The Sea Stone: Aquamarine Stone Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings

Aquamarine Pillar - Aquamarine Meaning and Uses - Elune Blue (7)

The Magic of Aquamarine

Aquamarine gets its name from the Latin word aqua marinus, which translates to “water of the sea,” in reference to its pale blue color. It is the birthstone of March and is considered a symbol of friendship and loyalty. It is also associated with youth and beauty.

It was once believed that if you dreamed of aquamarine you were likely to soon make a new acquaintance. Oracles in the Middle Ages used to revere Aquamarine as a stone that could help with foretelling the future, and felt it made excellent crystal balls for divinatory pursuits.

Six Magical Uses for Aquamarine

  • Aquamarine is the “stone of the sea.” It is used for protection during travels and is also a stone of self-reflection.
  • Like the surface of the water, aquamarine can be used as a mirror into oneself and makes it a useful tool for meditation.
  • Aquamarine can be used to help further one’s understanding of themselves, as a tool in the pursuit of wisdom, as well as expand intelligence.
  • Crystal healers have used aquamarine to treat ailments such as toothaches, and sore throats.
  • Aquamarine has also been used to treat sunburns and fever, as aquamarine’s icy-blue color suggests the properties of a “cooling” effect.
  • Metaphysically speaking, aquamarine is connected to all things water, and even contains a magnetic pulse that is affected by the waxing and waning of the Moon, just like the ocean tide.

Interesting Facts About Aquamarine

  • Aquamarine is actually a form of Blue Beryl, and a majority of aquamarine comes from Brazil and Colombia.
  • Sometimes Aquamarine appears to have a yellowish hue, representing the iron inclusions within the stone. It is usually treated with heat to remove this coloration.
  • Dom Pedro is the name of the largest cut Aquamarine in the world, currently being housed at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C.
  • Sailors used to wear Aquamarine as a protection talisman and to help stave off seasickness while they were at sea, and some believed it to be the treasure of the mermaids themselves.
  • Aquamarine’s fleeting clear blue color can dull when exposed to sunlight for too long. However, it is often carefully treated with heat in order to enhance its color.
  • Aquamarine is usually cut into rectangular shapes to bring out its sparkling ocean blue.

The Magical Benefits of Aquamarine Stone*

  • Aquamarine is associated with the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra and is useful when wanting to restore peace and calm within, as well as helping with communication with others and courage.
  • Aquamarine’s calming blue is a reminder of its ability to help relieve stress and is also helpful when dealing with grief.
  • Wear Aquamarine to be instilled with courage and help with clarity while expressing emotions and speaking the truth.
  • For couples, aquamarine can be helpful in relieving marital tensions and can help rekindle the flame in couples who have been married for a long time.
  • Aquamarine is a suitable marital gift and is sometimes given to the wife by the husband on the morning after marriage.
  • Aquamarine stone is also believed to boost the immune system and alleviate allergies.

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The Traveler’s Stone: Yellow Jasper Meaning and Uses — Crystal Meanings

Yellow Jasper- Yellow Jasper Meaning and Uses - Elune Blue (800x445)

The Magic of Yellow Jasper

Yellow Jasper is a stone of protection. It is used for protection in both the spiritual and the physical world, and also when it comes to travel both on the astral and physical plane.

Tumbled Yellow Jasper | Healing Crystals | Elune Blue

Yellow Jasper can also be used to deflect an envious person or gossip and negative rumors. It was used in ancient times as a “rain-bringer,” and is considered a nurturer stone because of its ability to help relieve stress and bring peace.

Yellow Jasper is also a stone of intellect and has been used by poets, physicians, scientists, and scholars to help keep the mind focused and clear. It is also useful when trying to connect with Nature; keep Yellow Jasper nearby while sitting outdoors or communicating with animals.

The Magical Benefits of Yellow Jasper*

Yellow Jasper aligns with the Solar Plexus Chakra, the chakra of courage and confidence. Wearing Yellow Jasper can boost self-confidence and attract positive energy. It is also good for forging close relationships.

Yellow Jasper is believed to be able to absorb pain and makes it a good companion in times of stress. It is also helpful when dealing with nausea and to boost the immune system as it is a detoxifying stone. 

Interesting Facts About Jasper

The name jasper comes from the Old French word jaspre meaning “spotted stone,” in reference to the varieties of patterns jaspers often display, such as striped and spotted.

Jasper’s various patterns and incarnations are often a consequence of intrusions that grow within the stone, making for very interesting patterns once they settle over time. These inclusions can often appear as pictures, hence why some jaspers are called “picture jaspers.”

Yellow Jasper Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Jasper stone used for?
    • Yellow Jasper aligns with the Solar Plexus Chakra, the chakra of courage and confidence. Wearing Yellow Jasper can boost self-confidence and attract positive energy. It is also good for forging close relationships.
  2. What is a Jasper stone?
    • Jasper stone is a combination of quartz and chalcedony. It is commonly found in red, yellow, green, and brown colors. The iron inclusions in many jasper stones make them red, hence red jasper is the most common form of jasper.
  3. What is the meaning of the name Jasper?
    • The name jasper comes from the Old French word jaspre meaning “spotted stone,” in reference to the varieties of patterns jasper often displays, such as striped and spotted.

