.

A close-up of a bright, fiery orange calendula flower.

The light and warmth that the Sun provides are the bedrock upon which joy, happiness, and abundance emerge. The absence of the star would enshroud the world in eternal, somber darkness. This cold, obscuring darkness would dampen the spirit and passion of life on this planet – if life even exists.

There are no seasons without the Sun, so all of the beautiful flowers in the Spring and bountiful crops in the field frankly would not be. Our happiest, most halcyon memories are backlit by sunlight, as the Sun and the vitality it emanates is truly the font of our warmth, satisfaction, and existence.

A yellow-orange calendula flower, photographed slightly askew.

Consequently, we paint all of these attributes of the Sun onto Calendula, which evokes the daystar’s imagery. In India, it’s customary to gift Calendula flowers to newlyweds in hopes of bestowing these blessings on the union.

Hinduism reveres Calendula as a source of illumination and aid in revelation as well as spiritual insight. As nothing can hide from the light of the Sun, so too is the hope that Calendula shines its light on truth and dispels obscuring illusion.

A yellow Calendula flower.

October Birth Flower: Calendula

October is a time of pumpkins and candy corn. We watch in awe as leaves turn various shades of gold and amber, and fireplaces roar back to life. And what do all these things have one thing in common? Bright orange color.

Candy corn and its iconic orange, yellow and white bands; the bright orange pop of pumpkins at the pumpkin patch find no difficulty grabbing your children’s attention. The leaves in autumn alight the skyline with a tangerine glow, and fireplaces crackle and burst confetti of tiny glowing embers.

With its famous orange blooms, Calendula joins the aforementioned as a symbol of October. Furthermore, it is one of the month’s birth flowers, along with Cosmos. Its fluorescence is known to last well into the Fall season, as other plants start to wither from the cold.

An orange and yellow Calendula flower.

Europeans and early American settlers depended on this “pot marigold” for their nutrition and to protect themselves from the doldrums of the darkest seasons. The sight of such a bright, radiant flower against the din of the winter was uplifting and helped dispel the approaching chill’s dreariness.

When the Sun is making its retreat and we’re entering the Winter court, Calendula acts as a second sun. The flowers provide a beacon to remind us that though dark, cold days are ahead. The Sun and its warmth will come back once more. The flowers symbolize hope and peering past the darkness that surrounds you to glimpse the promise of comfort and light that will certainly return.

Bright orange and yellow Calendula flower.

Calendula and the Victorian Language of Flowers

In the Victorian Language of Flowers, Calendula represents the sentiment “my thoughts are with you”. Calendula provides a way to express genuine sympathy and not just idle regard. This is because Calendula helps to illuminate our understanding of the pain another is going through.

Too often, “my thoughts are with you” is something we say without meaning. These words are the basic equivalent of “thoughts and prayers” – empty words without sincerity when we employ them. We unconsciously utter it when a friend or loved one goes through something unimaginable without being willing to place ourselves in their shoes and embrace their pain alongside them.

A watercolor illustration of a Calendula flower from the Victorian era.

Calendula provides a delicate, nuanced way of saying: I see your pain and feel it too. I am with you at this moment. The flowers communicate authentic, thoughtful sympathies to someone you care about during their difficult time. As a result, Calendula is a regular and poignant inclusion in funeral floral arrangements.

According to the Victorian Language of Flowers, Calendula also represents “disarming gracefulness.” The flowers symbolize a delicacy and gentle touch need that melts any inclinations toward hostility. It is a way to convey that your intentions come from a place of warmth and well-meaning, without ruse or guile underneath.

A hand holding a handful of dried Calendula flowers over a bowl.

Victorian Flower Oracle: Calendula as Sympathy

Calendula appears in the Victorian Flower Oracle as the Sympathy card as its alter ego, marigold. The card depicts the marigold flower – artistically personified as a woman – looking downcast and sullen. Before her stands someone holding the hands of two children – their hair and garb all fashioned from the scabious flower.

It would seem that the marigold is in mourning and her visage communicates an overwhelming sadness. The scabious appears to be there to offer comfort to the grieving marigold. In contrast, the younger scabious flowers provide a focal point for the hope that comes in the future, after the sadness.

A scabious flower and marigold flower are depicted with human features. The Marigold looks to be in mourning while the Scabious flower is comforting her.

The scabious as a vehicle of comfort to the mourning marigold is a curious choice by the artist. Immediately, we notice the dark blue-violet of the scabious is a stark contrast to the luminous yellow marigold. We typically associate darker colors with brooding, woe, and melancholy. Meanwhile, brighter colors and flowers such as marigolds usually represent happiness and joy. But here, the roles are reversed.

Another juxtaposition: Calendula represents sunlight, warmth, and happiness. Meanwhile, in the Language of Flowers, scabious’ dark flowers are an emblem of widowhood and death. An additional role reversal, as in this Flower Oracle Card, the marigold is in mourning, while the scabious brings the warmth.

The scabious gives comfort to the marigold because she feels her pain and knows her pain. The essence of sympathy is to empathize with the pain that others feel because you, too, will most certainly understand that pain one day – if not already.

A butterfly perched on a calendula flower during the daytime.

To Dream of Calendula

The dreamscape and Calendula are intimately connected. Calendula serves as both a vehicle to realize prophetic dreams and a powerful symbol in your reveries. For dreamers and prophets alike, Calendula is a potent tool for unlocking the mysteries of the dream world.

Some Calendula flowers springled under your bed can help unleash oracular dreams while you sleep. Namely, this results in visions that will portend future events. Likewise, Calendula helps to facilitate lucid dreaming, assisting you in retaining your waking awareness while you sleep. Consequently, being more alert and conscious during your dream state helps you recall your dreams easier once you wake up.

Dreaming of Calendula is usually a sign of good things to come. As Calendula has a traditional use in finding one’s true match, a dream where you spot the flower may be signaling that you will meet someone who will become a meaningful partner in some form. This partner could be a business or work associate who truly compliments your work ethic and career goals or love that blooms into a happy marriage.

►VIDEO: The Prophetic Power of Calendula

More from Elune Blue

Bride of the Sun: Calendula Flower Spiritual Meaning

Bride of the Sun: The Magic of Calendula

If a flower could embody the essence of the Sun, that flower would be Calendula. Calendula’s petals burn with a deep, fiery fervency that almost startles the vision. The flaming intensity of its stunning orange petals informs our understanding of the magic of Calendula and its spiritual use.

When we think of the Sun, the planet that rules Calendula, and fire, the element that expresses its energy, we can’t ignore the one thing these both have in common – light. Without the Sun’s light, we would cease to exist, as the Sun nourishes all life on Earth.

As for fire, it is the bottled magic of the gods that has revolutionized life on this planet. Through fire, we purify our food, burning away any contamination that might cause us illness. Before the arrival of lightbulbs and flashlights, we read by candlelight, traveled by torchlight, and illuminated our home with lanterns.

With its vibrant color, Even Calendula seems to glow from within incandescently. Understanding the power of light and what it means, does, and exposes is crucial to understanding Calendula’s inherent power.

There is much in this world that remains in the dark. A though we have boundless knowledge at our fingertips thanks to the internet, that only seems to complicate matters. Because of too much information, we live in a post-truth world, where we trust false realities and treat lies as fact.

Calendula, like a lantern, reveals what is shrouded in the obscuring darkness and confusion. It carries an understanding of the essence of divine wisdom. Within this flower is a fire that burns away all the falsehoods and deception that veil your vision once you trust its magic.

Calendula Flower Spiritual Meaning

Calendula’s brilliant, fiery petals follow the Sun dotingly as it makes its burning trek across the sky. It is the “Bride of the Sun” and married to the warmth of the Sun’s beams. Calendula is the “Summer’s Bride” – wedded to the season where the Daystar displays the full glory of its smoldering power. 

In the Shakespearean classic The Winter’s Tale, Perdita takes care to note the devotion of Calendula to the Sun:

“The marigold, that goes to bed wi’th’ the Sun, and with him rises, weeping.”

Marigold, of course, is another name for Calendula.

Perdita describes Calendula’s heliotropic habit of following the Sun, from its triumphant rise into the sky onto its somber descent beyond the horizon. For instance, on a dewy morning, you most likely will find dewdrops on Calendula’s petals. These little drops poetically demonstrate that perhaps the flower mourns the separation from its beloved Helios throughout the night.

Would you be able to handle the full heat of the Sun as Calendula does? Could you stand in the blazing light without shame without its scorching radiance incinerating you? Or would the shadow you cast overwhelm you as the light exposes your truth?

Calendula wants to remind you that to live your truth is to shine bravely – defiantly – like the Sun, just as the flower does. Thus, seek out and follow that dazzling Light, and keep devotion to it even through the darkness. The Light is Truth and Life, and anything that scuffs your natural glow and prevents your shine is but kindling to burn away once you discover illumination.

Calendula Fun Fact: The Calends’ Blooms

Calendula’s name comes from the Roman word calends, the first day of the month as per the Roman calendar. You might also notice that the word “calendar” shares this same root.

The calends marked the beginning of a new lunar cycle, and the Romans believed that flowers bloomed on the calends. It was also the day by which debtors had to repay their debts.

Divination, Prophecy, and Calendula Flower Spiritual Meaning

Like a candle that irradiates a dark room, Calendula’s power is illuminating and clarifying. Those who would seek divine answers often turn to Calendula to reveal hidden truths and inspire spiritual insights. The flower has the unique talents of unveiling concealed mystery and igniting the prophetic mind.

There’s an air of holiness and sacredness attributed to Calendula. Spiritual adherents offer Calendula flowers to widely worshipped holy figures, such as the Virgin Mary and the Hindu gods Lakshmi and Vishnu. Thus, there is an imbued reverence in the Calendula flower, and in turn, it seems the flower returns the spiritual favor.

The color of its petals inspires much of Calendula’s spiritual power and significance. In Hinduism, the saffron color of the petals is the color of renunciation. Monks wear this color to symbolize that they’ve uncoupled themselves from worldly attachment, and they hope to reap more profound insight and further spiritual progress in doing so.

