The Good Luck Berry: Banana Spiritual Meaning and Magic

A bunch of bright yellow bananas sitting on a mat.

The Magic of Banana

The ubiquitous banana tree is anything but ordinary. Its characteristic, bright green fruit emerges like fingers reaching upwards towards the sky as if desiring to brush the underside of heaven.

The Prosperous Power of Bananas

And it may just succeed in this pursuit. Bananas are prone to prosper. This prolific plant has spread its fruit to every edge of the globe, becoming a food staple worldwide.

Banana’s Provide Multiple Blessings

Bananas’ soft, subtle fruit provides powerful sustenance for the young and old alike; the versatility of its leaves can be fashioned for limitless uses, and those blessed to have a banana tree will certainly know good fortune, prosperity, and the blessing of the Divine itself.

Green-yellow bananas on a table outside at night.

The Masculine Energy of Banana

Due to their phallic shape, bananas are often used in magical practice to represent The God and masculine energy. Since bananas grow upwards facing the heavens, it is believed that they carry energies that can improve our spiritual connection and connection to the divine.

Attracting Abundance and Prosperity with Banana

Being married under a banana tree is said to bring good luck to the bride. Make a prosperity soap using dried and powdered banana peels to draw the energies of good luck and abundance.

Use Banana in Prosperity Spells

Banana leaves, flowers, and fruits can be used in prosperity spells. A banana tree planted near the house will bring good luck to the household.

Bananas in Fertility Magic

Bananas can be used in magical workings to increase fertility and male potency. Use dried, powdered bananas in spells to increase male lust and potency.

Travel Protection with Banana

Carry bananas with you when traveling by air or land for extra travel protection.

Green bananas on a banana tree.

Banana Magical Correspondences

  • Botanical Name: Musa Sapientum
  • Folk Names: Maia (Hawaiian), Bacove, Sanging
  • Gender: Masculine
  • Planet: Mars
  • Element: Air
  • Deity: Kanaloa
  • Attributes: Fertility, Male Potency, Prosperity, Luck, Travel

The Healing Power of Banana*

Bananas are incredibly nutritious, containing not only a notable amount of potassium, but iron, calcium, manganese, B6, and folate, among other powerful nutrients. Bananas contain a generous amount of iron, which can help when preventing anemia.

*(See FDA Disclaimer)

Bananas are High in Potassium

Bananas are famously high in potassium, which can help lower blood pressure, keep the mind focused, and help the heart maintain a regular heartbeat. Banana peels are edible too and full of nutrients such as potassium and lutein, which can help prevent cataracts and is good for eye health.

Mini bananas still on the branch, sitting on a wooden pallet.

A Healthy Digestive System with Bananas

Bananas are high in fiber, which helps regulate the digestive system. It can also help keep you feeling full longer, making it the perfect breakfast companion. Bananas are considered a BRAT food (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) and a recommended diet when dealing with diarrhea.

Upgrade Your Beauty Routine with Banana

Bananas can be used to make an excellent face mask. Simply mash up some bananas in a bowl, apply the mashed banana to your face, leave on for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse. The potassium and vitamin B in bananas are great for the skin and will leave it moisturized.

Banana Hair Mask

Mix banana with coconut oil, olive oil, and honey for a hair mask that can help with shiny, moisturized hair.

Bunches of bananas on sale with a black sign nearby that says "Banana Nanica 4.90."

Bananas Help Prevent Childhood Asthma

Research has shown that children who eat one banana a day have a lower risk of developing asthma. Bananas contain tryptophan, which can help with memory retention and improve mood.

Interesting Facts About Banana

Bananas are considered an herb and a berry. There are many surprising types of bananas, such as the “hairy banana,” which is bubblegum pink and covered in hair, bananas that taste like strawberries when cooked, and even bananas whose pulp resembles orange sherbet.

Are Bananas Radioactive?

Bananas are slightly radioactive. Because they are high in potassium, they carry more of the isotope potassium-40 than other plants.

A bunch of yellow bananas sitting on a glossy wooden surface.

What do Real Banana Seeds Look Like?

Unlike cultivated bananas, wild bananas usually contain large, hard seeds.

Yellow Bananas and Artificial Ripening

Bananas in the grocery store owe their characteristic bright yellow skin to an artificial ripening process. Naturally ripened bananas usually go from green to brown without turning yellow.

Where Does the Name Banana Come From?

Banana’s name is believed to be West African in origin and to have come from the Wolof word banaana.

Bunches of moistened green bananas.

Are Bananas a Seasonal Fruit?

Bananas are non-seasonal and can be purchased fresh all year round.

Banana Pancake Trail

The Banana Pancake trail describes a series of popular hiking trails in Southeast Asia where merchants and vendors tend to sell banana pancakes to the predominantly Western tourists that come to visit.

Why are Banana Leaves Used as Plates?

In South Asia, banana leaves are often used as biodegradable and eco-friendly plates for food.

Bunches of yellow and green bananas.

Eating Bananas Once Punishable by Death

In Hawaii, it was once punishable by death for a woman to eat a banana.

The Ghost of the Banana Tree: Nang Tani

In Thailand, it is believed that spirits called Nang Tani inhabit banana trees. They can be either good or evil.

The Pontianak in the Banana Tree

In Malaysian folklore, the banana tree is inhabited by a malevolent female spirit called the Pontianak. The Pontianak is a vampire-type spirit and very bloodthirsty.

Bunches of small, green bananas.

Banana Peel Uses

Press a banana peel to your forehead when you have a headache to relieve pain. Use banana peels to provide soothing relief to bug bites and poison ivy rashes. Wrapping a banana peel around a splinter can help shift it, making it easier to remove.*

Banana Peels in the Garden

Banana peels make an excellent, nutrient-rich addition to the compost pile. Cut the banana peel into small pieces and put it around your garden to deter aphids.

Does Banana Peel Remove Warts?

Banana peels are a natural wart remover. Simply tape a piece of the peel over the wart and change it regularly. The wart should be gone within 1-2 weeks.

Two slightly ripened bananas, one peeled and one unpeeled, on a black surface.

Can Banana Peels Polish Shoes?

Banana peels can be used to polish shoes and silverware. Polish your shoes with the inside of a banana peel, then wipe clean with a cloth.

What Does it Mean to Dream of Bananas?

Dreaming of bananas is usually an expression of sexual energy, specifically male sexual energy, or symbolic of fertility.

Dreaming of Bananas Means Happiness and New Growth

Dreaming of a yellow banana means you are content and happy, and dreaming of a green banana signifies the beginning of something new or growth in your life.

Bunches of bananas on display on a wooden table.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy or content.

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