Magic in a Bottle

Morning Mist 2
“Morning Mist” – Photo by Fon Reijsbergen

Everything is magic.  Every day I am affirmed of this.  There is a certain synergy that orders the entirety universe…and also my meager footsteps.  There is magic in the glistening sunrise, and in the respite of sunset.  There is magic in a child’s eye when they glow because she is happy, and also in an elder’s soul that comes from her wisdom.

Magic is everywhere.  There’s magic in the flowers when they rise to greet the sun in the morning.  The Moon uses her magic to control the tides of the massive ocean.  The world is alive with magic and enchantment.  Magic is the Mist.  Magic is the Wind.  Magic is in the pure white of winter snow.

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“Snow Scene” – Photo by Margot Hamer

Magic is serendipity.  It is the chance encounter that you happen upon that changes your life forever.  Magic is there when two people meet; fall madly in love, and the sparks fly.  The birth of a child is a magical miracle – the creation of new life.  When our loved ones pass and we feel them from beyond…this is magic.  It is unexplained.  It is discovery.  Everything is magic.

And yet, though magic is everywhere, and everything, it is intriguingly mysterious.  It cannot be defined, despite humanity’s best efforts to pin it down…since the beginning of time.  Spells, potions, rituals, and superstitions…all have tried to capture Magic in a bottle, only the have it slip effortlessly through the seams – never being contained, but ever-present.

I will admit in a past life, I too tried desperately to confine what Magic is.  It was almost an obsession of sorts.  I came from a staunchly religious tradition – church, prayers, God, Bibles… was the world I was born into.  Sitting in the pews in my Sabbath’s best, I yearned for the preacher to somehow enliven the drab I felt inside of me.  He never did.  I would call to God in the Heavens to show me magic – show me the power by which his Son walked on water; those miracles that became legend.  I wanted to see it.  I wanted to know that Magic was real….

Sunbeam Cross 2
“Sunbeam Cross” – Photo by Robert Jedlinski 

…But got no answer.

However, that was a different phase of my life — a different time.  I’ve since drifted from that world and now live and embrace the fact that…magic is everywhere.  And that’s more than enough for me.  Instead of calling for miracles to come down from Heaven, I know that all I need to do is look up at the Moon and see her beautiful glow…is magic.

Moon 1
“Moon and Trees” – Photo by Jared Swaffold

I’m on a journey, as we all are.  I want to grow in the magic.  I want to learn more about this force that holds my world together.  Magic is no longer the old man sitting on a cloud somewhere in deep space controlling my life.  She is the best friend that walks by my side as I enjoy the beautiful blossoms of spring.  She is the extra ingredient that makes the cookies I bake soft, gooey, and chewy.  Magic is the love in my husband’s eyes as we lay down to rest.

…And I’ve decided I want to learn her name.

Take this journey with me.  I’d like to invite you in.  Perhaps you are curious yourself about Magic.  Come join me, and we’ll find out together.  I want this blog to become a journal of that experience, and you get the key.

Explore Magic…with me.

The Mist of Falls 2
“The Mist of the Falls” – Photo by Brad Merring.

Featured Image: “Cherry Tree Path by Gabriel Doyle.

7 Replies to “Magic in a Bottle”

  1. Talk about poetic!!! You have so beautifully captured the essence of magic…it is everywhere, indeed…what an imaginative, welcoming spirit you have….your enthusiasm is contagious…your invitations are so enticing and welcoming….you are just so lovely 🙂 Thanks for sharing 🙂

      1. Thank you…and, no pressure or expectation….I will be happy to “see” you when I see you, and it will be a wonderful surprise. You’ve really brightened my day, my new friend 🙂

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