Calendula’s petals’ bright, orange color is akin in intensity to fire, and fire is divinely clarifying. Fire has a way of burning away fluff and excess to reveal true purity. Truth itself is a lot like fire – there is comfort in its warmth, but it will quickly burn you if you lack the requisite respect.

Likewise, Calendula emanates a clarifying and illuminating aura. Simply looking at the bright flower is enough to open your sight and brighten your vision. With Calendula flowers strewn under your bed, you can actualize prophetic dreams steeped in profound meaning and divine wisdom.

Deeply ingrained into Calendula’s very essence are the arts of divination and prophecy. The genus in which Calendula resides, tages, also happens to be the name of the sagely Etruscan god who looked like a child and who taught humankind the gift of divination.

Calendula Fun Fact: “Pot Marigold”

Calendula’s English common name, “pot marigold” comes from the fact that the flower was a standard part of English cuisine during the 16th century. Dishes that included Calendula ran the gamut from dumplings and oatmeal to wine, pudding, and soups.

The leaves of the Calendula plant are on the bitter side. However, including the leaves in a leafy salad or drizzling them with honey helps to mask the sharp flavor. On the other hand, Calendula’s bright, vibrant petals lend themselves well to food coloring and garnishing. Fromagers use the petals to provide the characteristic yellow color we see in cheese and as a substitute for saffron.

Calendula for Protection

Calendula’s brilliant and dazzling golden glow deters the darkness. Likewise, it is hard for threatening elements to trespass onto a space graced by Calendula’s sun-kissed radiance. Like a lantern in the din, Calendula shines a light on that which would rob you of your security. As such, the flower has uses in protective magic.

The spread of ravaging plagues that threaten life and wellness is nothing new. However, during the Middle Ages, the Plague was an especially pernicious variety of illnesses. The dreadful disease spread so rapaciously and caused a great deal of suffering and fear. But even then, Calendula was called upon to provide protection.

Perhaps the clerics of the time saw the flower with its petals that jut out with the intensity of the burning sun, akin to fire that purifies by burning harmful pathogens. Regardless, healers utilized the Calendula flower as a talisman to protect them from their invisible enemy.

Typically, when we envision our protection, one of the first and foremost things that come to mind is protecting our abode. After all, our home is where our heart is. We shelter ourselves, our children, and prized possessions under a roof and four walls to protect us from the elements. Moreover, we lock and even deadbolt our doors to keep invaders from stealing our peace and security.

Calendula provides added steps you can undertake to protect your domicile from would-be intruders. A garland of Calendula flowers hung about the door is like setting a firewall that no evil may enter. Sprinkle a couple of Calendula petals under your bed for protection when you’re most vulnerable — while you sleep. It helps illuminate the cover of darkness that a thief might use to their advantage.

Calendula’s Protection from the Elements

Known for blooming in the early Spring, with flowers that remain in fall and winter, Calendula is the winter’s fire. Its explosion of orange petals provides warmth and protection from the cold and counters the bleakness. The flowers burn like a bright, orange flame and warm the soul as the frost settles in.

Early settlers received a cold reception in a strange new continent they would later call “America”. The wintry months and weather patterns, in general, were alien to them in this foreign land and unforgiving. But the sight of Calendula during the bitter cold was a blazing light against the din. Thus, they entrusted the flower to protect them from the encroaching icy darkness and threats unknown.

Just like the American colonists, Europeans sought out the protective powers of Calendula during the winter months. Not only did they rely on Calendula’s emanating warmth for comfort, but they appreciated its ability to strengthen the immune system.

After all, disease and illness have a much easier time spreading under cover of the damp cold. The bright and uplifting resonance that Calendula emanates alone can lift spirits. Likewise, a positive outlook goes a long way in fighting disease.

Similarly, do not discount Calendula’s inherent healing power. The plant is very much edible and replete with the vitamins and minerals that help the body mount a defense against illness.

Protection Through Illumination

Revealing and exposing any threats you might not be immediately aware of is in Calendula’s nature. After all, what you don’t know can hurt you. By shining a light on hazards unseen with Calendula, you can protect yourself appropriately. The flower is exceptionally perceptive at unveiling gossip, betrayal, and lies – perils that can snowball into ruin if left unchecked.

Moreover, if the unthinkable happens and you are the victim of a theft, Calendula can help you track down the culprit to stop their cycle of violence. Calendula flower petals under the bed help uncover these mysteries through prophetic dreams.

Facing Legal Matters with Calendula

When dealing with legal matters, Calendula shines a light of truth in the courtroom, advocating for you if you are innocent. When you seek a favorable judicial outcome, carry Calendula on your person, whether in your pocket or pocketbook.

Let’s be frank – dealing with the legal system can be an opaque, byzantine nightmare. When you find yourself caught in the law’s calloused grasp, it’s a terrifying experience, especially when you know you’re innocent. But as they say, it’s not what you know – it’s what you can prove in court.

Calendula is an advocate when you need assistance making your case before the towering judicial system. A resonance within the plant shines a light on the truth of things, revealing them without bias or filter. Perhaps with Calendula flowers in your pocket, you can sway the courtroom by making the truth plain, clear, and evident.

Calendula Fun Fact: October Birth Flower

Calendula, along with Cosmos, is one of the birth flowers of October. The flower blooms well into the fall – a peculiar sight for a season not known for its blooms. Not to mention, October is a month we typically associate with the color orange. Pumpkins, autumn leaves, and the warmth of fireplaces sparking back up at the return of the cold are all symbols of October.

October is also a month marked with reflection and remembrance. On Halloween, we light carved pumpkins not only for festive décor, but there’s a belief that the light will help guide the departed along their way. Similarly, with its bright, sun-like blooms, Calendula provides a beacon for the dead to light their path.

Likewise, just like the Sun sets and yet returns, resurrecting every day, Calendula represents the hope of rebirth, and perhaps one day being reunited with those we’ve lost. Just as flowers bloom in Spring, wither in the fall, only to return in the Spring, we also hope that nothing dies forever but is reborn one day anew.

The Healing Power of Calendula

Just like the Sun, Calendula radiates intense healing energy and vitality. That very same shimmering luminescence has engineered some of its medicinal uses. For instance, Calendula is a popular ingredient in skincare products, part of the intent being to produce that sun-kissed glow for your skin.

It’s almost as if Calendula is Nature’s bronzer. Sunlit speckles glitter out of every pigment within its petals, translating to a touch of golden Sun on the skin. Its saffron hue is the color of vibrancy, fire, and incandescence. To glimmer with the blazing intensity of the Sun is a magic that many skincare companies would love to provide, but only Nature delivers.

Calendula’s rejuvenating powers go even further because the flower has both antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, Calendula is a popular remedy for skin blemishes and acne while protecting the skin’s natural collagen and elastin. Providing this protection allows your skin to remain supple, youthful, and glow.

There are aches, pains, and discomforts under the skin that Calendula can also help relieve. Calendula is also a remedy for relieving abdominal cramping and constipation. What’s fascinating is that there’s evidence to support this. Research shows that Calendula has spasmolytic tendencies, meaning it can relieve smooth muscle. Calendula is also spasmogenic, being able to induce muscle spasms, which helps relieve constipation.

But expectant mothers beware; many skincare products are marketed specifically to pregnant women because of stretch marks. While stretch marks are an unwelcome side effect of pregnancy, you should avoid you ingesting or using Calendula while pregnant – not even topically. Calendula has properties that can interfere with conceiving a child and cause miscarriage or stimulate contractions that lead to labor.

Calendula Fun Fact: Mary’s Gold

Marigold, Calendula’s other name, comes from a melding of the words “Mary’s gold”. The nickname comes from the tradition of gifting Calendula flowers to the Virgin Mary during the Feast of Annunciation. The Feast of Annunciation is a Christian observance occurring on March 25 – nine months before Christmas. The day commemorates the angel Gabriel’s visit to the Virgin Mary, letting her know she was pregnant with Christ.

According to the lore, “Mary’s gold” was marigold flowers – the currency on her journey to Egypt. However, misfortune befell her, and thieves stole her bag. Even so, the thieves were scantly rewarded for their efforts, finding nothing more than lovely marigold petals in her sack.

There is a tradition spanning centuries of planting herbs and flowers that have connections to the Virgin Mary in a “Marian Garden.” Calendula is a part of that ensemble, as is Lily of the Valley (Mary’s tears), Lavender (Mary’s Drying Plant), and Sage (Mary’s Shawl).

►VIDEO: The Prophetic Power of Calendula

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From Specular to Rainbow: The Many Magical Types of Hematite

The Many Magical Types of Hematite

Blood. That was the picture that came to mind when the ancients first glimpsed sight of the Hematite stone. Deep, vermillion red. Similar to the crimson flush that flows through our bodies that proves that we are alive.

A rounded, lustrous gray-black kidney ore hematite specimen.

It is what inspired the name. Haima. The ancient Greek word for blood, which became Haematite and more popularly Hematite. The association with our life-sustaining scarlet flow informs its magical and spiritual use.

For example, a midwife might employ Hematite to protect a laboring mother from bleeding out. Similarly, it has been used in yonder times to keep warriors from exsanguinating on the battlefield.

But not all Hematite looks like blood. For example, specularite glitters and twinkles like the night sky. Martite is a form of Hematite that shimmers with its mirror-like facets and looks suspiciously similar to magnetite.

Consider Iron Rose Hematite that visually stuns as it appears like roses crafted from metal. And Kidney Ore Hematite does its part to mimic the all-essential organ that bears its name – size, shape, and all.

Mother Nature is nothing if not creative. The same stone can take on many distinctly beautiful forms that evoke different emotions, showing her range.

What is Specularite?

To look upon Specular Hematite is like looking up into the night sky at the endless sea of stars. It sparkles luminously with glimmering, burnished flecks contrasted against an inky backdrop. These tiny speckles are little bits of Hematite and mica dispersed throughout the stone.