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The Sunshine Stone: Amber Metaphysical Properties and Meaning

Amber Necklace with Insects - Amber Meaning and Uses - Elune Blue (800x445)

The Magic of Amber

Amber, also known as Liquid Sunshine, carries within it the energies of life, happiness, love, and luck. The golden hue of amber hints at its positive energies and is often used to turn negative energy into good. Because amber can often crystallize around organisms and life forms, preserving them for thousands of years, amber is said to contain the very essence of life itself.

Amber Healing Crystal | Crystal Age | Elune Blue

Amber in its golden shades is believed to make the wearer more attractive and can heighten intellect and clarity of mind. When used in conjunction with spell work, Amber can strengthen magical energies and raise the chances that the spell will be successful.

Amber is associated with the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras and is used metaphysically for protection and psychic shielding. When dealing with illness, amber has been used to draw out the negative energies associated with it, as well as the negative energies in the environment. Amber is also considered a love crystal and is used to attract love as well as when renewing marital vows.

Amber is an excellent rubbing stone, as it carries a spark of energy that can relax and bring about calm and inner peace. Amber magical properties also include the energy of longevity, seeing as it is able to preserve things for an impressive amount of time.

Considered an organic gem, Amber is different than most gems in that it is created by organic material – a hardened resin that is a product of trees and becomes fossilized over millions of years. The name Amber comes from the Arabic word Anbar, which is an amber-colored material discharged from sperm whales.

When Amber appears cloudy, it is often because of oxygen within the stone, and simply heating it in oil can help reduce the cloudiness. The Greek word for Amber was Elektron, a word that also referred to the sun, hinting at Amber’s connection to sunlight and electricity.

Amber Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is Amber a crystal?
    • Amber is not actually a crystal, but rather a fossilized resin that comes from pine trees.  Therefore it’s considered a mineral, not a crystal.
  2. What is an amber stone?
    • Amber stone is a fossilized tree resin that, once hardened, can preserve whatever is captured within it for thousands of years. This resin is a popularly used mineral called amber which has been used to make jewelry and other adornments since Neolithic times.

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The Lightning Stone: Black Tourmaline Metaphysical Properties and Meaning

Black Tourmaline - Black Tourmaline Meaning - Elune Blue (800x445)

The Magic of Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a stone of protection and grounding and can be used as a psychic shield to ward off negative energies and deflect negativity from other people back at them. Black Tourmaline is generally considered a very powerful stone to protect against psychic attacks and negative energies, and it has the ability to convert negative energy into positive energy.

Black Tourmaline | Crystal Allies Materials | Elune Blue

Black Tourmaline is also effective when soothing panic attacks and combating claustrophobia, as well as promoting a generally positive demeanor and attitude. Black Tourmaline can also help with focus and concentration, and it can reduce the effects of environmental pollutants and electromagnetic radiation such as those that come from computers, televisions, and cell phones.*

In terms of chakra balancing and healing, Black Tourmaline corresponds to the root chakra. Keep it nearby when dealing with people in order to protect yourself from unwanted or negative energies.

Those that work in healthcare might take special care to carry black tourmaline for it can help you from being drained by those that are ill. Black Tourmaline can help keep you balanced and alert, so carrying it during stressful times or keeping it nearby in the workplace is also advised.

There are many different shades of tourmaline, but Black Tourmaline is the most prevalent, making up almost 95% of all tourmalines. Not all black tourmalines are truly black though; there are some versions of black tourmaline that are such a dark shade of blue that they are considered black.

Black tourmaline is also known as Schorl, which is also the name of a town in Saxony, Germany where the stone was found over 600 years ago. Black Tourmaline is piezoelectric in that it has the unique ability to store electricity and pyroelectric, meaning it can be electrically charged by heating or rubbing.

Black Tourmaline Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is black tourmaline used for?
    • Black Tourmaline is a stone of protection and grounding and can be used as a psychic shield to ward off negative energies and deflect negativity from other people back at them.
  2. How do you clear a black tourmaline stone?
    • You can clear black tourmaline by placing it in rock salt for at least 24 hours, then running water on the stones to clean them. In addition, black tourmaline can be charged by setting in the sun for at least an hour.
  3. Is tourmaline quartz?
    • Tourmaline is a type of quartz and it comes in various shades, from clear to white and smoky quartz which has bits of black tourmaline in it.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

The Nurturer’s Stone: Red Jasper Metaphysical Properties and Meaning

Tumbled red jasper stones, some mottled, resting on a black cloth.

The Metaphysics of Red Jasper

Red Jasper is the sacred Nurturer’s stone. The Native Americans revered it as the blood of Mother Earth herself and would channel its energies and connection to the earth to call down rain and search for bodies of water. In Ancient Egypt, women would were red jasper in amulets, in hopes that its energies would protect them and bestow them with grace and beauty.

