The Gardener’s Stone: Moss Agate Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings

Moss Agate has become the quintessential Gardener’s Stone, housing the magic of life and the beauty of nature within it. -- Moss Agate Meaning and Uses

The Magic of Moss Agate Stone

As you gaze into the Moss Agate stone, you are whisked away by the natural scenery unfolding within it. With dendritic tendrils that seem to fan out like the leaves of a fern or the branches of a tree, it’s no wonder that Moss Agate has become the quintessential Gardener’s Stone, housing the magic of life and the beauty of nature within it.

The savvy gardener would do well to wear Moss Agate stone or carry it nearby when working their magic in the garden as it can help increase Nature’s bounty and lead to fertile plants that are healthy and full of vigor, as well as more robust harvests.

It is not uncommon to hang small pieces of Moss Agate on trees to inspire the tree to grow healthy and produce vibrant blossoms and fruit. Charging Moss Agate stone and “planting” it in the earth of your garden provides the most magical of plant food for your plants.

The plant deities and devas look kindly on a garden and gardener who employs the magic of Moss Agate stone in their garden and do their best to encourage a blessed bounty and to counsel and guide the hands of the gardener as they tend to their garden.

There is a powerful, vigorous healing energy within the Moss Agate stone. Tribal healers lauded its ability to interact on a truly organic level with the mind, body, and spirit to bring it to wholeness and the glow of health.

With a typically lower, calm, and tempered vibration than many crystals, Moss Agate strikes a balance between the yin and yang within us and in the world around us, reconciling our world with the harmonic cycle of life.

Moss Agate resonates with the Heart and Root Chakra, and as such is a stabilizing gem – quite literally. Curiously enough, it has a reputation for being able to steady the feet of young children so that they do not fall.

Moss Agate is connected to Asclepius, god of medicine and one of Apollo’s sons. Asclepius is intricately connected with the art of healing; the rod of Asclepius – a snake-twined staff — went on to become a symbol of medicine.

His daughters represent the healing arts in their very essence – Hygieia (the goddess from whom the word “hygiene” comes), goddess of cleanliness and sanitation. Panacea, goddess of universal remedies. Aesco, the goddess who oversees the healing process, and Aglæa/Ægle, goddess of the “glow of health.”

Moss Agate is actually a form of chalcedony. Chalcedony stones are wonderful, calming stones, used to banish fears and nightmares as well as promote better mental health and dissolve destructive illusions and self-deluding fantasies.

Watch the Video: The Gardener’s Stone

Sometimes referred to as “mocha stone” or “birthing crystal,” Moss Agate provides amazing benefits to women who will be conceiving and lactating mothers. Keeping Moss Agate nearby in the delivery room can ease the pain of childbirth and help with welcoming the new bundle of joy into the world, as it is the stone of new beginnings.

And being that Moss Agate is a form of chalcedony, chalcedony is known to help lactating mothers produce milk for their little ones.

While it is called an agate, moss agate doesn’t actually fit the typical description of an agate stone, as it doesn’t have the characteristic bands that agate stones are known for. But seeing as it was given its name long before the scientific understanding of agate evolved, the name has stuck nevertheless.

The dendritic, moss-like bands within the Moss Agate stone are formed by inclusions of iron and manganese. It’s worth noting that Montana is home to its very own special form of Moss Agate, called Montana Moss Agate, known for having a characteristic red hue due to iron staining.

A product of the volcanic eruptions and lava flows that have occurred near Yellowstone Park, Montana Moss Agate can only be found near Yellowstone River and its tributaries between Sidney and Billings, Montana.

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The Stone of the Mind: Hematite Meaning and Magic

The Stone of Blood: Hematite Meaning and Magic

Hematite’s meaning and magic lie in its steadying power in an increasingly unsteady world. By helping to ground us to the tune of the Earth, we find stability and a firm foundation. Likewise, Hematite guards us against the adversities and setbacks that might knock us off our balance in providing stalwart protection.