A specular hematite specimen, with large shimmering clusters.

The many types of Hematite tend to resonate reliably with the Root Chakra as a standard. However, just one look at the brilliant spectacle of Specularite, and you might be able to intuit why it has the particular distinction of echoing with both the Root and Crown Chakras.

The very appearance of Specularite looks as if glimpsing a vision of the heavens. It is a befitting medium to enable your Crown Chakra to align with the majesty of the ethereal realm. The sparkles, like the stars, prime your mind for meditation on higher things and higher realms.

From Sweden to Brasil, Canada to Switzerland, England, and even the United States, you can find specularite almost everywhere. But perhaps because of its stunning beauty, it is in relatively short supply. Specular Hematite is also sometimes referred to as Micaceous Hematite, likely due to the spattering of mica speckles found within the stone.

►Video: The Grounding Stone Hematite

What is Martite?

Even the most learned of crystal observers might not be able to tell the difference between Martite and magnetite, and there’s a reason for that. Martite, a type of Hematite, is magnetite transformed.

A pseudomorph of magnetite that has been replaced by hematite.

The magic required to perform this metamorphosis requires deep fathoms and intense pressure. Completely changing one thing to another is only possible within the Earthen crucible and through the power of Nature’s alchemy.

In these conditions and with the slight touch of mystery, the magnetite crystal’s chemical bonds will transform into the alchemical equivalent of hematite. Though the shape of the original magnetite stone remains perfectly intact, it has become a hematite stone in the fibers of its being.

But yet, this new stone is neither magnetite nor simply hematite as it has an identity all its own. It is Martite, a crystal with the quintessential sheen and luster we’ve come to expect from a hematite stone. However, visually it is strikingly similar in appearance to magnetite. Indeed, you would be hard-pressed to tell the difference without using a magnet.

Like the name would imply, magnetite is, well, magnetic. It is ferrimagnetic, to be exact, while Martite is paramagnetic. For example on paramagnetism, when you expose Martite to a magnetic force, the response is relatively feeble, and chances are you would need particular instruments to even detect it. Interestingly enough, ferrimagnetic minerals will become paramagnetic when introduced to a certain amount of heat, giving us a little insight into how magnetic eventually becomes Martite.

Types of Hematite: Kidney Ore

A lustrous, bulbous coral colored kidney ore hematite stone.

The reason Kidney Ore Hematite is named so should be rather obvious. This variety of Hematite has a kidney-like shape and shares the organ’s blood-red color. However, the similarities don’t just end there, as Kidney Ore Hematite is often surprisingly similar in size as well.

Perhaps Mother Nature is much more intentional than we give her credit for, as Hematite’s mystical power executes a similar function spiritually as the kidney does physically. The kidneys are known to be an organ that helps maintain the body’s overall balance and also assists in removing contaminants from the body.

On a metaphysical level, Kidney Ore Hematite performs the same function. Many appreciate Hematite for its ability to draw out energies that are spiritually toxic to you. It also goes a step further, helping to ground and balance you with Earth’s stabilizing rhythm.

Sometimes form predicts function, and Kidney Ore Hematite is no exception. If you come across a specimen by chance, take the time to appreciate its ability to balance and cleanse your spirit.

What is Iron Rose Hematite?

Slate-colored Iron Rose Hematite, embedded in a quartz-like stone.

As the name suggests, Iron Rose Hematite appears like rosettes fashioned from steel. Some specimens are so similar to the actual flower that they seem like monochrome roses, frozen in ice. Visually breathtaking, they inspire awe for the forces of Nature that can create such art armed with the paintbrush of a crystal lattice.

Types of Hematite: Oolitic Hematite

Along the lakeshore, underneath highly agitated currents, magic takes place with the rise and fall of the tide. A small kernel accumulates layer upon layer of mineral sediment under the mighty ebb and flow of the water. Some time afterward, tiny pearls form, like little eggs nesting together.

These pearls are called oolites or “egg stones” and are the basis of Oolitic Hematite’s name. The little oolites of Hematite appear as if they are “bubbling” or “sweating” out from a weathered, porous-looking stone.

Of all the types of Hematite to tumble, oolitic Hematite is probably not the best candidate. It simply isn’t a show stopper like show stoppers such as specularite or martite within the Hematite family. As a consequence, oolitic Hematite might not find much use in jewelry.

In terms of using the oolitic Hematite to forge iron – a customary use of hematite stone – there are some complications. Because the oolite grains are so delicate – no bigger than 2 millimeters – they can be hard to extract from the larger stone matrix. Additionally, the hematite oolites are almost indistinguishable among the low-quality gangue that fills out the stone.

Nevertheless, we live in a world that has a voracious appetite for iron. We use iron to build our towering skyscrapers, and it is the metal that is crucial to the structural integrity of our vehicles. We fashion the appliances we rely on for modern convenience from iron, as are the utensils we use while eating.

However much iron we have available, it is not enough to meet the demand. As such, even the difficulty of harvesting iron from oolitic Hematite isn’t a deterrent. Consequently, there are many creative and innovative processes for extracting hematite ore, some conspicuously bordering on basic metallurgy.

Types of Hematite: Rainbow Hematite

Like a butterfly’s wings, Rainbow Hematite reflects light in a display of multicolor majesty. There is something that entrances us when we glimpse the prismatic effect, as Rainbow Hematite exhibits. Whether it be an opalescent opal or a rainbow after the rain, the chromatic wonder casts a captivating spell.

Using delicate imaging and spectroscopy, we can understand how Rainbow Hematite, also known as Iridescent Hematite, accomplishes this magic. When you perceive the crystal on a nanoscale, you find that Rainbow Hematite’s nanocrystals form in spindles. Furthermore, these spindles are stacked one on top of the other. These spindles lie at 120-degree angles, almost like the lean of a lawn chair or your car’s windshield.

These nanocrystals at their reclined angle work in chorus to split up and scatter rays of light. Rainbow Hematite’s impressive iridescent sheen is what we witness as a result. Interestingly enough, this phenomenon comes to be due to the stone’s impurities.

The presence of aluminum, phosphorus, iron, and oxygen typically found within Rainbow Hematite cause the nanoparticles to take on these spindle-like shapes. And in understanding the creation of this phenomenon, perhaps Nature is teaching us how we can adapt this wonder in our everyday world.

Related: Crystal Magic

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The Witches Ride: Besom Symbolism and Magic • Besom Witchcraft

The Magic of the Besom

A collection of besoms leaning up against a wall.

Through the power of the besom, we learn that there is freedom through magic. The besom is an ordinary household tool found in nearly every home, yet many have bred much spiritual significance into it over time. Perhaps this is because when it’s hard to find magic nearby, besoms are often readily available.

For women, trapped in a menial existence that didn’t stimulate them, the besom gave their spirit flight. As for the Romani people, whose chains were oppression and persecution, the besom was a pathway to a new life and a chance at happiness. And for those in literal chains – the Africans enslaved in America – the besom provided an opportunity to celebrate love amid unbearable heartache.

Freedom is something all seek but very few find. Our habits and circumstances trap us; even our mind ensnares us when it falls prey to destructive thoughts and emotions. Desperation to break our chains often doesn’t seem to translate into whether or not we succeed in finding liberation.

But perhaps our grasp on freedom is closer than we realize. Maybe it’s that soft tune you hum to yourself that helps your escape the monotony at work. Or perhaps it’s the scent of lilac perfume lingering on the letters your love sends you that allow you to escape your prison cell and fly to their side.

Freedom is being able to fly among the clouds with your feet planted firmly on the ground. The limits of your vision dictate what will bind you. Likewise, the unopen doors in your mind are what will keep you in shackles. Therefore, always strive for the openness of thought and clarity of vision, and you will always be free. And if these clues are still not enough to help you find it, well, grab your broom.

Besoms hanging on a brick wall. A sign above the besoms reads: "Broom Parking."

The Flying Witch

A besom leaning against a hedge surrounded by pumpkins.

The famous depiction of witches flying on broomsticks isn’t just a Halloween fabrication. It is a symbol arising from the Middle Ages. Back then witches, equipped with their besoms and aided by a powerful “flying ointment,” would prance around open fields at night. Through their flight, they hoped to “teach the crops how high to grow.”

Or at least they envisioned themselves doing as much. The truth, however, might prove otherwise.

But for starters, what was this powerful flying ointment that enabled them to defy the laws of gravity and turn a household object into a levitation device? It was a tincture including herbs such as mandragora, belladonna, henbane, thornapple, and sometimes even wolfsbane.

You may recognize these herbs to be members of the highly toxic, potently hallucinogenic Nightshade family. Additionally, wolfsbane and henbane create a sensation that feels like flying once introduced into the body.

So were these witches literally flying over fields of grain or simply experiencing a flight of fancy? Most likely the latter. Due to these herbs’ potency, it’s likely that witches envisioned themselves flying over fields on their besoms under cover of night. Meanwhile, their body lay wholly immobilized in a death-like trance induced by the herbs that incubated their visions.

Besoms on display at an open-air market.

The Besom and Spiritual Flight

Spiritual flight is an essential part of a witch’s toolkit. It is how you glimpse the mysteries of the universe, access true magic, and commune with entities and energies that do not reside in the temporal realm.

In this regard, the besom is uniquely accordant with this type of travel. This is because it acts as a portal between realms, worlds, and lives. It is a means to escape the monotony of the material world.

Flight of the Housewife

In the Middle Ages, the besom was the ticket out of the monotony of everyday life that women experienced. During that time, a woman’s day subsisted of waiting on her husband, taking care of the household chores, and doing yard work.

However, the besom, a tool that no doubt every woman had in her home and was well acquainted with, was her means of escaping the drudgery. Some speculate that women would use the besom to apply the psychotropics to sensitive areas and “get high.”

However, evidence of such a claim may come from biased sources. Much of the anecdotes that would support these claims come from clergy and inquisitors. Similarly, these are the very same people who would torture suspected witches, coercing them to confess to magical “crimes” they did not commit.