Warriors of old would carry the stone to boost their fortitude, courage, and stamina, and also to beseech its protective powers in battle. More contemporarily, actors even appreciate the luck Red Jasper can bring them in their pursuits of fame and fortune.

Red Jasper for Courage

Use Red Jasper to embolden and strengthen courage. Red Jasper Stone can bolster fortitude and confidence as well, which makes it handy when needing to settle upon an important decision, or when trying to overcome a daunting obstacle.

Close-up on a smooth Red Jasper stone.

Quelling Anxiety with Red Jasper

Red Jasper’s energy travels straight to the root and core of the body and soul to nurture and stabilize it. It can still the mind and body, giving foundation in the midst of storms. Red Jasper can quell the rising tides of anxiety and protect against nightmares and the fears and evils of the night, which makes it a comforting snuggle-buddy for children!

Red Jasper, Sexuality and Fertility

Red Jasper’s energy can rouse the Kundalini and help it rise. In the realm of sensuality and sexuality, red jasper can ignite passions, enhance sensitivity and extend sexual pleasure. Red Jasper stone is “The Rain Bringer” and the blessed vitality of Mother Earth. Petition its power when in need of assistance regarding matters of fertility and conception.

Smooth, tumbled red jasper stones sitting in a ring on a tree stump.

Handling Legal Issues with Red Jasper

Red Jasper stone’s energy seeks truth, fairness, and justice, so employ its energies when dealing with legal matters, or when desiring to correct an unjust situation.

The Protection and Comfort of Red Jasper

While all varieties of Jasper have nurturing energy, Red Jasper is the most potent and very protective. It is often a very treasured tool in a crystal healer’s arsenal, providing comfort and support to those in need.

A red jasper elephant with smooth and rough red jasper stones in the background.

The Healing Power of Red Jasper*

  • Red Jasper’s healing energy works slowly and steadily to help with overall healing. Because of this, it is invaluable to have nearby when dealing with a prolonged illness.
  • Red Jasper Stone can help regulate the metabolism and increase overall vitality.
  • Red Jasper’s healing energy tends to centralize itself around the lower abdomen and pelvic area, and by extension can help with kidney and bladder disorders.
  • Allow Red Jasper’s deep, crimson hue to be a reminder that it also has power concerning issues with the blood as well. It can stabilize the circulatory system, and help leverage blood disorders such as anemia. It is even believed that Red Jasper can stall wounds.
  • Some crystal healers believe that Red Jasper’s has the ability to restore the sense of smell.

See the Video: The Nurturer’s Stone: Red Jasper Meaning and Uses

Red Jasper Stone and the Root Chakra

Red Jasper aligns its energies with the Root Chakra or Muladhara. The Root Chakra, just like Red Jasper, is connected to Mother Earth. It ground and stabilizes, and is the base of all other chakras.

It is also the chakra from which the Kundalini begins its ascent. All basic needs are met through the Muladhara – food, shelter, safety, and emotional needs. The Root Chakra is deeply connected to the Earth’s primal energies.

Red Jasper Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is red jasper stone?
    • Red Jasper is a stabilizing stone, helping to keep us steady in the midst of difficulties. When raising the kundalini, red jasper is a suitable companion, and in terms of heightening the sexual experience, red jasper can also be helpful, as it can extend sexual pleasure.
  2. What is jasper stone used for?
    • Red Jasper is used for balancing the root chakra and is also used to help heighten the sexual experience, bring the wearer courage, and deal with sexual trauma, among other uses.
In the realm of sexuality and sensuality, Red Jasper can help ignite passions, enhance sensitivity and extend sexual pleasure. -- Red Jasper Meaning and Uses

Interesting Facts About Red Jasper Stone

  • Red Jasper is of relative hardiness and sturdiness, registering 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale. 
  • Red Jasper Stone can be found in the westernmost areas of the United States, such as California and Oregon.
  • Massachusetts celebrates Red Jasper as its official state stone.
  • Red Jasper is a variety of Chalcedony, and is also known by the name “Imperial Red Jasper.”
  • Jaspers can be found in a variety of colors, from green to yellow and even purple.
  • Sometimes Red Jasper contains other organic materials and mineral oxides. These can lead to unique and interesting formations within the stone that sometimes appear like mountainous sceneries or valleys. These stones, popularly called “picture jasper,” are formed from petrified mud that slips its way into gas pockets of molten lava. The mud becomes superheated and when it solidifies it can make for some quite unusual and tantalizing patterns.

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The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not render medical or psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided through this website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a medical or psychological problem, you should consult your appropriate health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Links on this website are provided only as an informational resource, and it should not be implied that we recommend, endorse or approve of any of the content at the linked sites, nor are we responsible for their availability, accuracy, or content.

Dealing with a difficult legal battle? Carry Red Jasper as it can help when facing a tough legal decision. -- Red Jasper Meaning and Uses
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