There is steel in our blood that resonates with Hematite. The stone speaks to the warrior within us, challenging us to stand firm and find resolve in the face of any trial. Thus, while shielding us from the threats surrounding us, Hematite also strengthens the fighter within.

It can feel at times that the world has gone mad. Prophecy meets the present as wars and rumors of wars demand our attention. Moreover, plague and illness are rampant, making us all mindful not to lose the greatest asset we have – our health. And at the heart of the malaise, a deep primal anger brews in many souls as disillusionment and despair settle in.

As a result, feeling anxious and afraid these days and times is perfectly understandable. However, also understand that it isn’t healthy to remain that way. Ideally, you allow the Earth’s calming energies to bring you back to a place of security and balance. And fortunately, there’s a crystal for that – Hematite.

Hematite engages the Root Chakra, which engenders our sense of security and resilience. In its interaction with the Root Chakra, Hematite aims to balance the chakra by alleviating our fears and grounding the fretful energy rattling our nerves.

Utilize the power of Hematite to give yourself stable ground in an unstable world. While you have no control over the chaos and disorder in the world around you, with Hematite, you have help settling the storm within you.

Grounding with Hematite

Hematite is an effective grounding stone and its energy assists in balancing both the etheric and physical bodies. In doing this, Hematite helps us act from a more stable foundation. Similarly, by grounding the mind, body, and spirit with the Earth’s natural equilibrium, we reap the benefits of improved focus and concentration.

Consequently, being well-anchored means problem solving and preserving your quietude requires less effort. Improving our mindfulness allows us to create works that align more with our vision. Similarly, grounding with Hematite protects our concentration from the myriad distractions that surround us.

When we ground with Hematite, we directly connect and orient ourselves to the electrical energies the Earth emits. The natural, humming Earth currents steady our psychic mind and physical body. When we are out of sync with her gentle, voltaic flow, that’s where dis-ease and neurosis arise.

Conveniently, Hematite conducts electrical energy and is also slightly magnetic. Hematite helps to “suck out” that excess electrical energy that might fray at our nerves and steal our attention. Keep in mind that an overabundance of electrical energy at all times bombards us. Our cells phones rest in our pockets and pocketbooks, emanating a constant stream of electrical power near our person.

The T.V.s and appliances that bring our homes into the modern era likewise hum with a constant flow of electrical current. To say nothing of the streetlights and power lines outdoors, constantly caging us within a field of electricity. Placing a couple of tumbled Hematite stones around your home and office or even wearing it on your person is a suitable way to reroute this excessive energy before it overwhelms you.

Hematite Fun Fact: 164,000 Year Old Art

Excavators discovered wall etchings made with hematite pigment in a cave at Pinnacle Point, on the south coast of Africa. Researchers believe these wall etchings came from a group of Homo Sapiens that lived there some 164,000 years ago. A fascinating discovery, as these visual symbols showed that our species demonstrates advanced cognitive ability much earlier than previously assumed.

A hematite specimen with a mirror-like luster embedded in peru-orange quartz.

Video: Grounding with Hematite

Slate-colored Iron Rose Hematite, embedded in a quartz-like stone.

Hematite for Protection

There’s a reason many refer to Hematite as “The Iron Rose“. Imagine the alluring Queen of Flowers – the majestic rose – reinforced as if fashioned from metal. The nickname is an apt analogy to the power of Hematite stone. Not only is the stone entrancing and prepossessing with the theme of deep crimson intermixed in its crystal lattice, but additionally stalwart protective companion.

Hematite safeguards both the soul within and the environment surrounding it. It prevents negativity from seeping into our psyche and corrupting our inner peace. Similarly, it protects the harmony of the home from anything that would disturb the balance.

Think of Hematite as a defensive mantle – a cloak to guard you against adverse winds that might threaten your calm. For example, you might find yourself in the company of someone who trends towards obstructive or even toxic outlooks. That kind of energy can throw you off your gait and steal your shine if you’re not careful.

You can’t choose your co-workers, your family, or the attitudes of many of the people who exist in your orbit, but you can choose to protect yourself if need be. The best way to use Hematite stone to protect you in this regard is to find a means to place it right up against your skin.