Regardless, the besom has connections to how women would apply the hallucinogens that granted them flight. Besides, can you blame them? The quest for freedom has been central to women’s struggle for eons. If through their besom, they found a magic that released them from their oppressive bonds, all the power to them.

An assortment of besoms decoratively placed in an outdoor sitting area. A sign to the left reads: "Broom Parking Only."

A besom and a walking cane lying on a worn wooden floor.

The Besom and Fertility

The witches’ flight over their crops wasn’t done simply as a pastime. In actuality, the goal was to encourage a fertile crop and bountiful harvest. They performed this act to inspire the crop to grow high enough to touch the sky.

In this way, and many others, besoms have become linked to the magic of fertility. The besom’s handle typically consists of birch wood, frequently used to furnish babies’ cradles. The type of wood is more than just a functional choice, as birch wood provides protective energies that extend to the young babe.

Ancient Roman midwives would also use the besom to sweep away negative energies threatening a newborn child. Many see these wise women, ever mindful of how unseen influences can work to corrupt the environment of a vulnerable child, as the antecedent to witches.

“Besom” derives from the Old English word besema, which means woman. Likewise, if you notice that it sounds quite like the word “bosom,” that is because they share the same root. The connection evokes the imagery of a woman comforting a young child in her warm bosom—the culmination of fertility magic.

Video: How to Make a Floral Besom

A besom leaning against a red brick wall on a mossy floor.

The Besom and the God and Goddess

Traditionally, besoms are composed of a hazel handle and brush fashioned from birch twig. Respectively, these two materials align with masculine and feminine energies. The handle itself evokes rather phallic imagery, while the bristles call to mind the hair that protects a woman’s vagina.

With the myriad connections to the masculine and the feminine, it is standard to abstract the besom’s symbolism to the God and Goddess. And while this archetype has long existed in Pagan religions, the Wiccan tradition has further solidified the concept in the modern day.

The interplay between God and Goddess begets all life and creation. The fertility of the land relies on the delicate balance between the divine masculine and feminine. Theirs is a dance of opposites that weave together seamlessly. Their waltz is the rubric upon which the magic of reality springs forth.

Without the Sun God, the seeds within the Earth Goddess’ womb will not grow. The Goddess conceives all life, but not without the spark of inspiration from the Horned God. The Moon Goddess rises so that the Sun can rest, and likewise, without the Sun’s light, the Moon cannot glow. The power of their divine interactions is what makes the universe become, function, and unfurl.

Similarly, the facets of the besom rely on each other to become a functioning whole. The stave without its strands is no more than a stick, and the brush without its stave has no mooring or fortitude. Together, they become a unified whole that cleanses both the spiritual plane and the terrestrial realm.

A besom brush tied with white, blue, yellow and purple ribbons and decorated with a pentacle.

A besom brush with yellow fall leaves.

How to Cleanse with the Besom

We ritually use the besom in spiritual practice to cleanse an area of unwanted energy. Unlike a household broom that you use to sweep and clean the floors of your abode physically, the besom is strictly for spiritual cleansing. It is typical to perform this ritual before the arrival of spring and summer or to cleanse a space you use for magical practice.

When you employ the besom in this regard, hold it a couple of inches off the ground, avoiding contact with the floor. According to Scottish folklore, it is tradition to sweep in a clockwise direction, or deasil – considered the “prosperous course.” In doing so, you are sweeping out all the old, stagnant energies and making way for enjoyable, uplifting energy.

Sweeping counterclockwise, or widdershins is seen as unfavorable by that same folklore. However, in the Wiccan tradition, moving counterclockwise has the functional application of banishing negative spirits that may plague your abode. It’s important to note that cleansing effectively “resets” the energies of an area. On the other hand, banishing intends to remove negative entities, and malicious spirits you sense are corrupting the space.

Afterward, consider placing a besom above your door, bristles pointing up to further protect your home and your hard work. Moreover, once you’ve broken in the besom, don’t forget to make a wish. There’s a good chance your wish might just come true.

A Simple Besom Chant by The Friendly Witch

A couple jumping over a besom.

Jumping the Besom

You will find the besom at the threshold between the old life and the new. It is a demarcation line that ends the life of solitude and begins a life of companionship. The besom is the brush that “sweeps away” all the markings and stagnation of living in loneliness. And in its stead, the besom helps usher in the refreshing winds of love and togetherness.

The custom of “jumping the broom” is a prominent part of Wiccan handfasting ceremonies in the modern era. Wiccans perform this as a tribute to the British Isles, the origin of the custom. Conceived by the Romani people of Wales in the 18th century, the tradition was born out of a necessity to signify the momentous occasion of starting a new life through marriage.

Unfortunately, the law did not recognize the validity of a Romani marriage. Therefore, the Romani would “jump the broom” together to create a way for the world to acknowledge their nuptials. And curiously enough, if there were need for a divorce, the couple would jump the besom backward to annul the marriage.

As irony would have it, the people of the British Isles used the practice to protect against the very people paying homage to the tradition now. They considered witchcraft an active threat to espousal, and there was a belief that a union of two hearts would be prey for maligned witches. Whether or not this was true, a newlywed Romani couple would jump the broom to defy the “evil” of witchcraft.

Likewise, the besom would be placed at the door of the bride and groom’s marital chambers. Furthermore, they deemed anyone who could not cross the broom a witch. Nowadays, the tradition is practically dissociated from its former symbolism.

Jumping the Broom in the African American Community

The act of jumping the broom at marriage isn’t only a tradition of the Romani people and the Wiccan community. The African American community partakes in this custom as well. During slavery, the law did not legally recognize slave marriages. As a result, slaves would jump the broom as part of their marriage ceremony.

However, there is controversy surrounding the practice, as some see it reclaiming African American heritage. In contrast, others see it as a relic of slavery that should remain in the past.

Some African-Americans include the tradition in their wedding out of respect for their less fortunate ancestors. While for others, the practice carries a painful stigma and reminder of a tragic period in African-American history.

A pentacle lying flat with five stones laying atop it. A red and a blue candle are in the background. Witchcraft is a theory of magic and a discipline that teaches you how to harness and direct universal energies. • Beginner Witch Essentials

How Do Ouija Boards Work? The Secret Magic of Ouija

A Ouija Board and planchette.

How Do Ouija Boards Work? Understanding the Secret Magic Behind the Ouija Board

Medium Using Ouija Board

Divinatory instruments that are as forthright as Ouija are pretty rare. Mystical iconography and opaque omen tend to obscure your typical agents of augury. These are further clouded by the user’s subjectivity. But not Ouija.

With the whole alphabet displayed prominently on the board, whatever should choose to communicate can clearly spell out their message. The words “Yes” and “No” hang in the balance about the top right and left corners, making further interrogation of the “visitor” easier.

There is a numeric system at the bottom of the board, in case needed. And when it’s time to formally dismiss the spectral guest, the Ouija allows for a straightforward and unambiguous “Goodbye.”

And then there is the planchette – a spade-shaped, narrow plank with a conspicuous “eye” strategically placed in the center. The eye is the nexus between enigma and clarity. It is the crucible that refines the message – bit by bit, letter by letter.

By what force the planchette moves is shrouded in mystery. Some would posit that it moves by the will of subconscious impulses that betray our control. Still, others would offer that possession is at play – and hopefully beneficial possession at that.

What seems indisputable is that the planchette moves — of what appears to be its own volition. The board comes alive under our fingertips, revealing secrets that no one should know.

The magic that empowers Ouija flies in the face of all we presume to be possible. It can divine things beyond the scope of our knowledge – deep-rooted secrets that no one should know. Ouija allows us to reach out to the all-knowing unknown. And to our astonishment, we get a response…

A close-up of a Ouija Board, lit by candlelight.

How do Ouija Boards Work? Understanding the Ideomotor Effect and The Science That Makes Ouija Move

A Ouija board molded into metal.

Ask a trivia expert what empowers the mysterious movements of the Ouija, and they might answer glibly: “Oh! It’s the ideomotor effect.” They wouldn’t be wrong, but they might not be being entirely precise.

To put it simply, the ideomotor effect is a proven scientific phenomenon that describes the involuntary, physical reaction to sensory input. For instance, when cold, you’re body shivers. Furthermore, when you tell a lie, your fingers will betray you and twitch. These are both automatic, involuntary movements your body makes that demonstrate the ideomotor effect.

Research has shown that the ideomotor effect impacts Ouija, much like the swing of a pendulum. When you ask the board a question, the planchette will move under your hands without conscious effort. Furthermore, it has a likely chance of arriving at the correct answer because your subconscious is covertly directing it to do so.

However, there is little room for the ephemeral and therefore unprovable spirit world in the realm of science. There is no empirical proof of the spirit world—yet. Thus, science generally regards it as irrelevant.

But the ideomotor effect being the phenomenon at play when one interacts with Ouija ought not to be mutually exclusive to the influence of the spirit world. Spirits can interact with the subconscious and provide sensory input—for instance, the smell of perfume. Or a slight chill that makes the hair on your arms stand on end.

Ouija, in truth, provides a nexus by which the spirit world can interact with the material world to dramatic effect. You’ll often hear of people feeling like they were “haunted” shortly after interacting with Ouija. The Ouija board provides an opening by which a spirit can interact with the physical world. And in the presence of a strong enough entity, expect to experience ideomotor phenomena.

• Ouija Fun Fact: What’s in a Name?

If you’re wondering who came up with the name “Ouija,” it was the board itself. When Helen Peters, known for being a strong medium, asked to board its name, “Ouija” was what came through. When Peters asked the board what Ouija meant, it responded: “Good luck.”

Ouija and Possession: Does Possession Empower the Ouija Board?

Some might assert that to engage in Ouija is to temporarily (ideally) allow a spirit to take control of your body – possession, essentially. Using you as a medium and your body as a conduit, the entity takes control to communicate its message using you to move the planchette.

However, suppose a spiritual presence needs to take control of your body to relay a message. In that case, there are far more direct means of communication than Ouija. For instance, they could employ automatic writing or psychography.

Psychography allows them to bypass your conscious mind altogether. As a result, the message that the spirit desires to send can be much less prone to the biases and filters inherent in the body channeling it.

Additionally, if a spirit is possessing you, they have direct access to your mouth and voice. They could speak their message through you. Speaking through you is far more unmediated and practical than using you to move the planchette. It’s unlikely that possession engineers the Ouija planchette’s movements in most cases.

However, spiritual entities can still seize control of you while you engage with Ouija. Ouija has, in fact, been connected to numerous cases of this phenomenon. The occurrence has become so prevalent that many psychologists study cases involving Ouija-induced possession. The aim is usually to explain these supernatural events as hysteria or some fugue state of mind.

Even so, there are many cases of Ouija-induced possession that defy even scientific explanation. If tampering with Ouija leads to a spirit appropriating your body, it’s because something went wrong, not right. You usually take proper precautions to protect yourself when using any other tool. The same is true with Ouija.

• Ouija Fun Fact: Patented Technology

Ouija has a patent because it has been demonstrated to work. When attorney Elijah Bond went to retrieve a patent for the oracle board, the chief patent officer demanded a demonstration. If the board could accurately predict the patent officer’s name, the patent would be rewarded.

The Ouija board did so successfully, and on February 10, 1891, Elijah Bond was given a patent for his “toy or game.”

The Haunted Ouija Board: How the Spirit World Works its Magic on the Ouija Board

A quaint looking Ouija Board and planchette.

When a spirit involves itself in your Ouija practice, it will likely do so by haunting the actual board and planchette. “Haunting” can be a scary word, but there is no reason it should be.

When we interact with an object, as living beings, we do so physically because we reside in the physical world. Likewise, spiritual beings interact with an object spiritually, animating and haunting it with their energy.

Ouija provides quite the powerful nexus between the spirit world and the physical plane. It borrows from the querent’s energy and the spiritual entity’s resonance to create an arena that suspends the limits of the temporal realm momentarily.

So not only is Ouija haunted by the spirit seeking to communicate, but by your energies as well. This magical interplay animates the board, bringing it to life and making it much easier for communication to occur unmuddied.

It’s important to note that Ouija working by way of haunting doesn’t negate the ideomotor effect being at play. Instead, it almost confirms it. Unless you are sensitive to the influence of the spirit world, chances are you won’t sense the presence of a spirit nearby. At least not consciously.

But subconsciously, your body will react. Your body might shiver as an undetectable chill graces it. Your fingers might start to twitch. And the planchette underhand will be guided by these subtle movements until the whole picture unfolds – a message from the spirit.

• Ouija Fun Fact: The Benign Pastime

The stigma of Ouija being a portal to hell is a recent phenomenon, as Ouija was once a pleasant pastime. The sitcom I Love Lucy famously had an episode where Lucy and Ricky perform a seance using Ouija as comic relief. Norman Rockwell even painted a picture of a couple playing Ouija on their knees published in the Saturday Evening Post.

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Vanilla Sugar Recipe • An Easy Homemade Vanilla Recipe

The Magic of Vanilla Sugar

This Vanilla Sugar recipe is an excellent way to infuse your sugar with loving vibrations. With its tantalizing scent, vanilla is both soothing and comforting. Yet its seductive flavor is exhilarating enough to take even the most mundane recipes and turn them into an exciting, self-indulgent affair.

For instance, try a little vanilla sugar stirred into your cup of hot cocoa. It goes from being a cozy beverage on a cold day to a reason to luxuriate in a resplendent experience. Or perhaps use the vanilla sugar instead of plain old sugar in your homemade sugar scrub. This takes your sugar scrub from just another part of your beauty regime to a deluxe, aromatherapy-infused self-care session.

Needless to say, vanilla provides a sumptuous accent and refines the flavor of almost anything you add it to. Usually, anything that requires the added sweetness that sugar provides can also stand to have a little taste of vanilla incorporated. Thus, adding vanilla to sugar is simply a natural evolution to a common ingredient that makes perfect sense.

Magical Ways to Use Vanilla Sugar

Making vanilla sugar will take your plain old sugar to the next level. Vanilla is quite the complementary ingredient. It blends seamlessly into almost any dessert or beverage that calls for sugar. Not to mention vanilla sugar is incredibly easy to make.

Think of all the places you use sugar. Perhaps you like to add a couple of teaspoons of sugar to your morning coffee or tea. Or maybe you’re a baking fanatic, with plenty of sugar on hand to make those vanilla sugar cookies your friends can’t live without.

Now imagine if the flavor of vanilla enhanced that sugar. Your morning coffee routine becomes more than just a pick-me-up ritual to a rich and energizing experience. Those sugar cookies have a little extra or that luxurious, caramel taste.

Additionally, what makes vanilla sugar so remarkable is that it makes a creative and fantastic gift – especially during the holiday season. You can thoughtfully impress your friends with a nicely wrapped mason jar of vanilla sugar – don’t forget the bow! Besides, during the winter cold, vanilla provides a unique way to warm the heart and home. Your friends will undoubtedly appreciate it.

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A Decadent Chocolate-Dipped Candied Orange Peel Recipe

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

Understanding Baby’s Breath Flower Symbolism and Meaning

A wallpaper view of white Baby's Breath flowers.

The Spirit of Baby’s Breath Flower

In its essence, Baby’s Breath flower symbolism lies in the quiet power of innocence. The minute yet elegant flowers seem unobtrusive on their own. However, as an assembly, Baby’s Breath flowers come together in a breath-taking demonstration of the power of unity.

There’s corruption in this world that seeks to shatter innocence. It aims to replace it with cynicism and calloused hearts. Much worse, we are taught that to truly “grow up,” we have to discard our innocence as if it were a set of undersized clothes.

But the fact of the matter is our innocence — that childlike part of ourselves that houses our sense of wonder — is a gift. Without it, the world is not as enchanting. Our hearts and minds become closed to magic. Innocence is the blank slate by which the world presents itself to you in all its captivating wonder.

White Baby's Breath flowers resting next to a cup of blonde coffee.

Baby’s Breath flowers want you to understand the understated power of innocence. There is a reason we must cherish and protect it. That quiet power can compel a cold heart to warm. It can reinvigorate an optimism that may be withering away. Just look at the smile of a child. It is something so effortless and natural. There is no deceit underlying their smile. Nor are there hidden intentions or motives you must be wary of.

And yet, something as simple as an innocent smile has the magic to compel you to love. It has the power to motivate you to make awe-inspiring changes to your life to protect and nurture that child. And you do these things all in hopes to ensure that smile never fades from that cherubic face.

This is the quiet power of innocence. This is what Baby’s Breath flowers stand for. They stand for that murmur that brings you back to love. It needn’t be showy or dramatic to grab your attention and compel you. Just gentle enough to warm your heart and guide you to the light.

Baby’s Breath Flower Symbolizes Innocence and Purity

The connection between Baby’s Breath flower symbolism and innocence is no accident. The flowers are reminiscent of a newborn child — tiny and delicate. The association with the innocence of a newborn babe is so mesmeric it inspires the flower’s name. Soft and gentle, sweet and pure…like a “baby’s breath.”

As a result of Baby’s Breath flowers being intimately tied to infants, they are a standard inclusion in baby shower festivities. It is customary to decorate the space with wispy puffs of Baby’s Breath flowers. They seem to fill the air with a breath of innocence.

Close-up of bluish Baby's Breath flowers.

The flowers are often included in bouquets to congratulate the expecting parents in a meaningful way. In addition, it is a way to express the breathless joy that comes with the arrival of an innocent newborn child.

Since Baby’s Breath flowers come in a vast array of colors, it allows for making a very personalized floral gift. For example, you can present Pink Baby’s Breath floral arraignments to parents expecting a girl. Conversely, Blue Baby’s Breath floral arraignments are a popular gift to parents expecting a boy.

Sprigs of Baby's Breath flowers on a flower arraignment table.

How Baby’s Breath Flowers Express Everlasting Love

Baby’s Breath flowers tend to retain their lovely beauty long after their cut and dried. As a result, they have come to symbolize everlasting love. Since the goal of most marrying couples is for their devotion to last for a very long time, Baby’s Breath flowers have become a standard inclusion in wedding décor.

This is almost as if to provide a symbolic blessing on the couples’ union that it not soon fall apart. However, maintaining a sacred commitment such as a marriage is not without its challenges and trials. Thus it makes perfect sense that couples would choose to adorn their wedding hall with symbols to love everlasting to motivate them towards that goal.

In addition, since Baby’s Breath flowers tend to be uniform in their color scheme, they have come to represent the celebration of unity. Each flower, though tiny and unobtrusive, comes together to make an eye-popping cohesive display of color.

It is as if Baby’s Breath flowers want us to see the strength and potency in coming together for harmony and camaraderie. There is an important lesson here for couples who would strive for a long-lasting marriage. That lesson is to remain unified in your commitment to each other and love, and your bond will span a lifetime.

Close-up of soft cream Baby's Breath flowers.

What Baby’s Breath Flowers Teach Us About Chastity

Baby’s breath’s magic lies in its ability to make a soft statement and is a testament to quiet power. -- Baby's Breath Magical Properties and Uses

As a symbol of chastity, Baby’s Breath flowers are often used to express virginal purity. This can apply in the literal sense, as in maintaining continence from sexual intercourse. Additionally, this also applies metaphorically in terms of showing self-restraint and abstaining from anything that will render you less “pure.”

The connection between Baby’s Breath flowers and celibacy is most likely a carryover from monotheistic religions, particularly Christianity and Catholicism. Christianity considers remaining chaste until the marriage of utmost importance, especially for women.

As the religion would have it, once a woman is married, she answers her husband, and the husband responds to God. No longer is she in direct union with the Divine. Furthermore, many religions treat sex as a “forbidden fruit” that opens the mind, body, and spirit to the temptations of passion and desire.