Namely, you can rub a Hematite worry stone in the palm of your hand to gird yourself in its protective power. You might also consider wearing Hematite in the form of a bracelet around the wrists. Having the stone rest upon your pulse points can potentiate its effect significantly as it infuses your body with fortitude.

Wearing the “Iron Rose” about your neck in the form of a pendant is not only visually eye-catching but, likewise, an excellent way to shield yourself from hostility.

Haima: The Blood Stone

A lustrous, bulbous coral colored kidney ore hematite stone.

If you find a Hematite stone in the wild, the first thing you might notice is its vivid color. Red. Deep, blood red. The very same scarlet flush that pumps through your veins and sustains your life. That telltale crimson flux that flows from you when you receive a wound that breaks the skin.

This sanguine shock of color results from rust overtaking the iron-rich Hematite stone. This curious property of the Hematite stone inspires its name – αἷμα, or haima – the Greek word for blood. And while the hue is no doubt provocative, it also helps explain the essence of Hematite’s magic.

It’s almost as if the stone is alive. When processed on a lapidary wheel, Hematite bleeds onto the disc – no doubt a disquieting sight to someone unsuspecting. Scratch the stone slightly with your fingernail, then gently rub at the groove you created. Remarkably, the score will mend as the stone basically “heals” itself.

It is through a crucible of blood in our mother’s womb that we come to life. Contrastingly, if we lose too much blood, we die. Blood houses power over both life and death, a sentiment not lost among the many throughout history who were – and are – inspired to use Hematite in healing magic.

Hematite’s power is called upon to prevent a mother in labor from losing too much of her precious vermillion flow. On the battlefields of yore, warriors and clerics alike would carry Hematite stone for those at risk of exsanguination from their war wounds.

Contemporarily, many use Hematite’s healing power to manage the healthy balance of blood flow and conditions that concern themselves with the blood, such as high blood pressure, menstrual blood flow, and blood clots.

Hematite Fun Fact: A Blush of Color

For a painter of art, capturing just the right color is akin to a writer searching for the right words. Many artists struggle with portraying the human form – in all its complexity and variance in shape and color.

Artists during the Renaissance period found an invaluable resource in Hematite pigment for depicting complex, flesh-colored hues. After all, when ground down into pigment, the color of hematite resembles the color of the blood that gives our skin a reddish blush. Thus, mixing it with white produces a remarkably similar shade to our skin.

The added benefit of using hematite is that the color it produces is opaque and permanent. These qualities helped Renaissance painters get accustomed to working with oil and canvas as mediums to create their masterpieces.

A faceted hematite stone of with a shiny, pale gold. color.

Hematite and the Chakras

The connection between Hematite and the Root Chakra lends further credence to its power as a stabilizing stone. The Root Chakra is a red-hued coalescence of energy located at the base of your spine. Moreover, it is where our stability — or lack thereof — is made manifest. A healthy Root Chakra is, consequently, essential to feeling secure and centered.

Red things tend to resonate with the red-colored Root Chakra, making it stronger. Correspondingly, Hematite with its rusty carmine tone is no exception. A grounding force within its power keeps you in sync with the Earth’s steadying balance. Assisted by Hematite’s ability to heal and mend this chakra, you will find your fears abate, anxiety lessens, and nightmares occur less frequently.

The Root Chakra is Muladhara in Sanskrit, which translates directly to mean the “root of existence”. It is a chakra that concerns itself with the very foundations that make up our reality. It’s a “well-rooted” Root Chakra, so to speak, that warrants you the focus and perspective you need to take care of your fundamental concerns – food, safety, and shelter.

When the Root Chakra’s energy is misaligned, it becomes difficult to remain steadfast in pursuing your goals. Without a proper, solid foundation, it’s easy to get ahead of yourself and get a head on you that leads you to self-sabotaging arrogance.

Allow Hematite to ground you and bring you back to Earth. Hold it in your palm and visualize the stone drawing your anxiety and fears away. Keep it near your bed if you are prone to nightmares or other disturbances that might keep you from finding peaceful rest at night.