While thoughts on this have started to change and evolve in recent years, Catholicism still mandates nuns and priests remain celibate. This is to ensure their union with God is not contaminated by sexual inclinations.

While Baby’s Breath flowers want us to appreciate the virtue is chastity and purity, we can modernize and abstract this concept. For instance, some might see sexual intercourse as something that defiles you. However, others would say that it is a celestial rite to have sex and bring you closer to the Divine.

Furthermore, you can demonstrate abstinence and wholesomeness in other ways besides renouncing intercourse. For example, you can abstain from alcohol and drugs, or processed food, or toxic people. Basically, avoiding things that can corrupt your spirit and make it harder to commune with the Divine is the type of chastity Baby’s Breath flowers inspires.

Baby’s Breath Flowers Inspire Kindness

Various bouquets of Baby's Breath flowers bundled in a plastic wrapping.

It isn’t easy to look upon the enchanted loveliness of Baby’s Breath flowers in bloom and not feel a little warmth on the inside. Baby’s Breath flowers, and flowers in general, tend to chill the frost around even the most calloused heart.

This is necessary if we express compassion and kindness to others the way we are designed to do. This is the goal of Baby’s Breath flowers – to inspire us to act kindly. To make it easier to arrive at compassion and understanding.

Baby’s Breath flowers provide a lesson in how a soft, gentle touch can speak volumes. The flowers are petite and unobtrusive. Yet, they come together to form a breath-taking whole while maintaining a whisper of quiet power.

Kindness is a quiet power. Compassion is a subtle power. These are not loud actions but rather simple gestures that can have a revolutionary effect on someone’s life. The somber stranger you smile at today might decide not to take their life tomorrow. The warm embrace you give a friend might be the only embrace they’ve received in ages.

Whenever you feel you lack the patience to extend a little tenderness to another soul, consider the magic of Baby’s Breath flowers. Allow them to strengthen your resolve to be an affectionate, loving soul.

Baby’s Breath Flowers and The Holy Spirit

Baby's Breath flowers in a Green Jar • The Meaning of Baby's Breath Flowers

In Christian tradition, Baby’s Breath flowers are emblematic of the very breath of God – the Holy Spirit. Like Baby’s Breath flowers, the Holy Spirit exudes a quiet power. It embodies the subtle yet powerful influence of the Divine. And though you cannot see it with the naked eye, you can feel its impact on your life.

Baby’s Breath flowers serve as a reminder that God’s power – or the power of the Divine – expresses itself not in a thunderous shout but a whisper. Meditating on the energy and vision of Baby’s Breath can prime the mind spiritually to perceive that soft, still voice.

Additionally, Baby’s Breath flowers are often a standard part of Christian traditions like Easter. The use of the flowers in Easter observations is very symbol-laden. Christianity views the cross as the pre-eminent emblem of the death and resurrection of Christ – a pivotal event in Christian mythology.

Baby’s Breath flowers are frequently employed to adorn the cross. As a symbol here, the flower serves two roles. First, it serves as an emblem of the breath of God gracing the site of his son’s death. Second, it also represents the innocent life that was slain that redeems all who follow the path of Christ.

The Joy of Vision: Eyebright Flowers Spiritual Meaning and Magic

Close-up on eyebright flowers.

The Magic of Eyebright Flowers

Eyebright flowers want you to understand the joy of vision. As the name suggests, it is a plant that opens the eyes to see the world as it really is. And the sight of which should not intimidate or frighten you but bring you joy.

Vision should empower you. If you can see the truth of something, you can react accordingly. If you can’t catch sight of where you are going, you will never get there. Furthermore, if you have a vision of what you want out of life, that vision will act as a road map, guiding you to your end goal.

Vision is scary. We live in an era where self-deception is a means of survival. It’s much harder to deny a fundamental truth and live in a lie if you can see things clearly. The pursuit of money, fame, fortune, and power often requires us to blind ourselves to the truth of how these things corrupt the soul.

Multiple eyebright flowers in bloom.

Not to mention, we tend to persecute and even murder our visionaries. Martin Luther King. Gallileo. Mahatma Gandhi. People usually fear those whose vision is ahead of their time. They have invested too much into the Lie and don’t want the light of truth to dispel it.

However, the lesson of Eyebright is that catching a glimpse of the beauty of destiny should inspire you. You will see the apple of the artist’s eye. You will perceive the flow of the poet’s verse. And finally, you will witness the glorious vision of the gods.

Close-up on two eyebright flowers.

Eyebright Flower Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Euphrasia
  • Folk Names: Euphrosyne, Red Eyebright
  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Sun
  • Attributes: Mental ClarityPsychic Ability, Prophetic Dreams

What Are Eyebright Flowers Used For?

Eyebright has a tradition of being used medicinally. If the name isn’t a dead giveaway, Eyebright is often used to treat ailments that affect the eyes, such as pinkeye (conjunctivitis). Eyebright’s leaves, stems, and small pieces of the flowers are used in therapeutic practice.

Eyebright Tea Helps with Memory

Drinking Eyebright tea can aid memory and make it easier to retain information and recall specific events. Likewise, when your brain feels foggy and has a hard time focusing, Eyebright can help clear the mind, making concentration easier.

Eyebright and the Third Eye

Eyebright takes its strong association with vision a step further as an herb that engages the Third Eye Chakra. It empowers second sight, or to put it more plainly, clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive things that exist beyond our ordinary senses and discern future events.

Strengthening Psychic Abilities with Eyebright

Eyebright assists clairvoyant abilities and the psychic mind in general, strengthening our power and capability. As a result, it can make psychic pursuits such as divination and prophetic dreams much easier to realize and express.

Eyebright Flower Fun Fact: Pollen Guide

The characteristic yellow marking you can find on the lower petal of Eyebright flowers isn’t just there for show. In fact, they act as a guidepost to the flower’s dander for pollinating insects.

Multiple eyebright flowers in bloom.

How to Use Eyebright

The easiest way to benefit from the power of Eyebright is to consume it, particularly in tea form. There are lovely tea blends that are ideal for stimulating the Third Eye including Eyebright. Infusing Eyebright into a carrier oil and gently applying that oil to the eyelids yields similar results. However, practice caution when directly using an Eyebright infusion to the eye area. If the oil has any contamination, this can lead to an eye infection, which is unideal. It is usually much safer to drink eyebright tea.

Eyebright Flower Fun Fact: The Parasitic Broomrape

Eyebright is in the plant family Orobanchaceae, also known as broomrapes. It is important to note that most plants in this family are somewhat if not mostly parasitic. Being semi-parasitic, Eyebright cannot perform photosynthesis. Thus, it must siphon most of its nutrients from other plants to survive and thrive.

Eyebright in bloom near violet flowers.

What are the Benefits of Eyebright?

Although Eyebright is most popularly used to treat conditions that affect the eyes, it has many other therapeutic benefits. Eyebright is predominantly used to treat pink eye and other uncomfortable eye conditions caused by infection.

Easing Symptoms of Cough and Cold with Eyebright

Additionally, Eyebright is also used to treat inflammation, especially inflammation caused by cough and cold. Other symptoms related to cold and flu, such as sinus infections and sore throats, can find relief through Eyebright.

Close-up of eyebright flowers.

The Best Way to Consume Eyebright

Consuming Eyebright flowers in tea or capsule form is usually the safest way to benefit from its medicinal power. Eyebright is sometimes applied to the eyes via a warm compress to help heal certain eye conditions. However, it’s important to note that applying Eyebright directly to the eyes can lead to infection if it has any contamination, so practice caution.

Eyebright Flower Fun Fact: The Mountain Flower

Eyebright tends to grow in alpine regions. They are used to growing on the highest of mountains, at elevations that not even trees can subsist. Coincidentally, this makes Eyebright uniquely suited for rock gardens.

Two eyebright flowers against a purple background.

The Mythology of Eyebright Flowers

Eyebright’s other name is Euphrasia. It comes from the name of one of the Three Charities of Greek Mythology – Euphrosyne. Of the three charities, Euphrosyne is the embodiment of charm and beauty. Furthermore, she has the task of spreading merriment and mirth throughout the world.

Euphrosyne And Her Sisters: The Charities

Euphrosyne works her magic along with her two sisters, Thalia, who spreads good cheer, and Agalia, whose duty is to grace the world with splendor and magnificence. She and her sisters are the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome, the Oceanid goddess of water meadows and pasturelands.

The primary duty of the Three Charities is to fill the world with joy. They are often found dancing merrily along with the Muses, nymphs, the goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

The Breath of the Feminine: Pink Baby’s Breath Flower Meaning

Gypsophila paniculata (Bristol Fairy) Pink Baby's Breath

The Magic of Pink Baby’s Breath Flowers

A bouquet of Pink Baby's Breath Flowers

Pink Baby’s Breath flower’s magic resides in its graceful feminine energy and its ability to empower the nurturing side of our soul. The flower’s presence is almost heavenly – a soft and gentle pink hue that entices the vision and satisfies the spirit. It thaws the bitterness in our hearts just a little bit and reminds us of the power and joy in compassion’s warm glow.

There are times that the world can seem cold and unfeeling. For instance, a cordial smile, a tender touch, even an affectionate hug are things we rarely experience. As a result, the distance between us grows, and closeness is becoming a thing of the past.

We need to grow in compassion and empathy to bridge the gap. We should be able to look at the delicate, soothing beauty of Pink Baby’s Breath flowers and be inspired to love, not fearing our emotions. Love, empathy, kindness doesn’t make us weak. These things connect us to others, which makes us stronger.

Pink Baby’s Breath reminds us of the importance of reclaiming our feminine energy. We have categorized ourselves into overly rigid lines of masculinity and femininity. The truth is, we are comprised of all facets – female, male, and the in-between. Therefore, we should embrace it all.

It is the magic of the feminine that we need to bring us closer to each other. There is strength in tenderness, and there is power in vulnerability. Allow Pink Baby’s Breath’s beauty to resonate with the side of you that makes you beautiful – the goodness of the Goddess within us all.

Pink Baby’s Breath Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Gypsophila
  • Folk Names: Babe’s Breath, Gyp, Soapwort, Maiden’s Breath
  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Venus
  • Magical Attributes: Protection, Love

Pink Baby’s Breath Spiritual Meaning

There is more to Pink Baby’s Breath flower’s color than just the elegant rosy blush. It almost seems to glow against the din as if empowered by a light from within. Its pigmentation is diaphanous and otherworldly.

The ethereal, mystical glow of the Pink Baby’s Breath flower reminds us that there is something beyond our material realm. There is a world of Spirit, just beyond our gaze, that illuminates the visible world and graces Pink Baby’s Breath with a supernal, transcendent beauty.

While Baby’s Breath flowers share a significant association with spirituality in general, Pink Baby’s Breath takes that relationship further. The color pink is a medley of red, the color of passion and action, and whitea shade we associate with purity and the empyreal.

Working in tandem, they create the color pink and convey the lesson that our spirituality is best expressed through action. Furthermore, action means showing compassion to others, nurturing the seeds of the future, and loving unconditionally.

Allow the roseate hue of Pink Baby’s Breath’s flowers to remind you to ground your spirituality through your actions. Spirituality without work is inert. It needs expression through your deeds and effort to effect real change.

A Flower with Feminine Power

Baby’s breath’s magic lies in its ability to make a soft statement and is a testament to quiet power. -- Baby's Breath Magical Properties and Uses

Pink Baby’s Breath flowers are uniquely feminine in their essence. Since the 1940s, the color pink has been inextricably linked with the feminine. It is now customary in the modern-day to assume pink is a color for girls. Conversely, blue as a masculine color has received the same treatment.

This is evidence that gender roles and traditions are a fluid concept. While pink might be a color we associate with femininity now, it hasn’t always been. Furthermore, things that we attribute to masculine personalities might become more feminized tomorrow. So it’s important not to get trapped in the notion that pink things – like pink baby’s breath flowers – are “girly.”

We house both feminine and masculine energy. This explains why men can be nurturing and women can be strong. A mother can share the same drive to protect and fight for her family as a father does. Likewise, both men and women can employ the power of a gentle touch. We contain aspects of both dualities and all the shades in between, and that’s what makes us whole.

Allow the glow of Pink Baby’s Breath flowers to inspires you to express and utilize your more feminine side. The Feminine aspect is a power to be tapped into. It is the key to understanding the mystery of love and compassion. It is sagely and patient, intuitive and graceful. And it is within us all.

What Pink Baby’s Breath Teaches Us About Love

Gypsophila repens (Pink Baby's Breath Flower)

Pink Baby’s Breath flowers represent the softer, sweeter side of love. That blush of champagne pink is akin to the pink that flushes the faces of young lovers experiencing the high of a brand-new romance. It is an innocent kind of love that makes you giddy and warms you up from the inside.

This kind of love also extends to the tenderness you feel for a newborn child. There’s a certain purity in a new life that you cannot find anywhere else. An infant is without guile or deception. Their intentions and desires are sinless and straightforward. Food. Warmth. Love. It is this simplicity that makes it easy to extend limitless love to an innocent babe.

But also, Pink Baby’s Breath flowers want us to understand the importance of unconditional love. The color pink incorporates both red, the color of passion, and white, a shade that evokes piety and purity. The lesson therein is that we should express our love without boundaries, as our spirit was designed to do.

The love we volunteer so effortlessly for a newborn child or that flows without prompting someone we have romantic feelings should also flow just as easily for others. Just as Pink Baby’s Breath flowers abundantly effuse a sweet and pleasant aura, we should also be generous in the sweetness, kindness, and joy we are willing to share with those around us.

Baby Showers and Pink Baby’s Breath Flowers

Pink Baby’s Breath is a popular staple in baby showers for those expecting a girl. This is because it shares a symbolic association with all things baby – as the name would imply. Not to mention, we’re conditioned to associate the color pink with girls. Hence, the color pink and baby’s breath flowers make the perfect coupling to celebrate the birth of a girl.

The two most popular colors of Baby’s Breath flowers, besides white, are pink and blue. Pink Baby’s Breath flowers are a way to color the festivities with a feminine air in honor of the soon-to-be-born baby girl. In addition, they are also coupled in floral bouquets for the expecting parents as a meaningful gift. Conversely, Blue Baby’s Breath finds much use in showers celebrating the birth of a boy.

It’s important to note that there is a modern trend moving away from designating the gender of a child before the child themselves has assumed their own. As a result, you may want to consider the intentions of the parents before gifting them with Pink Baby’s Breath flowers as to not make the assumption for them. Fortunately, there are many other, gender-neutral colors of Baby’s Breath flowers, like yellow and orange.

Pale Pink Baby's Breath Flower.

Pink Baby’s Breath Flowers Attracts Fairies

Fairies can be a naughty bunch. They don’t necessarily play by the rules of “good and evil.” Some fairies do delightful things like help keep your plants healthy. On the other hand, there are fairies who, unfortunately, like to eat children.

Luring fairies to your garden should be a task you choose prudently. Fairies like to bring a little mischief with them. If you aren’t looking to attract that kind of energy into your life, you will want to plant your Pink Baby’s Breath near some iron. Hanging a horseshoe nearby can help ward them away, as they don’t like iron.

However, if you seek to attract beneficial fairies to your garden, Pink Baby’s Breath flowers are a perfect choice. The pacifying pink color will do its part to make sure harmful fairies stay away.

You may want to provide little offerings for the “good” fairies that visit your garden. For example, they tend to love bread, butter, and milk. Moreover, be sure never to thank them as fairies don’t like to be thanked.

A Flower for Caretakers and Those Who Care

The Pink Baby’s Breath flower is emblematic of caretaker energy – an energy that is compassionate, understanding, and empathetic. It is caretakers that make the world go round. They take care of our children with patience and tenderness. Furthermore, they watch over us when we’re ill and infirm, their optimism helping us find our way to the bright side of health.

We are all caretakers. You might be a nurse or doctor who helps nurse the body back to health. Or even a mother, father, grandmother, or grandfather who raise the young and nurture their souls. And let’s not forget the teachers, daycare workers, and nannies who watch over and protect innocent souls from harm. Or perhaps you are simply a loving, attentive friend who helps those in your circle keep motivated, uplifted, and looked after.

In the soft blush of its pink hue, Pink Baby’s Breath enables us to tap into our caretaker side. Our caretaker side is our nurturing, tender side. It is the part of us that demonstrates unconditional love through our actions and how we take care of those in need. And the fact of the matter is we need our caretakers — everyone we can get. We need more of those who give of themselves, and less who take.

Pink Baby’s Breath flowers are a wonderful way to show your appreciation for the caretakers in your life. It might be the neighbor, who looks after your plants while you’re away. Or your mother, who provides you wholesome, soul-filling meals every time you visit her. Or maybe your child’s teacher, who makes sure your child is protected and nurtured in your absence. Whomever it may be, take the time to show them your appreciation with Pink Baby’s Breath flowers. They deserve it.

Pink Baby's Breath and Daisies.

Related: Magical Flowers

Baby’s breath’s magic lies in its ability to make a soft statement and is a testament to quiet power. -- Baby's Breath Magical Properties and Uses

The Soft, Quiet Power of Baby’s Breath Flowers

Deep purple and blue violet lilac flowers.

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Using Jasmine Flowers to Attract Your Soulmate

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

The Sobriety Stone: The Magic of the Amethyst Healing Stone

Amethyst is a stone for those who could use a little extra calm in their lives, which is basically all of us. -- Amethyst Meaning and Uses

The Healing Power of Amethyst

The power of the Amethyst healing stone is rooted in the ability it has to reduce stress, bring us to calm, and pacify our deepest pain. In this day and age, stress tends to inundate us. We work too much for too little pay. We are becoming a more isolated and lonely people. Illness is on the rise while the amount of rest we get is on the decline. The world seems like it’s spinning out of balance and out of control.

An amethyst crystal.

Yet through all the chaos, aggravation, and uncertainty, we have a beacon to help light our way — Amethyst. There’s a reason that among crystals, Amethyst is a clear favorite. That is because it’s a potently powerful stress-relieving stone. With a violet hue that is so true and mesmerizing, it hypnotizes us with the depth of its pacifying color. Furthermore, the color purple proves to be deeply relaxing.

But Amethyst has the added benefit of being the reputed sobriety stone. Those struggling with addiction and compulsion have made a habit of beseeching Amethyst for assistance in ridding themselves of debilitating dependencies. And it responds — by helping to keep those who struggle steadily on the vision of sobriety and by extension, freedom.

With love on the decline, unless we have a major paradigm shift, this world will only become more stressful. Life will throw its unexpected curveballs that will threaten to knock you off your gait and shatter your focus. You will get tempted to make choices that are not in your best interest, and perhaps fall prey to addiction or two.

But to these challenges, Nature has provided some help in a place that perhaps you never expected — a purple stone named Amethyst.

Amethyst Magical Correspondences

  • Energy: Receptive
  • Planets: Jupiter, Neptune
  • Element: Water
  • Deities: Bacchus, Dionysus, Diana
  • Magical Attributes: Dreams, Overcoming Alcoholism, Healing, Psychic Ability, Peace, Love, Protection Against Thieves, Courage, Happiness

From Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham.

An amethyst crystal.

Does Amethyst Relieve Stress?

Perhaps most notable of Amethyst’s many benefits is its ability to calm the nerves. The color purple is a pacifying color. So when we see it in nature, whether it be lavender or Amethyst, chances are we are dealing with an agent of tranquility.

Our normal state of being is not one of nervousness and disquietude. Our natural state of being is supposed to be one of peace and calm. But we live in a world rife with illusion. The illusion of wealth. Illusory beauty. With so many phantasms corrupting our reality, it’s hard to gain perspective on what is true.

It is this discord — this misalignment with what is natural and true — that unsettles our nerves. Our body and soul know what is and isn’t a part of the natural order and will remind us of such, even if the mind is deceived. You will get headaches. You will experience anxiety. Depression will cloud your mind and your world unless you find your way back to balance.