A pair of high lustrous hematite crystals on a matrix.

Scrying with Hematite

You will discover that Hematite is a valuable tool in your quest for answers. This concerns inquiries of temporal matters that demand rational, empirical answers, as Hematite a logic stone. Furthermore, Hematite can help you delve into the depths of mystery and mysticism for matters typically beyond the scope of our rational mind.

Scry with Hematite and allow your gaze to rest on the mirror-like stone softly to divine the answers you seek. To potentiate the magic, try to perform your scrying in a dimly lit room. As you peer into the stone, permit your subconscious to suspend its limits for a moment to grasp spiritual knowledge.

To add more potency to your endeavor, try lighting a red candle near the stone, allowing the flame to reflect off its surface. Fire is a powerful medium for change and transformation – attributes that may be pertinent to the answer to your question. Additionally, the dancing and flickering of the flame may inspire imagery that embodies the crux of your revelation.

The Connection Between Hematite and Mars

In 1998, near the Martian Equator in a region called the Sinus Meridiani, NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor made a fascinating discovery – a sizable deposit of gray Hematite.

Of the many pervading questions that vex the curiosity of those who study the planets, the question of whether or not Mars houses life is one of them. Here was another piece in solving that puzzle. You can also find gray Hematite near hot springs in Yellowstone National Park. Therefore, its discovery on Mars strongly suggests that Mars once had some form of water as well.

And where there is water, there might be life.

The science team who beheld with the discover were giddy with excitement and took to calling tiny spherules of Hematite “blueberries.” Further analysis confirmed that the hematite spherules were a concretion formed from water. Thus, while we’re yet to find concrete proof that life existed on Mars, this discovery shows there were at least one of the elements required for life to dwell there.

A black, metallic, lustrous sample of alpine hematite.

Hematite Meaning and the Metaphysics of Mars

There is much mystical wisdom to glean from the metaphysical and spiritual significance of Hematite being present on Mars. The “Red Planet,” after all, owes its very visage to the proliferation of Hematite that makes up its dust. Though the Hematite on Mars is gray, when ground down, the minute grains of the crystal reflects red light.

The planets Mars, of course, is the namesake for the storied God of War. As such, the planet is laden with the symbolism of action, courage, and desire. Likewise, it is emblematic of the warrior’s mindset you must sometimes assume when fighting for your passions, visions, and love. Life isn’t easy. At every step, it seems like danger and adversary threaten your resolve. However, the courage to care and fight for what you care for begets the strength you need to press on.

And just as the planet effuses that primal, warrior energy, so too does Hematite. But within Hematite’s power is also wisdom for the warrior within us. It is important to remember that while Hematite is a stone of impressive structural integrity, it is also quite brittle.

The lesson therein is not to allow your strength to become your folly. True power is also being able to acknowledge your weaknesses and being meek enough to be receptive to the love and nurturing of others.

Related: Crystal Magic

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| The Magic of Hematite | Grounding with Hematite | Video: Grounding with Hematite | Hematite for Protection | Haima: The Blood Stone | Hematite and the Chakras | Image Gallery: Hematite Magic | Scrying with Hematite | The Connection Between Hematite and Mars | FDA Disclaimer |

The Lightning Stone: Black Tourmaline Metaphysical Properties and Meaning

Black Tourmaline - Black Tourmaline Meaning - Elune Blue (800x445)

The Magic of Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a stone of protection and grounding and can be used as a psychic shield to ward off negative energies and deflect negativity from other people back at them. Black Tourmaline is generally considered a very powerful stone to protect against psychic attacks and negative energies, and it has the ability to convert negative energy into positive energy.

Black Tourmaline | Crystal Allies Materials | Elune Blue

Black Tourmaline is also effective when soothing panic attacks and combating claustrophobia, as well as promoting a generally positive demeanor and attitude. Black Tourmaline can also help with focus and concentration, and it can reduce the effects of environmental pollutants and electromagnetic radiation such as those that come from computers, televisions, and cell phones.*

In terms of chakra balancing and healing, Black Tourmaline corresponds to the root chakra. Keep it nearby when dealing with people in order to protect yourself from unwanted or negative energies.