But fortunately, Amethyst is just what Mother Nature ordered. The pursuit of Amethyst is to help us find serenity because serenity is how we catch a glimpse of what is real, sacred, and divine. An unsettled mind cannot find enlightenment. An unsettled mind can miss out on precious wisdom and insight. And it is not the desire of Spirit for us to be denied what is our birthright — illumination.

Is Amethyst Good for Sleep?

It’s a wonder how powerful a simple Amethyst stone can be when it comes to getting restful sleep. We tend to undervalue and shrug off the importance of getting restful sleep. We blithely repeat mottos like “rest is for the weak” or “I’ll rest when I’m dead.” Society requires us to more and more sacrifice sleep for the sake of career and ambition. But in the process, we also sacrifice our well-being.

But if the quest of the Amethyst stone is to return us to calm and serenity, it’s no wonder that a peaceful repose would be part of the plan. A well-rested mind is much more receptive to any lessons or grains of wisdom the Spirit wants to communicate. Amethyst gets to work by quieting those rampant, freewheeling thoughts that tend to plague an overactive mind just as it’s time to rest.

Its next order of business is to make sure your dream state is also peaceful. That means, sans the nightmares. We don’t need them. They can be painful. Yes, all dreams — even nightmares — carry important messages and symbols. But if your subconscious has an important message for you, it needn’t send it through nightmares. There are other ways. So there’s nothing wrong with seeking to avoid them.

Amethyst Helps with Oversleep

Finally, Amethyst goes about helping to make sure you don’t oversleep. Oversleeping can lead to stress. Stress because you’re running late. Stress from your circadian rhythm being out of sync. Not to mention, doesn’t it seem like oversleeping just leaves you more tired?

Oversleeping is overindulgence, and Amethyst concerns itself with moderation. As result, Amethyst doesn’t want you to get or need too much sleep. Instead, it wants to help you sleep restfully and wake up refreshed, not needing to hit that snooze button.

To really actualize Amethyst’s power in helping you achieve good rest and sweet dreams, simply place an Amethyst stone under your pillow at night. You can also put it nearby on a nightstand. Just make sure to have Amethyst in the room when you retire for the night, and allow its energies to help make nighttime much more peaceful and relaxing.

Does Amethyst Help with Headaches?

Stress can be painful, and Amethyst understands this. Stress can cause debilitating headaches and migraines. It can cause your muscles to tense up, which can lead to all sorts of bodily aches and pains. Furthermore, if you have a condition like arthritis or fibromyalgia — stress can make the pain associated with these ailments worse, which is not ideal.

However, soothing aches and pains caused by stress are right up Amethyst’s alley. If it is a stress headache that is overwhelming you, try touching the Amethyst stone to your forehead.  Close your eyes and take in a few deep breaths as you gently rub the stone along the area where the pain is the most severe.

If your whole body is tense and achy due to stress, allow Amethyst to calm your nerves. Try holding the stone while you take a couple of deep, meaningful breaths. Breath in and out while letting Amethyst’s soothing energy flow through your body. If you have the time and space, you can try a little Amethyst meditation.

Partnering a relaxing, meditative bath with Amethyst can also help relieve some of the stress that is ailing you. Place some Amethyst stones near the foot of the bathtub, add some purple candles and maybe lavender scented bubble bath and give into relaxation.

Amethyst Healing Stone and Addiction

As the fabled “sobriety stone,” Amethyst has earned a reputation for helping people achieve and maintain sobriety.  Sobriety might seem…overrated to some, but to others, sobriety is how they gained freedom from the slavery of addiction.

Addiction can destroy a life. It can sever relationships. It can lead to financial ruin. And yes, it can end in death. Therefore, those that escape its control not only have scars from the battle but many good reasons not to want to return.

For those on the path to sobriety, Amethyst can help keep the mind stable and focused on the goal. As a result, when temptation comes knocking at the door by way of drugs, alcohol, or general overconsumption, the choice to abstain is much easier to make.

But perhaps most importantly, Amethyst helps guide you to the problem that is at the root of your addiction. Addiction doesn’t exist in isolation. There are reasons we might drink too much or need to be too high or consume too much food. Some injury to our psyche needs to be addressed. Therefore, if we don’t uncover the root of the problem, the addiction will always be a reoccurring symptom of a malaise consuming us from within.

Amethyst Helps with Withdrawal Symptoms

Finally, Amethyst is there to provide comfort and care while you are dealing with the symptoms of withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms can make it very hard to stay the course of sobriety, especially in the early days. Your body will crave that which you are refraining from. It will want you to return to the behaviors that you are trying to walk away from. And if you refuse, your body might make you physically ill.

No, Amethyst will not “cure” your symptoms. It is necessary for your body to purge the toxins from within you so that you can recover from your compulsion. This will result in physical discomfort in some form, but it is important to remember this too shall pass. However, Amethyst can help lessen the severity of your withdrawal symptoms.

So as the rising tide of nausea threatens to overwhelm you, maybe clutch on that Amethyst stone to help quell the sickness. As your body aches and shakes and pains, give yourself some rest but do remember to keep some Amethyst stones on the nightstand nearby. And give yourself time. Eventually, you will be out of the woods and into the light.

Amethyst for the Immune System

You can give your immune system a little boost with Amethyst. Crystals can have an effect on the physical body, not just the spiritual one. But yes, crystals like Amethyst can, if you have a little faith in the process.

It’s important to remember that certain things like lack of sleep or stress can have an adverse effect on the immune system. You are much more likely to get sick and have a hard time of it if you’re not well-rested and feeling strained. Amethyst can help with both helping you to get a full night’s rest and lowering your stress levels. As a result, your immunity will improve.

Can Amethyst Prevent Miscarriage?

It is said that Amethyst can prevent a miscarriage. This is obviously a sensitive topic, as it’s not often we know what causes a miscarriage. While Amethyst can help to protect a pregnancy, it’s not as simple as saying, “carry Amethyst with you to prevent miscarriage”. If the fetus isn’t meant to make it to term, there isn’t much that can be done to change that, heart-breaking as it is.

Mostly Amethyst does its part to protect mother and baby from stressors that might make the pregnancy more difficult. Amethyst can help keep the mother calm. This in turn helps keep the baby calm.  A calm mommy and calm baby are beneficial to any pregnancy. Amethyst has the added benefit of helping with that annoying pregnancy insomnia, a feature I’m sure many pregnant women can appreciate.

In conclusion, can Amethyst actually prevent a miscarriage? No one can say so definitively. It certainly can’t hurt the pregnancy. Between helping the mother get her much-needed rest, and keeping stress levels down, Amethyst provides many benefits for pregnant women.

However, Amethyst ultimately has no power over life, death, and whether or not a miscarriage occurs. No one does. These are all at the mercy of the Divine.

An amethyst gemstone.

Amethyst for Work Stress

When dealing with work-related stress or general burnout, allow Amethyst to recharge and refresh you. Getting up to get on that hamster wheel and run that rat race every day can be exhausting. And the weekends are much too short. So if you’re starting to feel a little burnt out from your work routine, or just life in general, no one can blame you.

But the reason we get up every day and bust our behinds is that we want to cultivate a better life for ourselves, and Amethyst understands that. However, Amethyst also wants us to understand that it’s important to find balance. A little ambition will get you far, but too much ambition can drive you to an early grave.

On the flip side, not having any drive and passion to pursue your goals can leave you flat-footed and stuck where you stand. That’s why Amethyst wants to guide us into temperance. It’s okay to have ambitions to drive you to push yourself and work hard. But taking time for self-reflection and self-care is also important. Allow the Amethyst healing stone to help you strike a balance between the two.

Amethyst and Grief

Losing someone you care about begets unbearable pain, but Amethyst is there to help mend the grief. There is…virtually nothing that can heal the pain that Death creates. Only Time comes close, but oh, so slowly. But at the end of the day, that person has left this mortal realm, and there is and will always be a hole that remains.

Amethyst cannot bring them back. Amethyst cannot bring them home. But Amethyst can provide some comfort, even though the pain may feel like a gaping wound. But in order to feel some relief from the pain, you must go through it. Allow yourself to cry. Allow yourself to miss the person you lost. Unleash all of the pain of your grief and let it flow into the Amethyst stone.

Amethyst is the comforting “soul stone.” As mythology would have it, it gained its eminent purple color as Bacchus poured his own grief into the stone with tears of violet. It is a repository for tears, and sadness, and grief. And while friends may fail you at this time, you can always trust that Amethyst will never turn you away when you need a shoulder to cry on.

And then, when you’re ready to take that step forward into life after loss, allow Amethyst to hold your hand through the journey. It can help you find your way to navigating this strange new world without that person in your life. Don’t worry — joy comes in the morning. There is in fact life after loss. Let Amethyst help you get there.

Is Amethyst Good for Plants?

Just as Amethyst can heal a stressed body, it can also heal a stressed plant. Maybe your plant got a little too bitten in the last frost. Or perhaps the converse is true — perhaps your plant received a little too much sun and got burned. Before you give up and throw it in the compost bin, consider placing an Amethyst healing stone near the plant and watch what happens. There’s a good chance the plant will return to vigor.

Watch the Video:
 The Magic of Amethyst

Related: Calming Crystals for Anxiety

The Amethyst gem has the ability to calm the mind and soothe emotions. Within it lies energies that can ignite passion and creativity.

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Aquamarine is the birthstone of March, and is a symbol of friendship and loyalty. It is also associated with youth and beauty. -- Aquamarine Stone Meaning

Using Aquamarine for Self Reflection and Understanding

Amber, also known as Liquid Sunshine, carries the energies of life, happiness, love and luck, and can turn negativity into good. — Amber Meaning and Uses

Working with Amber to Get Rid of Negativity

Red Jasper is considered the stone of endurance, and was carried by warriors to instill within them courage and to protect them -- Red Jasper Meaning and Uses

The Power of Red Jasper to Strengthen Confidence

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