Those that work in healthcare might take special care to carry black tourmaline for it can help you from being drained by those that are ill. Black Tourmaline can help keep you balanced and alert, so carrying it during stressful times or keeping it nearby in the workplace is also advised.

There are many different shades of tourmaline, but Black Tourmaline is the most prevalent, making up almost 95% of all tourmalines. Not all black tourmalines are truly black though; there are some versions of black tourmaline that are such a dark shade of blue that they are considered black.

Black tourmaline is also known as Schorl, which is also the name of a town in Saxony, Germany where the stone was found over 600 years ago. Black Tourmaline is piezoelectric in that it has the unique ability to store electricity and pyroelectric, meaning it can be electrically charged by heating or rubbing.

Black Tourmaline Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is black tourmaline used for?
    • Black Tourmaline is a stone of protection and grounding and can be used as a psychic shield to ward off negative energies and deflect negativity from other people back at them.
  2. How do you clear a black tourmaline stone?
    • You can clear black tourmaline by placing it in rock salt for at least 24 hours, then running water on the stones to clean them. In addition, black tourmaline can be charged by setting in the sun for at least an hour.
  3. Is tourmaline quartz?
    • Tourmaline is a type of quartz and it comes in various shades, from clear to white and smoky quartz which has bits of black tourmaline in it.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

The Cleansing Stone: Calcite Metaphysical Properties and Meaning– Crystal Meanings

Calcite - Calcite Meaning and Uses - Elune Blue (800x445)

The Magic of Calcite

Calcite is a stone that can amplify energy, especially mental energies, and accelerate the learning process. It is especially potent when it comes to cleansing. Simply keeping calcite in a room will cleanse the entire room of negative energies.

Transform your ideas into actions whilst speeding up your development on both a physical and spiritual level with this stunning Calcite Tumble Stone. Calcite Tumble Stones | Crystal Age | Elune Blue

Calcite is an energizer too, and while it is cleansing your house of negativity, it will also raise the energy levels of those who reside in the home. In terms of accelerating spiritual growth, calcite can help open the spiritual chakras and strengthen psychic abilities. Calcite can help the soul remember its past lives and also boosts memory.*

Calcite has protective energies and can help with grounding and centering. It also lends itself well to boosting creativity and sparking the imagination. Calcite is good for lessening stress and helping one achieve a state of calm and inner peace. It is a stone of reconciliation and can help mend arguments and bring about balance in a relationship. Calcite not only cleanses the home of negative energies but can cleanse the body as well.*

There are many types of calcite, and in terms of chakra cleansing, there is a color of calcite for each chakra. Black calcite is connected to the Root Chakra and can help when dealing with anxiety and depression. Blue Calcite can help heal the Throat Chakra and also lessen panic attacks and anxiety. Gold Calcite can be used on the Solar Plexus Chakra and carries an uplifting, energizing energy.*

Green Calcite can be used in conjunction with the Heart Chakra and heals the mind. Orange Calcite is connected to the Sacral Chakra and can help lessen fear. Pink Calcite can help us with self-acceptance and forgiveness and can guide us to being more gentle and patient with ourselves. When dealing with difficult conversations, carry Iceland Spar Calcite, as it can help with seeing the hidden meaning behind words and reading between the lines.

Calcite Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How is calcite used?
    • Calcite is a stone that can amplify energy, especially mental energies, and accelerate the learning process. It is especially potent when it comes to cleansing. Simply keeping calcite in a room will cleanse the entire room of negative energies. Calcite is an energizer too, and while it is cleansing your house of negativity, it will also raise the energy levels of those who reside in the home.
  2. Where can you find calcite in the world?
    • Calcite is found in a myriad of colors, and as a consequence, various forms of calcite can be found all over the world. Predominantly, Calcite can be found in Tennessee, Illinois, and Colorado, among the other U.S. States.

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